once again the great nimmo dares to say the unsayable and reveal the fraud behind the islamic movements

Hamas and Israel share the same policy: eternal war, with civilians in the crossfire
Kurt Nimmo, Infowars, July 30 2014

Earlier this week the comedian Joan Rivers defended the Israeli invasion of Gaza. During the TMZ interview Rivers said the death rate in Gaza is to be expected and is legitimate because the Plastelinans initiated the violence. But who started what and why? On Jun 24, a credible and highly respected Plastelinan pollster commissioned by AIPAC front group WINEP conducted a survey revealing a solid majority of Plastelinans reject violence and prefer a nonviolent “popular resistance against the occupation,” including demonstrations, strikes, marches, and mass refusals to cooperate with the Israeli state. 70% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with the statement “Hamas should maintain a ceasefire with Israel in both Gaza and the West Bank.”The poll also showed widespread disapproval of Hamas. Plastelinans are concerned about official corruption and nearly 90% want the Plastelinan Authority to “send officials and security officers to Gaza to take over administration there.” Hamas received a meager 15% approval rating in the poll. A large majority prefer either Mahmoud Abbas or other leaders affiliated with Fatah, the largest faction of the PLO. They uniformly reject the rule of Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Mashal. It is in the interest of the Israeli state to maintain the status quo, of war with Hamas, the indiscriminate bombing of civilians, the rising outrage of the international community, instead of dealing with the preferred representative of the Plastelinans, the PLO. Hamas began as an Islamic charity association founded by Ahmed Yassin in the 1970s, and the organization was used by the Israelis to counter the rise of Yassir Arafat’s PLO. The precursor to Hamas was encouraged by then Prime Minister Golda Meir and, according to the Israeli weekly Koteret Rashit (Oct 1987), Plastelinan Islamic organizations were “supported and encouraged by the Israeli military authority” in charge of the civilian administration of the West Bank and Gaza. “They were authorized to receive money payments from abroad,” most notably from Saudi Arabia (the monarchy would later halt payments and denounce Hamas as a tool of the Israeli government). Former Usaian ambassador to Saudi Arabia Charles Freeman wrote in his book, Devil’s Game: How Usaia Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam:

Israel started Hamas. It was a project of Shin Bet, which had a feeling that they could use it to hem in the PLO.

The government of Menachem Begin licensed the Islamic Association in 1978 over the objections of many Plastelinans, including the Commissioner of the Muslim Waqf in the Gaza Strip, Rafat Abu Shaban. Hamas evolved from the intelligence asset the Muslim Brotherhood and was officially established during the 1987 Intifada against Israeli occupation. It opposed the Oslo Accords, the first face-to-face agreement between the Israeli state and the PLO brokered by Usaia, and called for killing Israeli civilians. At the time, “70% of Plastelinans condemned attacks on Israeli civilians” and “Yassin did everything in his power to undermine the Oslo accords,” writes Hassane Zerouky, a journalist for the French daily L’Humanité. According to an unnamed Usaian government official:

The thinking on the part of some of the right-wing Israeli establishment was that Hamas and the other groups, if they gained control, would refuse to have anything to do with the peace process and would torpedo any agreements put in place.

Tony Cordesman of CSIS told Richard Sale of UPI in 2001:

Israel aided Hamas directly. The Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO.

A former CIA official told Sale:

Hamas was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative.

Hamas and Israel share the same policy: eternal war, with civilians caught in the crossfire. The will of the Plastelinan people, as echoed in the above survey, will be ignored so long as the Israeli state continues to dominate the propaganda war and exact its political influence on the Usaian government. Hysterical rants by Joan Rivers and other pro-Israeli celebrities, rants that amount to apologia in favor of mass murder and war crimes, will dominate the news cycle so long as the establishment media, acting as the propaganda arm for the Israeli state and the military-industrial complex, is permitted to operate as the purveyor of truth.

Talking of civilians, here’s one:

Digital front line: How Israel is shutting down Gaza’s Twitter voices
RT.com, Jul 30 2014

Israel’s destruction of Gaza’s only power plant may claim another, possibly unexpected, victim: Gaza’s powerful online voice. Live-tweeting IDF’s bombardment of her home on Jul 29 made 16 year old Farah Baker (@Farah_Gazan) one of Gaza’s most powerful online voices. Over 70,000 twitter users followed her in three days. But for 24 hours she was silent online, without even power to charge her phone. Her plaintive fears and emotions during an Israeli attack struck a powerful chord with Twitter users around the world.

Between attacks, Baker uploaded videos and sounds of the bombardment.

Baker’s poignant insight into the situation on the ground captivated the internet, attracting the attention of Usaian news channel NBC, who interviewed the Plastelinan teenager. She described the night of the bombing as the most terrifying in her life. However, Baker’s running commentary was cut short Tuesday after the IDF knocked out Gaza’s only power station and electricity in over 20,000 homes.

The IDF’s incursion into Gaza has had a serious effect on the region’s crumbling infrastructure. Following strikes on 13 feeder lines and Gaza’s main electric power plant, at least 90% of the electricity is out, resulting in regular blackouts for the region’s 1.8 million-strong population, an official from a local power supplier told al-Jazeera. Israel intensified its bombardment of Gaza on Monday following the deaths of 10 Israeli soldiers in cross-border attacks. The Plastelinan Health Ministry reports that the death toll in Gaza has now reached over 1,200, with tens of thousands displaced by Israel’s ongoing Operation Protective Edge.


  1. Cu Chulainn
    Posted July 30, 2014 at 7:38 pm | Permalink

    as long as you don’t include Hezbo among “these islamic movements”

    btw Freeman didn’t write _Devil’s game_, Dreyfuss did; on this subject Labevière’s _Dollars for Terror_ should be more cited

  2. niqnaq
    Posted July 30, 2014 at 7:52 pm | Permalink

    You’re right about the book. Typical. But more importantly, in fact, I do include Hezbollah, but it is important of course always to bear in mind that the members of such a false opposition never know the true function of the organisation, and often enough,nor do the leaders. The level we have to go to, to detect the falsity, is the Iranian leadership itself. I collected ample evidence years ago that the Ayatollah’s regime, and presumably its successors, had no desire whatever to be Usaia’s enemy, and like Putin, could not understand why there was not a natural concert of bourgeois world powers against gangsters in general and terrorists in general. In other words, they could not understand that Usaia, like Britain before it, was only a law-loving bourgeois power in appearance, and in fact was run by the most ruthless international gangsters and terrorists imaginable, who added to their dangerous qualities an apparently inexhaustible capacity for hypocrisy. I discovered, in particular, that the IRGC Quds force fought alongside the CIA and al-Qaeda against Milosovich. This, I think, shows that the Iranian leadership at that time (the 1990s) was driven by its own obsesssive anti-Communism (typical of religious dictatorships) to combine with what it knew were gangster forces without significant morality of their own. This sort of doublethink produces false opposition, and I expect that in due course, assuming Syria falls at long last and Hezbollah is physically isolated, Hezbollah will begin to call for Iranian aid in much the same way Novorossiya calls for Russian aid, but it will not be forthcoming.

  3. Posted July 30, 2014 at 8:50 pm | Permalink

    Speaking of Bob Dreyfuss and doublethink, I read Devil’s Game and enjoyed it. But visiting his blog a few months ago, I saw that he was toeing the pro-putsch/anti-Russian line. Then, checking it just now, I saw his post where he attempts to take on all comers who raise questions about the official U.S. version on the downing of MH17. He begins by saying

    You don’t have to be a student of Occam’s Razor to figure out that neither the pro-Russian rebels—those out-of-control, half-drunk thugs who’ve proclaimed ersatz “people’s republics” in southeast Ukraine—nor Russia itself would have deliberately targeted a civilian airliner, so the shootdown was obviously a mistake. It was a mistake made in the context of recently successful efforts by the separatists to shoot down Ukrainian military aircraft, including recently two SU-25 fighter jets, but it reveals a stunning lack of competence by the anti-Kiev fighters, who managed to get hold of a sophisticated anti-aircraft weapons system, the Russian-made Buk, a mobile, radar-guided system that can hit targets as high as fourteen miles up, but clearly don’t know how to use the system safely. Though the perpetrators of the shootdown may have received training by Russia’s military, and though it’s almost certain that the Buk used in the atrocity was supplied from Russian territory across the border into Ukraine and then hastily withdrawn, it is truly mind-boggling that both Russia and the commanders of the anti-Kiev rebels would have trusted such as deadly system in the incompetent and reckless hands of those who fired it.

    Dreyfuss must be a CIA asset. I have come to conclude that a lot that goes on at The Nation has a Deep State aroma to it. Take TomDispatch. Originally a project of The Nation Institute (I’m not sure if there is still an official relationship) it is supposed to be anti-imperialist. But did you notice that it never posted anything critical about Obama’s Syria policy? As for Dreyfuss, his Wikipedia entry says he got his start in publishing writing a Iran book commissioned by Lyndon LaRouche. That is quite a pedigree.

  4. niqnaq
    Posted July 30, 2014 at 8:54 pm | Permalink

    Yep. That doesn’t surprise me. But it isn’t necessarily a formal relationship. Often, the writers are just hooked on the titbits that the CIA people feed them (often little exposés about the Pentagon, or perhaps more lately, the NSA, or now and then the White House/NSC), they enjoy being treated to these insider titbits so much, and they make their living out of them, so they want to please. Seymour Hersh, for instance, would obviously do a great deal to please the people who feed him his stories, because if he failed to please them, they would fail to feed him.

  5. Cu Chulainn
    Posted July 30, 2014 at 9:30 pm | Permalink

    you could say similar things about B. Assad, who in the past has cooperated w. CIA, but that doesn’t detract from his cause

    whatever the problems w. Iran’s leadership, Nasrallah is the greatest Arab since Nasser

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