the libertarian right hoax quotient

I propose that we record for posterity the discovery of a new constant quantity in the firmament of Political Science — the LIBERTARIAN RIGHT HOAX QUOTIENT, or LRHQ. This is a constant quantity of a trans-historical nature, independent of all concrete specific political issues, and represents the level to which the right wing public collectively can be induced to believe that the Rest-Of-The-World (ROTW) is practicing collective deception upon them, preparatorily to a planned stealth conquest by subversion of ‘America’.

Topics to be embraced within the LRHQ range from global warming to keynesianism, and from trilateralism to godless bolshevism, and the more irrelevant the issue to which you can attach the LRHQ, the less of it there will be left for the public to give credit any real, actually existing conspiracies.

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