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Syrian rebels claim to have received “game-changing” weapons
AFP, Jun 21 2013

Syrian rebels have recently received new weapons that could “change the course of the battle” against the Syrian government, a spokesman for the Free Syrian Army told AFP on Friday. On Thursday, Meqdad said rebels needed short-range ground-to-air missiles, MANPADs, anti-tank missiles, mortars and ammunition. The “Friends of Syria” group of countries that support the rebels is expected to announce in Doha on Saturday that it will arm the opposition, FSA media and political coordinator spokesman Louay Meqdad said. Saturday’s Friends of Syria talks in Qatar will be attended by ministers from Britain, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the UAE and the US. They are expected to discuss military help and other aid for rebels after an onslaught by government forces who have retaken key areas. Meqdad said:

We are expecting a clear and official announcement by the countries participating on the arming of the FSA. That’s what we are hoping for, that’s what we are waiting for. We received information that in the coming days, we will receive new shipments of weapons that will change the course of the battle and the equation of death imposed by Bashar al-Assad. We’ve received quantities of new types of weapons, including some that we asked for and that we believe will change the course of the battle on the ground. We have begun distributing them on the front lines, they will be in the hands of professional officers and FSA fighters. A new shipment is expected in the coming days. Recall that we asked for deterrent weapons. That means anti-aircraft weapons, anti-tank weapons, as well as ammunition. The weapons will be used for one objective, which is to fight the regime of Bashar al-Assad. They will be collected after the fall of the regime, we have made this commitment to the friends and brotherly countries. General Idriss is not expected to attend the Doha gathering. For now, our presence is not required. All the countries are aware of the clear demands of the revolution after numerous meetings with Idriss.

One Comment

  1. Posted June 22, 2013 at 8:44 am | Permalink

    i can’ t wait till this death machine spreads out of Syrian borders and encompasses the merikkkans in ww3, fu. your time is coming aholes, fkin Obummer is Muslim brotherhood incarnate.

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