Daily Archives: October 18, 2008

energising the base

“We believe that the best of America is not all in Washington, D.C.  We believe that the best of America is in these small towns that we get to visit, and in these wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America, being here with all of you hard working very patriotic, um, very, um, pro-America areas of this great nation. This is where we find the kindness and the goodness and the courage of everyday Americans. Those who are running our factories and teaching our kids and growing our food and are fighting our wars for us. Those who are protecting us in uniform. Those who are protecting the virtues of freedom.”

some pre-emptive meddling from haaretz

words of advice from Aluf Benn:

[…] Obama will aspire to improve the status and image of the US internationally, after the nadir reached under Bush’s eight years in office. That effort will oblige him to take an interest in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, if only to placate those who supported him in his run for the presidency. Israel will have to be careful not to give the impression that it is hampering Obama’s foreign policy, like a kind of vestige from the Bush period. Accordingly, Jerusalem will have to shy away from moves that will look like provocations in the international arena, such as authorizing extensive building in the settlements, at least until it becomes clear who Obama is and how he is going about the business of being president. Obama will not have time on his hands to mediate between Israel and the Arabs. He will have to decide whether to appoint a special presidential emissary to the region. Perhaps someone like Richard Holbrooke, who mediated between the factions in former Yugoslavia, with rich experience, a broad mandate and an open line to the White House. The Israelis and Palestinians have neutralized quite a few such mediators in the past, and can succeed in doing the same with the next emissary, but, as in the case of Rice, they will have to go about it very carefully, without offending the new president. Livni will find it difficult to depend on the Jewish establishment in the US, which for the most part worked against Obama. She will need a close liaison with the president. Perhaps Lester Crown, the 82-year-old Chicago billionaire, who was one of Obama’s first Jewish supporters in the primaries against Hillary Clinton. Crown is closely connected to Israel, takes an interest in its strategic problems, and will undoubtedly be able to intervene at moments of crisis.

michelle malkin & joe the plumber

[…] despite the fact that Joe the Plumber is not a licensed plumber or a union member, and despite the fact that his employer does not run a union shop, on his MySpace page Joe the Plumber has the balls to use the union logo from Columbus Local 50 of the United Assn. of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry. He’s a non-union craftsman using a respected union logo. In some places, that would still get you a well-deserved ass-kicking. Union credentials, especially in the skilled trades, are hard to obtain and really count for something. You hire a union plumber, electrician or mechanic, and you know that you’ve hired a competent worker, an expert. Making this whole thing even more gruesome, not only is Joe the Plumber posing on his website as a union member, but Local 50 has already formally endorsed Barack Obama for president. Ouch. – David Macaray, CounterPunch

laughland a bit more plausible than mishin

Ideology & Politics
John Laughland, RIA Novosti

President Dmitri Medvedev’s speech to the Evian political forum on 8 Oct has been greeted with near-total silence by the European commentariat. In it, he proposed the creation of a pan-European security structure to include the present Euro-Atlantic organisation, i.e. NATO. The reason for the lack of much reaction might be that people’s minds have been concentrated on the world financial crisis. It is also possible that the silence is better explained by the fact that Western politicians and commentators simply do not know what to say. On one level, the speech can be seen in the context of a long historical continuity in Russian foreign policy, renewing as it does Moscow’s decades-old desire for institutional inclusion into world affairs, from Brezhnev’s signature of the Helsinki accords in 1975 to Gorbachev’s call for a “Common European Home” throughout the 1980s. Russia has been an enthusiastic member of the United Nations ever since it was created in 1945, and so it was natural that Medvedev should call for that institution to be respected and strengthened. At a deeper level, however, the speech expressed a frustration with Western policy which is particularly acute at the moment, and for well-known reasons. It contained an excellent one-liner, “Sovietology, like paranoia, is a dangerous disease” — Western policy-making towards Russia is indeed severely infected by both — but also a reference to something whose importance even the Russian president himself may perhaps under-estimate. Medvedev expressed regret that an earlier attempt to “de-ideologise international relations” had been missed. He was referring to the way in which the USA spurned Russia’s offer to help in the war on terror. He offered a new way of achieving the same result with his proposal for a new European security pact based on the mutual respect of state’s rights.

Medvedev’s problem is that de-ideologising international relations is exactly what most Western politicians are absolutely determined to avoid. Of course American foreign policy is dominated by ideology, that of neo-conservatism. It is a strange hybrid of militaristic nationalism, old-fashioned Low Church millennarianism, with a good dose of neo-Trotskyite dreaming about global democratic revolution. In fact, this is exactly why US foreign policy is so dangerous: ideology destroys politics, because it encourages leaders to think that they are the bearers of a universal idea, not representatives of a state with finite and special interests. The latter view presupposes that other states have legitimate interests too, which can be balanced out in the give and take of international negotiation. By contrast, universal ideas brook no dissent, and states which do not share them are regarded not just as enemies to be defeated, but even as a threat to humanity itself, who must be comprehensively destroyed. However, the same is also true of those European leaders whom Medvedev was evidently trying to woo. The very existence of the European Union is based on ideology — on the view that the harshness of “old politics” can be overcome with a new, softer “European ideology”, and that narrow national interests can be overcome and transfigured into universal ones within the post-modern, post-national and unpolitical Euro-structure. The one thing that is guaranteed to make any Euro-politician quake with hostility and fear is any hint at the notion of the balance of power: power is a dirty word in Europe, because European leaders, like Americans, hypocritically think of themselves as pursuing ideology, not politics.

The mindset of Russian political leaders could not be more different. If the Communist experience taught the men in Moscow one thing, it is that ideology is fatal for both domestic politics and international relations. They know that the ideologies of socialism and the international class struggle brought Russia to her knees. In 2007, Vladimir Putin specifically attacked Lenin for destroying Russia by putting the ideology of world revolution first. Post-Soviet Russian leaders have learned that politics is better than ideology — much better. Because the faith of European and American politicians in ideology remains unshakeable, they retain a hatred for politics in the true sense of the term. Hence their hatred of Russia. Just as Marx and Engels regarded Christian Russia as a threat to their ideology, so EU officials understand that the Russia of Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev behaves politically, not ideologically. Moreover, since Russia is both indisputably a European state, and yet also physically too big and too powerful to be “integrated” (that word which fully expresses the dull suppression of all national difference within a single anonymous euro-technocracy) into either the EU or NATO, EU policy-makers rail against it in frustration; because its very existence threatens their most deeply cherished beliefs about the world. So, when Dmitry Medvedev says he wants international relations to be de-ideologised, he is asking for something which Western policy-makers (especially Europeans) have either never thought about, or against which they react with fury. De-ideologising international relations would mean abandoning the European ideology. It would mean precisely re-introducing politics itself, that delicate art of reconciling what are recognised as legitimate competing national interests. The EU, based as it is on the ideological denial of the very notion of the nation-state (and even of the nation itself), has spent the last fifty years trying to do the opposite. Until Moscow fully understands this strange mindset of European leaders, its attempts to overcome it will be doomed to failure.

pravda blames trotskyites for u.s. empire

Russia is no longer the Soviet Union, no longer the Stalinist Marxists, but Economic Trotskyite Marxism (fascism) is alive and well, having infected the West, flowing from the decayed corpse of Military Trotskyite Marxism (Nazism). NATO is the final guard against the return of the traditional world, where nations sought economic advantage for themselves not in the name of some mutant form of Internationalism. It is the final guard against nationalistic states that sought the betterment of their people first and foremost and not that of some hypothetical global village or for the internationalistic elite. The Bank Panic of 2008 may be, however the final stone to knock down this aged and staggering Goliath. The Anglo-American Trotskyites who created this mess are in short, bankrupt. Their ability to project power grows weaker every day with a new DOW low. At the same time, nations such as Iceland, once one of their key military posts, are seeking aid not from their so called allies but from Russia itself. Bound together by economic or cultural or religious or historical ties, or all of the above, nations such as Iceland, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Czech, Slovakia and others will naturally pull away from the now bankrupt alliance. Historical ties that were supposed to have died along with history, as proclaimed by one of the fathers of Trotskyite Neoconism: Fukuyama, will now return the globe to an equilibrium long not seen and one that promises more stability than the Internationalist regimes of the past 100 years.

– from Stanislav Mishin, Pravda

bloomberg compared to wizard of oz

State Sen. Eric Adams refers to
Mike Bloomberg as the ‘Wizard of Oz’

Adam Lisberg, Kathleen Lucadamo, NY Daily News

They yelled, they taunted, they cajoled, and they praised, but by the end of the second day of raucous hearings on Mayor Bloomberg’s bill to extend term limits, they did almost everything but agree. Referring to Bloomberg as the infamous “Wizard of Oz,” State Sen. Eric Adams (D-Brooklyn) warned the lawmakers, “You’ve got to pay attention to the man behind the curtain. Don’t be the puppet, please.” The two men who hope to succeed Bloomberg next year – Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Queens) and City Controller William Thompson – weren’t any kinder. Thompson said the Bloomberg-crafted bill “shatters the bonds of trust that are the essence of good government.” Weiner similarly chimed in, “If you take away the citizens’ right to make these decisions, you’re undermining the very foundation on which all of you sit.” The daylong hearing was interrupted shortly after it began at 10 a.m. when protesters holding a sign that read “Bloomberg to Democracy: Drop Dead” were ushered out of the crowded Council chambers. Patricia Donnelly of Howard Beach, Queens, urged the Council to vote down the plan. “To do otherwise is a disgrace to the Democratic process.” Bloomberg received a nod of support from Time Warner Chairman Dick Parsons, who said he is best suited to lead the city through the upcoming fiscal crisis. “In times such as these, there is simply no substitute for leadership that has been tested,” he said.

Several pro-Bloomberg attendees at the two-day hearing were from a group that has benefitted from the billionaire. The Doe Fund, which puts the homeless to work cleaning streets in blue jumpsuits that say “Ready, Willing and Able,” sent 46 speakers to City Hall Thursday to hear its president, George McDonald, testify. The charity has received city grants worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and a $2,000 “anonymous” donation from the mayor’s accountant, Geller & Co., documents show. “They weren’t bused,” McDonald insisted Friday before slamming the phone down. “How about they were citizens of New York City?” The mayor’s proposal has caused an upheaval in political circles but questions surrounding campaign finance were solved yesterday. The Campaign Finance Board essentially said candidates who had raised money for higher office and now want to seek their old jobs don’t have to return donations for which they no longer qualify. Instead, they can “freeze” those accounts, create new ones, transfer in money that isn’t above those limits, and old expenses won’t count toward spending limits for the new race, according to CFB. Meanwhile, sources told the Daily News that Bloomberg also got a star-studded nod from actor Robert De Niro, who sent a letter to the City Council Friday to express his “strong support” for extending terms legislatively.

best palin booing audio

protecting the market for u.s. treasuries

US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson’s $700b bailout plan to buy up distressed mortgage assets has spun off its own $250b subsidiary plan, to inject $125b in equity capital into 9 of the biggest commercial and investment banks in the country. Another $125b may possibly go to smaller regional banks and thrifts, assuming they will sign on to the deal. The bulk of the first $125b will be dispersed among Uncle Sam’s own brokers, or in street parlance, Primary Dealers. Primary dealers are those financial firms anointed by the Federal Reserve to participate in the Fed’s open market activities, and are required to participate to a significant degree in buying up Treasury securities at every Treasury auction. In other words, without these firms, the US Government would have no means of financing its own funding needs. Here’s how much of the $125b the Fed’s Primary Dealers will collect : Citigroup, $25b ; JPMorgan Chase & Co., $25b ; Bank of America and its soon to be acquired brokerage, Merrill Lynch, $25b ; Goldman Sachs, $10b ; Morgan Stanley, $10b. In other words, of the first $125b outlay from the emergency bailout fund, 76% is going to shore up Uncle Sam’s brokers. In 1988 there were 46 primary dealers. That number had shrunk to 30 by 1999. In June 2008 there were 20. In rapid succession since July, three more have disappeared from bad bets : Countrywide Securities (shotgun marriage with Bank of America) ; Lehman Brothers, bankrupt ; Bear, Stearns (shotgun marriage with J.P. Morgan Securities). That currently leaves 17 and that number will drop to 16 when Merrill Lynch is folded into Bank of America. The rest of the 16 primary dealers, that are not getting part of the $125b, are foreign banks.

Pam Martens, CounterPunch (extract)

succinct anyway

“Denial” plays on through early November, amidst growing world ruin.
Sarah and John sing:

Obama’s a Muslim
with terrorist allies,
John and Minnie Moose
As American as apple pies.

The chorus chants: “Drill baby drill. USA USA USA.”

Saul Landau, CounterPunch

a rare poke in the eye for israel

Elbit acedes to UK request to cancel UAV trials in occupied Golan
Anshel Pfeffer, Zohar Blumenkrantz, Haaretz

Elbit Systems canceled recently a series of trials for its unmanned drones that it had been planning to carry out in the Golan Heights on behalf of the British Army. The tests were canceled after London objected to the trials being conducted at the Golan Piq airfield, across the Green Line, said security and aviation sources. The UAVs are part of the British defense ministry’s Watchkeeper project — an £800m project to provide the British Army with UAVs for all-weather, intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance use. The Watchkeeper, based on the Elbit Hermes 450 UAV, is expected to begin operating in 2010. The British Defense Ministry said that

It is the long-held position of the UK Government that the Golan Heights is occupied territory. In this context the UK Defense Ministry would consider it inappropriate to use the facilities at the Golan Heights as part of the Watchkeeper program.

The Israeli company has instead reached an agreement with the Airports Authority to run the trials at an airport in the northern city of Rosh Pina, despite fears they could be hazardous to area residents and the environment. Elbit would not respond to Haaretz‘s request for an interview. The company would only comment that

The activity is fully compatible with the Airports Authority’s requirements, including noise regulations. It should be noted that Elbit System operates in the same area and at the same time that commercial aviation companies carry out their own ongoing aviation operation.

The Israeli defense ministry said it was unaware of the matter. Residents in Rosh Pina said this is the first time UAV test flights have been carried out from the area, and environmental groups warn the activity could pose a threat to area residents and the environment. The sources told Haaretz that the drones’ noise level is higher than permitted. They also warned of the insurance problems that could arise in the case of an aerial accident or crash in a civilian populated area. In addition, keeping the UAVs in Rosh Pina’s airport would require building new structures that are not approved by the area’s planning commission. The Airports Authority said the necessary infrastructures would be built on Air Force and Defense Ministry territories; the air strip used for the tests would be the Air Force runway that crosses the civilian runway in the Rosh Pina airport.