gilad atzmon

While PM Netanyahu is securing
Gilad Atzmon, Jun 11 2024

While PM Netanyahu is securing his reputation as the contemporary Hitler figure, it seems very likely that Chabad’s legendary prophecy of Netanyahu being the last king of Israel may fulfil itself. It is also clear that Sinwar, Hamas’ leader in Gaza, is destined to win this battle, whether alive or dead, and will be remembered, as some western analysts predicted, as one of the greatest Muslim military strategists in history. Yesterday, the WSJ published correspondence between Sinwar and Hamas’ leadership where he insisted that Israel is “exactly where we want it to be.” Sinwar admitted that following the Algerian liberation model, the fight against the colonialists is destined to cost many lives. The Genocide that Israel is conducting in Gaza made the Palestinian cause an urgent geopolitical topic. It isolated Israel amid mounting pressure despite intensive Israeli lobbying globally. It also united the Muslim world. It reintroduced the discussion on the Jewish question, that old question which Zionism has claimed to resolve. Sinwar reportedly blasted Hamas’ political leaders for engaging in negotiations about the day after the war. He said:

As long as fighters are still standing and we have not lost the war, such contacts should be immediately terminated. We have the capabilities to continue fighting for months.

Sinwar, Hamas, Gaza and the Palestinians have proven to be totally resilient. Whether or not some compromised western government allows you to refer to the land from the river to the sea, it is pretty impossible to imagine a future with a Jewish state in this part of the world, bearing in mind the barbarian genocidal actions of that state in the present.

In Israel, they are very excited
Gilad Atzmon, Jun 10 2024

In Israel, they are very excited about the surge in power of the European radical right in yesterday’s European Parliament elections. I guess most of us remember Jews being associated with the left. However, as of today, they are now on the right. It is hard to envisage a goyim shift from side to side of the political map. For instance, it is difficult to imagine Corbyn popping out in the National Front, or alternatively, seeing Tommy Robinson being a keynote speaker at the SWP annual gathering, yet we often see people such as Dershowitz or Netanyahu bouncing from side to side, from Hillary to Trump to Biden and back to Trump. The great Israeli academic Israel Shahak delved into this symptom. The Talmud, he wrote, commands the Jews always to seek bond with power. In practice, The Lobby has been funding every fragment of power within leading Western societies, left, right and centre. For Israel or its advocates to shift from left to right and vice versa is hardly an ideological metamorphosis. It is only a matter of a little identity shift. The cheerfulness reported in Israel with hard-core right-wing success is, however, slightly premature. It is true that the European right is hostile towards Islam, Muslims and immigration in general, but there are two things the Israelis prefer not to look at. First, it won’t take much for the European right to finally grasp that it is Ziocon wars that pushed so many refugees to Europe. It is hardly a secret that it has been the Jewish progressive and liberal voices that led the pro-immigration discourse in the West. Second, Israelis may fail to see at this point that it is very likely themselves who are going to be the next ones to seek refuge in Europe. The right-wing Europeans may be slightly less pro-Zionist when this happens. By now we are used to accepting that those who see themselves as God’s chosen people may not be as sophisticated as they insist on portraying themselves. In fact, they repeatedly and spectacularly miscalculate every possible move. Jumping on the far-right wagon is something they will surely regret.

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