settler shooting palestinians in hebron

As the violence continued, a man from Kiryat Arba, armed with an M-16 rifle, entered the valley and opened fire on the Palestinians with rubber bullets, wounding three of them. Two of the wounded, an elderly man and his son, were taken into a nearby Palestinian home, where they waited for medical attention. The third victim was unaccounted for by press time…
The young men from Kiryat Arba exact their ‘price’ in the valley by Abe Selig, JPost, Dec 5 2008 (extract)


  1. Posted December 5, 2008 at 8:55 pm | Permalink

    Every day we come across more people and particularly more Jews who are fed up with exactly this kind of pure racist lawlessness. When one party has the finest air force on Earth plus an effective militia force that is better armed than most armies it no longer matters who shot first.

  2. Sam
    Posted December 7, 2008 at 1:52 am | Permalink

    Anywhere else in the world that would be self-defense.

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