when the kissing had to stop

extracted from Daily Mail (UK), Jul 21, 2008

The Green Paper on Benefit Reform published today by Work and Pensions Secretary James Purnell is part of the biggest-ever crackdown on welfare abuse. The proposals are also seen as part of a campaign by ambitious ‘arch Blairite’ Mr Purnell to establish his credentials as a possible successor to Gordon Brown. The proposals were drawn up for Mr Purnell by investment banker David Freud, the great-grandson of Sigmund Freud. Mr Freud was commissioned by Tony Blair to lead a similar welfare shake-up three years ago, but it was blocked by Mr Brown, who was then Chancellor. At the time he presented his proposals, Mr Freud is said to have been involved in an angry confrontation with Mr Brown. However, after Conservative leader David Cameron last year gave his backing to Mr Freud’s radical welfare plans, Mr Brown performed a dramatic U-turn on his support for the ideas.