laying the crowley ghost

(Added emphasis, June 2 – please read my post today on hypnosis and color effects in film and tv, which discusses specific applications of technical trickery to achieve pseudo supernatural effects by Hollywood initiates.

June 1 – I wish I could get more people to digest the implications of this, given that Tony Blair is being paid a fortune by would-be clerical-fascist interests to travel the globe claiming that “religion is the new politics.” To spell it out, what we have here is an engineered effect that looks “Satanic” : people who get Crowleyan initiations run amok, kill themselves, etc., like characters in horror movies, but the trick is simple and non supernatural – RB)

A lot of people seem to have heard more or less distorted rumors about this, so I am going to nail it to the wall here and now. As is well known, there exists a pseudo-Masonic or para-Masonic organisation called the “Ordo Templi Orientis,” which has an extremely tangled history, but in any case was revived on a commercial, mass-market basis by a US Army Lieutenant named Grady McMurtry in 1977, as a vehicle supposedly to bring the great doctrines of Aleister Crowley to the masses.

It is also fairly well-known in Masonic circles that this organisation is by nature of a booby-trap for hippies and drop-outs who imagine that by gaining initiation in it they will become privy to a whole series of “sex, drugs and rock-n-roll” type orgies. These hippies and drop-outs, being in fact sheep by psychological type and easily led (otherwise they would never have joined) can be induced by a simple ruse to give themselves permanently painful spinal injuries in the course of their initiations. This is considered in the aforesaid Masonic circles to be rather a fitting and ironic punishment for them, since they are not only sheep but parasites and wasters, and their morals are clearly non-existent, or worse.

However, what is not so widely understood is that the OTO proceeds beyond this, to a series of advanced rituals in which these unfortunates are given LSD and presented to the higher membership as souls in hell—as indeed they are, if you can imagine the effects of taking LSD while suffering the constant galling fetter of sciatica. The ideas behind this can be traced back to the “psychic driving” experiments of Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron, on behalf of the CIA, between 1957 and 1964, which combined physical pain induced by electroshock with large LSD doses. These experiments were, officially at least, terminated with extreme prejudice, since it is difficult to imagine anything more hellish, and even hardened CIA operatives blanch at the thought of it. However, the practice persists, and one wonders what unpleasant exploits the victims have been persuaded to undertake while in this ritually and physically “driven” state.

I am in an unusual position vis-a-vis this affair : I underwent these initiations deliberately, knowing they were booby-trapped, but not knowing in detail exactly how it was done, because I wanted to get to the bottom of it all (if you will excuse the term) and expose it.


  1. Daniel E.
    Posted June 1, 2008 at 10:15 am | Permalink

    Tony Blair is being paid a fortune by would-be clerical-fascist interests

    One would hope that the centre leftists who backed him all this time are now going to have to denounce him as a fantasist for spewing all this garbage.

    Incidently are you refering to the Catholic Church as clerical-fascists?

  2. niqnaq
    Posted June 1, 2008 at 10:30 am | Permalink

    Let those who consider that the cap fits, wear it. I have little interest in conventional religion, or in any religion when viewed conventionally.

    Reverend Pfleger, who is to my mind a clear provocateur, engaged in a long-term mission to kneecap the fairly inoffensive Barack Obama, is a priest of the Catholic Church. One must suspect that he is not a solitary provocateur, but part of a larger scheme, must one not? After all, priests of the Catholic Church have a long, long history of posing as caring, sharing men of the people, and thus diverting the quest for straighforward and self-reliant socialism, all over the world.

    Turning to the faiths themselves : I am fundamentally out of sympathy with the idea that God is in any sense whatever gendered, as in “father,” and also with the idea that any apparent human is any more God’s offspring than any other. I am intrigued by the idea that the Jewish and Muslim God is implicitly less gendered than the Christian one, at least in this respect. One must allow for the gender metaphysics of the period when the various “scriptures” were written, of course, but it is only Christianity that explicitly claims that their God fathered a child upon a human female – this is a notion from ancient Greek “pagan” myth.

    Incidentally, who are you, “Daniel E”?

  3. Daniel E.
    Posted June 1, 2008 at 12:04 pm | Permalink

    Incidentally, who are you, “Daniel E”?

    Just someone who likes discussing politics and secretarianism. Politically I’d say I’m a Pat Buchananite type minus the Catholicism and ethnic chauvanism.

    I really am interested though in who you think is behind Tony Blair’s activities.

  4. niqnaq
    Posted June 1, 2008 at 12:18 pm | Permalink

    I don’t think I have much time for Pat Buchanan types, with or without Catholicism and ethnic chauvinism. I can’t see what would be left of Buchananism without them, anyway, except some sort of “libertarian” bogus economics.

    Why don’t you use your proper name, like I do? And why don’t you take my advice and think about the issue I have raised, which is bogus supernaturalism used to shore up bogus moralism?

    I have spent the last twelve hours or so watching all the video files of “V,” and the thoroughly redundant Catholic priest in it makes me reflect on the Hays Code, which made Hollywood into a compromise vehicle for supernatural effects and bogus ethics.

  5. Daniel E.
    Posted June 1, 2008 at 12:38 pm | Permalink

    I can’t see what would be left of Buchananism without them, anyway, except some sort of “libertarian” bogus economics.

    Wait. I wasn’t refering to his economic views. I just meant in the sense of not being a liberal and being a non-interventionist. He’s just the most promenant example who fits into that.

    Why don’t you use your proper name, like I do?

    Because I’m self conscious.

    And why don’t you take my advice and think about the issue I have raised, which is bogus supernaturalism used to shore up bogus moralism?

    I understand that. It’s just that when you said he was being paid by clerical fascist you were refering to specific individuals.

  6. niqnaq
    Posted June 1, 2008 at 12:50 pm | Permalink

    you’re wasting my time. please stop posting leading questions and useless answers.

    I may add that a commenter from Xymphora who has been banned from commenting here for a while – a certain Ken Hoop – has been so jarred by reading the above exchange that he has posted an extremely revealing remark, to the effect that Buchananism is not “libertarian” at all, but a matter of autarchy and isolationism. This is revealing because of the way Buchanan lurks behind the “libertarian” Justin Raimondo and his This lurking is characteristic, historically, of proto-fascism.

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