it’s pretty well-known already that cheney is, like, darth vader in person

Torture, ‘Meet the Press’ and Cheney’s Quest for Revenge
Dan Froomkin, The Intercept, Dec 15 2014


Dick Cheney gave no ground in his “Meet the Press” interview on Sunday, but he did something arguably even better: He bared his twisted soul. Parrying questions from Chuck Todd with what he must have figured were winning talking points about the 9/11 terror attacks, Cheney unwittingly demonstrated how profoundly he has renounced fundamental Pindosi concepts of morality and justice. Cheney’s most telling response was to Todd’s questions about people who were detained completely by mistake but who were nevertheless tortured; in at least one case, to death. You have to be something other than a normal human being not to be troubled by that. But Cheney’s response was:

I’m more concerned with bad guys who got out and released than I am with a few that, in fact, were innocent.

And he would famously do it all again. He said:

I have no problem as long as we achieve our objective. I’d do it again in a minute.

What Cheney was saying is basically: If you have a goal and you kill innocent people while you’re at it, tough shit. That is how terrorists think; it’s not how moral people think, or at least are supposed to think. I suspect that in the not-too-distant future, the defense of “rectal feeding” will become as signature a moment in torture apology as Cheney’s famous prediction that Pindosi troops would be “greeted as liberators” has become to the false case for war in Iraq. Any normal human being would be appalled by Todd’s question about this statement:

Majid Khan’s lunch tray consisting of hummus, pasta, sauce, nuts and raisins was pureed and rectally infused.

But not Cheney. He said:

I believe it was done for medical reasons.

“Rectal feeding” is not a medical procedure. It is a particularly sick and brutal form of abuse that in at least one case left a victim diagnosed as suffering from “an anal fissure and symptomatic rectal prolapse.” After listening to him on Sunday, it has never been clearer that to Cheney the interrogation of detainees was all about revenge — and about having, feeling and exercising power after feeling impotent in the face of an attack on the homeland. After all, if he or anyone else in a position of power in the White House had paid an iota of attention to the issue before 9/11, the attack could likely have been averted (this is of course the usual bullshit that they did it to us, when in reality we did it to ourselves, although the Israelis did the most difficult bit, wiring the towers – RB). For Cheney, however, his “Meet the Press” appearance was still a win, at least in the short term, until history passes a more considered verdict. Because our elite political media is unwilling to call out the morally abhorrent self-interested ravings of a torturer, Cheney’s statements effectively push the envelope for what is treated as legitimate debate. So while we finally have this long-awaited Senate Intelligence Committee report, full of achingly detailed descriptions of abuse and lies even more depraved and duplicitous than any of us had imagined, the media just sees the “revisiting of a debate” about torture. Last year, a bipartisan, blue-ribbon (wtf – RB) commission established by the Constitution Project did a good job of explaining how absurd it is that we are actually still arguing about any of this. The blame for that rests in two places. One is the Obama administration, for covering up what happened and trying to stifle any sort of national conversation on the topic. The other is the media, for splitting the difference between the facts and the plainly specious, morally defective arguments led by Dick Cheney.


  1. gregoire
    Posted December 16, 2014 at 7:24 am | Permalink

    In fact, the devil takes orders from cheney.

  2. lafayettesennacherib
    Posted December 16, 2014 at 7:03 pm | Permalink

    Sorry to nitpick, but definitely more the Sith Lord Darth Sidious . I feel the part was written with Cheney in mind, and the actor doesn’t look too unlike him.

  3. Posted December 17, 2014 at 1:27 am | Permalink

    Rowan, you say the towers were wired, maybe you have specific info, but it seems much more likely to have been radio control than actual wire. At least that’s what I would have chosen 30 years ago when I was an … enthusiast.

  4. niqnaq
    Posted December 17, 2014 at 1:52 am | Permalink

    Oh, yeah, it’s just slang. The thousands of charges (Gordon Ross provides practically a map of where they must have been) would certainly have been controlled by radio activators, each one set off according to a very precise overall timing scheme controlled by a computer in building seven, on the famous CIA floor with the specially reinforced bombproof windows. At some points, the timing program appears to have gone wrong, as in the absolutely heart-stopping moment when the whole top section of one of the towers tilts over to an angle of 20 or 30 degrees, as one vast solid block, before suddenly disintegrating in mid-air.

  5. niqnaq
    Posted December 17, 2014 at 2:16 am | Permalink

    The part that has always given me the most difficulty is the planes. The problems with the planes fall into three categories: (1) Were the planes real? (2) Were the hijackers real? and (3) Were the passengers real? At the time, we went through paroxysms over all three of these questions (Do you remember Gerard Holmgren? and Genghis 6199?). But in retrospect, it hardly seems to matter. Suppose in the end the defenders of the official story managed to prove that all three were real: the planes, the hijackers and the passengers. It doesn’t matter. What matters is the effect, which was achieved by the spectacular demolition of the towers. But the official story is hard to believe all the same, because normally military planning seeks to minimize contingent risk due to the possible failure of human components in all areas of the plan. Suppose that for any of a myriad of reasons, the planes had failed to arrive? Would the towers have been blown up nonetheless? It really seems probable that the planes were radio-controlled into the targets, Global Hawk style. That way, the chance of their not arriving on time would really be minimized.

  6. Posted December 17, 2014 at 4:04 am | Permalink

    Yeah, that’s pretty much my take on it too. Something fucked up on the pentagon though. They can’t have been stupid enough not to use an actual … No, wait, they counted on the credulity of the pindosi public. Who wouldn’t bet on that? Problem solved.

  7. Posted December 17, 2014 at 5:40 am | Permalink

    As to your problems: 1: planes real. Too many people saw them. 2:’ hijackers’ – possibly real (does it matter? They might as well be passengers.) 3: passengers? Most likely real.

  8. niqnaq
    Posted December 17, 2014 at 6:28 am | Permalink

    Well then: Shanksville plane also real; passengers, “let’s roll,” etc, real – was intended to hit building 7, but after successful passenger revolt, air force had to shoot it down.

  9. gregoire
    Posted December 17, 2014 at 10:49 am | Permalink

    I agree with your earlier assessment. The building was rigged with explosives(stuff that turns fortified concrete to dust, never heard of that myself), demolition style and quite extensively.(near freefall of a building that could withstand swaying in the wind plus the elevator shaft were also obliterated into dust which is laughable since they are the core of the building and the most rigid structure, most fortified too) The planes were radio controlled; pilots with just a few flight hours could never make the “rolling barrel” movement after the hook. The G-powers alone are crazy. It’s nowhere like driving a car. It was probably planned years in advance. No, 911 was clearly an inside job.

    About flight 93. If the air force had to shoot it down and the planes did have a remote override it probably was manually activated. Because if not what would be the point of shooting it down if it could easily be taken over remotely?

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