caitlin johnstone

Empire Managers Say Russia, China And Iran Are Tricking Students Into Opposing Genocide
Caitlin Johnstone, Apr 26 2024

Empire managers and propagandists are losing their minds about student protests against the genocide in Gaza on university campuses, so naturally we’re seeing a mad push to frame this as the result of interference by Russia, China, Iran and Hamas. These demented conspiracies of foreign influence come even as Israel’s prime minister openly calls for the US government to quash the university protests by any means necessary. In a speech supporting the ban of TikTok this past Tuesday, Senator Pete Ricketts said the protests are an example of “the Chinese Communist Party using TikTok to skew public opinion on foreign events.” Ricketts said:

Look what’s happening in our college campuses right now around this country. Pro-Hamas activists are taking over public spaces and making it impossible for campuses to operate. Why is this happening? Well, let’s look at where young people are getting their news. Nearly a third of adults 18 to 29, these young people in the US are regularly getting their news exclusively from TikTok. Pro-Palestinian and pro-Hamas hashtags are generating 50 times the views on TikTok right now despite the fact that polling shows Americans overwhelmingly support Israel over Hamas. These videos have more reach than the top 10 news websites combined. This is not coincidence. The Chinese Communist Party is doing this on purpose. They are pushing this racist agenda with the intention of undermining our democratic values. And if you look at what’s happening at Columbia University and other campuses across the country right now, they’re winning.

These comments from Ricketts are repugnant and deceitful in a whole host of ways, but let’s touch on the big ones. The senator’s claim that TikTok is being manipulated to artificially amplify pro-Palestine content is false, as evidenced by the fact that TikTok’s US-based rivals Facebook and Instagram have been showing the same massive gaps between the popularity of pro-Palestine content and the popularity of pro-Israel content. His argument is as logically fallacious as claiming that flat earth content is being artificially suppressed because it’s not as popular as round earth content. Pro-Israel content is just less popular, because it sucks and people don’t like it. Ricketts’ assertion that “polling shows Americans overwhelmingly support Israel over Hamas” is deceitful; polling shows a majority of Americans oppose Israel’s actions in Gaza, regardless of whether they “support” the Palestinian militant group Hamas. Also noteworthy is the way Ricketts just comes right out and acknowledges that TikTok is presenting a problem because its pro-Palestine content has been going viral among young people in ways the legacy media can’t compete with. This amounts to an admission that empire managers like Pete Ricketts really just want TikTok to be banned because young people are using it to share unauthorized ideas and information with each other, and would support its elimination even if they couldn’t justify it under the pretense of fighting China. It’s probably also worth noting that Rickets has received at least $159k from the Israel lobby.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi repeated the fartbrained opinion she’s been voicing for months that anti-genocide demonstrations can be attributed to Russia, telling RTÉ News this past Wednesday that opposition to President Biden’s backing of an active genocide has “a Russian tinge to it.” The longtime Democratic Party leader in reference to Donald Trump:

It’s in Putin’s interest for ‘What’s His Name’ to win, and therefore I see some encouragement on the part of the Russians.

ADL president Jonathan Greenblatt says it’s actually Iran who’s tricking all these university students into thinking genocide is bad, telling MSNBC that the two main organizations behind the demonstrations, the Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, are actually “campus proxies” of Iran. Greenblatt proclaimed on literally no basis whatsoever:

Iran has their military proxies like Hezbollah, and Iran has their campus proxies like these groups like SJP and JVP.

The WSJ tells us that rather than China, Russia or Iran, it’s actually Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis who are behind the university campus protests. In an article titled “Who’s Behind the Anti-Israel Protests,” subtitled “Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and others are grooming activists in the US and across the West,” The WSJ’s Steven Stalinsky makes another one of his signature chowderheaded arguments based entirely on vague insinuations, shoulder-socket-jeopardizing reach, Gish gallop fallacy, and no real evidence of any kind. Stalinsky writes:

Six months after the attack on Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and others aren’t merely cheering those protesting in the streets. They are working with and grooming activists in the US and the West, through meetings, online interviews and podcasts.

No no, not meetings, online interviews and podcasts! No wonder they were able to hypnotize university students into opposing daily massacres against a walled-in population driven by ethnically motivated hatred. Stalinsky runs a think tank called the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which was literally founded by a former Israeli intelligence officer. Pro-Palestine activist and academic Norman Finkelstein has accused MEMRI of using “the same sort of propaganda techniques as the Nazis,” and even brazenly unprincipled empire propagandist Brian Whitaker has written that MEMRI “poses as a research institute when it’s basically a propaganda operation.”

All this drooling imbecility about completely fictional foreign interference being responsible for these campus protests looks even more ridiculous as the Israeli prime minister unabashedly flexes his nation’s extensive influence over US politics to call for a crackdown on campus demonstrations. Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement, addressing the American public in his perfect American English:

What’s happening in America’s college campuses is horrific. Antisemitic mobs have taken over leading universities. It has to be stopped. It has to be condemned and condemned unequivocally. But that’s not what happened. The response of several university presidents was shameful. Now, fortunately, state, local, federal officials, many of them have responded differently but there has to be more. More has to be done.

It is a very dark kind of hilarious to see imperial spinmeisters falling all over themselves trying to spin the campus protests as a product of imaginary foreign interference even as police launch violent crackdowns on those very same protesters across the US to advance the interests of a foreign government. It’s also a big loogie in the eye of any self-respecting free thinker. Unless your brain has been turned into bean curd by empire propaganda, the idea that young people would need to be manipulated into opposing the incomprehensible horrors that are being inflicted upon human beings in Gaza is an appalling insult to your intelligence. But that just shows how desperate these freaks are getting. More and more people are waking up from the lies they’ve been fed about their government, their nation and their world as western institution after western institution completely discredits itself in the eyes of the mainstream public trying to defend the most indefensible things imaginable. They’re frantically scrambling to try to remedy this PR crisis they’ve created for themselves, but everything they’ve tried so far has been a pathetic failure that has only made things worse for them, turning an entire generation into wide awake radicals whose bright young eyes will never, ever unsee what they have seen.


Biden’s campus crackdown — the Democratic Party bares its fangs, again
Tom Mackaman, WSWS, Apr 26 2024

A police officer detains a protester on the campus of Emory University, Atlanta, Apr 25 2024.

Over the past few days, America’s college campuses have been turned into scenes of violent police attacks on students. Young people peacefully demonstrating against the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza, in just its sixth month already one of history’s ghastliest crimes, have been arrested by the score, perhaps 1k in all. Police have been deployed in combat gear and on horseback. Snipers have been arrayed on campus buildings. Cops have tased students. At Emory University, professors protecting students have been violently arrested.

Had these scenes taken place in, say, Iran, there would be wall-to-wall coverage in the American media and demands for “humanitarian intervention” to protect the protesters. But this is America. So the media and the politicians denounce the students peacefully protesting against mass murder as “antisemites.” The crude, transparent amalgam is that opposition to Israel’s ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians is antisemitism. The propaganda and the police crackdown are organized from the Oval Office. Asked about the demonstrations at a press conference Monday Apr 22, Biden said, “I condemn the antisemitic protests.” A day earlier Biden issued a press release stating that “Antisemitism is reprehensible and has no place on college campuses,” announcing the creation of a new police bureaucracy to monitor the campuses called by the Orwellian name “the National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism,” and promising to put “the full force of the federal government behind protecting the Jewish community.” Biden’s alleged concern over antisemitism is exposed by the fact that, in smashing opposition to Israel’s genocide, the White House works hand-in-glove with actual antisemites of the Republican Party, including advocates of the “great replacement theory” holding that there is a Jewish plot to eliminate white Christians from America. And Biden has transferred endless billions of dollars worth of killing machines to a government in Ukraine that celebrates as its greatest national hero Stepan Bandera, whose Ukrainian followers enlisted in Hitler’s mass murder of eastern European Jews.

Of course, extraordinary efforts will be made to separate Biden from his own policy and to promote the absurd fiction that somehow he can be made to “hear” the very protests he is trying to crush. This is the specialty of organizations such as the Democratic Socialists of America, which is in fact only a faction within the Democratic Party. But the reality of what the Biden administration is and what it is prepared to do: to destroy democracy in the name of saving it, arises not from what its left hangers-on wish to believe about it. It emerges from the class interests the Democratic Party actually represents, and indeed from that party’s entire history. It is the oldest capitalist electoral party in the world. While certain of its longstanding characteristics had emerged already by the Civil War, for example its promotion of racial ideology to manipulate the working class, the modern Democratic Party came into itself at a point roughly midway between the Age of Jackson in the 1820s and 1830s and the Biden administration today, during the administration of Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921). It was at that moment that the Democratic Party emerged as the preferred party of American imperialism. This is born out by the fact that for decades every major war was initiated with a Democrat in the White House: WW1 (Wilson); WW2 (Franklin Roosevelt); the Korean War (Truman); and the Vietnam War (Kennedy and Johnson). These large wars necessitated the shifting of the economy and the disciplining of the workforce. In this, the crucial role was always played by the labor bureaucracy, which, to borrow a phrase from Trotsky, “fell into the steel embrace of the imperialist state” in the US through the Democratic Party precisely at moments of war. Samuel Gompers of the AFL attempted to render this service to Wilson during WW1, and Walter Reuther of the UAW (along with several other union heads) did the same for Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, and Johnson. Shawn Fain of the UAW is busy auditioning for this role at present.

The big wars of the 20th century also demanded the imposition of a militaristic culture that sought to control political speech and thought. The substantially greater influence the Democrats have wielded among the liberal intelligentsia and the entertainment industry has made them more useful for this purpose than the Republicans. As Randolph Bourne put it in 1917 during WW1, it was the role of the intellectuals to open “the sluices that flood us with the sewage of the war spirit.” But the allegiance of the union bureaucracy and the intellectuals to imperialist war, deliverable only by the Democratic Party, has always had a darker side, out-and-out repression. In the Vietnam War, the Kennedy and Johnson administrations dramatically expanded the secret COINTELPRO organization, which had as its main goal the disruption of antiwar organizations. In WW2, the Roosevelt administration used the Smith Act to outlaw domestic opposition to the war, prosecuting for sedition almost the entire leadership of the Socialist Workers Party, with the notable exception of Joseph Hansen, who was later revealed to be an FBI informer. But the precedent for all that was to follow was the massive operation by the Wilson administration to quash resistance to WW1. His Espionage Act, still on the books and likely the basis for any prosecution of Julian Assange, effectively made illegal opposition to the war by asserting that such activity interfered with the operations of the military. The Espionage Act was used to prosecute and jail Eugene Debs, the founding figure of American socialism, for opposing US entry into the war in his famous Canton Speech.

Eugene Debs delivering his Canton Speech against WW1 on Jun 16 1918.
He was imprisoned for the remarks under the Espionage Act.

Under the Espionage Act, and kindred laws enacted at the state level, hundreds of socialists and labor militants were jailed. The foreign language press was required to submit to the Postmaster General translated copies of all of its publications. The Wilson administration effectively deputized a mass vigilante organization, called the American Protective League, which carried out violent attacks on labor strikes and radical organizations. Such tactics continued after the war, led and organized by the American Legion and the Ku Klux Klan. Immigrant radicals were especially targeted, with Wilson’s “Palmer Raids” rounding up thousands and deporting hundreds in the months after the war. The crucial issue that confronted Wilson, and which today confronts Biden, is preventing a convergence of the working class with opposition to war. In spite of Gompers’ efforts, Wilson faced the largest strike wave in American history. Over 1 million workers walked off their jobs in 1917 and 1918, and then 4.5 million struck in 1919. At the same time, the Bolshevik Revolution took power in Russia, and under Lenin and Trotsky, declared “war on war.” Under these conditions, Wilson’s program of repression was a desperate effort, only partially successful, to head off the influence of socialism on the working class.

Like the Wilson administration before it, the Biden White House seeks to block opposition to war that it fears will merge with the gathering movement of the working class. But Biden does so under very different conditions. In Wilson’s day, American capitalism was ascendant. No longer. For decades American capitalism has sought to offset its long-term economic decline by asserting evermore violently its military dominance. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Washington and its proxies have waged an uninterrupted series of wars: Iraq, Somalia, Serbia, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Ukraine and Gaza, to name the bloodiest. The wars have killed and displaced millions, cost trillions of dollars, and poisoned American culture and intellectual life. Yet they have only accelerated American economic decline, lately raising questions even over the status of the dollar as world reserve currency. And it is now clear that these wars, which form an arc around Eurasia with a geographical center in the Middle East, have been preparatory for a third world war, which is in fact already in its initial stages. As we noted in a recent perspective commenting on Biden’s signing into law another massive tranche of war funding:

By linking together in a single piece of legislation the war spending for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, the bill signifies that the Biden administration and the US ruling elite as a whole do not view these conflicts as separate and distinct. They are, rather, connected theaters in a global war. American imperialism is fighting on a vast front which stretches from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea, then through the Middle East and Central Asia, all the way to China and the Pacific. Between the Democrats and Republicans, there are no difference over principle, only how the program of world domination should be presented and rolled out. It is therefore a matter of pressing urgency for youth protesting the genocide to draw the necessary political conclusions and break once and for all with the Democratic Party, and those political forces grouped around it. They must consciously turn to the revolutionary force that has both the means and the motivation to end war and the capitalist system that breeds it: the American and international working class.

Germany’s Green Party vice-chancellor appoints himself “defence industry minister”
Peter Schwarz, WSWS, Apr 26 2024

The Greens, who began 45 years ago as pacifists, have not only become Germany’s leading pro-war party, they have also lost all their inhibitions. In an interview with broadcaster Deutschlandfunk on Monday, Economics Minister Robert Habeck boasted that he was now also the German “defence industry minister.” The Green politician, who is also vice-chancellor, said:

You know which party I belong to. I really didn’t have the idea that I would once again prioritise my work as defence industry minister, but that’s what I have to do now. If Ukraine needs the weapons and ammunition, then it should get them, and if it no longer needs them, then the Bundeswehr can make good use of them. So, we have to scale up faster, scale up and produce more.

Habeck defined his new task as needing to “scale up the defence industry in Germany.” This was “a very, very necessary decision,” he concluded. Habeck had just returned from a trip to Ukraine, which he had visited along with managers from several defence companies. He had previously invited representatives from defence companies to his ministry to discuss the expansion of production capacities. Speaking on Deutschlandfunk, he insisted that Germany must play a pioneering role in armaments, even though it was already Ukraine’s second-largest arms supplier after the US. The Green politician stressed:

We have to see that we are first movers, that we lead the way, that we say we can go one step further.

Habeck, who has a doctorate in literature and worked as a writer before making a career in politics, chooses his words carefully. And he knows what he is talking about. There has only ever been one minister of the defence industry in German history, under Hitler. On Mar 17 1940, six months after the German invasion of Poland, a decree by the Führer established the “Reich Ministry of Armaments and Munitions.” Minister Fritz Todt, a member of the NSDAP since 1922 and SA Obergruppenführer, ensured that the war economy covered the growing needs of the Wehrmacht. After Todt’s accidental death in Feb 1942, Hitler appointed his personal architect Albert Speer as his successor, under whose leadership the ministry developed into the central control centre of the Nazi war economy. In Sep 1943, it was renamed the “Reich Ministry of Armaments and War Production.” All other economic sectors had to be subordinated to it.

Armaments production tripled between 1940 and 1944. The ministry exploited millions of forced labourers and concentration camp prisoners, only a minority of whom survived. The fact that Habeck is now taking up this criminal tradition by appointing himself “defence industry minister” makes clear how far to the right the entire ruling class has moved. On the 300th anniversary of Immanuel Kant’s birth, it is not the celebrated philosopher’s “categorical imperative” that determines their thoughts and actions, but their naked imperialist class interests. During WW1 & WW2, German imperialism sought to satisfy its hunger for markets, raw materials and cheap labour by subjugating Europe and expanding eastwards. It is now following the same path again. After two years of war in Ukraine, which NATO deliberately provoked, and six months of genocide in Gaza, which the German government fully supports, there is no longer anyone in the ruling class who is in favour of military restraint.

Pacifism, which relies on reason and the good will of those in power, is proving to be completely bankrupt. Nothing demonstrates this better than the pro-war policy of the Greens, the party of the wealthy and privileged upper-middle class. They are unrivalled when it comes to dressing up a pro-war policy with moral fumes. But now this is taking on perverse forms. They support the slaughter of the Palestinians and persecute anyone who protests against the genocide in Gaza as antisemites, while in Ukraine they cooperate with the admirers of Nazi collaborators and Jew-haters in the war against Russia. They are enraged by Putin and Xi, while in the Middle East they throw themselves at dictators and mass murderers like Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman and the butcher of Cairo, Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi. Disgust and revulsion at these policies and the opposition to them are growing. But it is necessary to consciously draw the lessons from the bankruptcy of the Greens. Pressure on the government and the ruling class cannot stop the danger of a third world war. What is needed is the building of an independent anti-war movement based on the international working class and linking the struggle against war, social inequality and fascism with the struggle against their cause, capitalism. This is what the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei is fighting for in the European elections.

Australian police and media fuel anti-Islamic witch hunt to justify arrests of teenagers on flimsy “terrorism” charges
Mike Head, WSWS, Apr 27 2024

Arrests in Sydney, Apr 24 2024

Over 400 officers from NSW Police and the Australian Federal Police have arrested six Sydney teenagers, accusing them of terrorism-related offences. A foul campaign has been launched by the Australian and other Murdoch media outlets, evidently assisted by selective leaks from the police and intelligence agencies, to demonise Muslim teenagers and whip up an Islamic terrorism scare campaign. Today’s Australian splashed over its front page “exclusive” stories, based on prejudicial police information. One article witch-hunted the seven boys, as young as 14, arrested last Wednesday in huge police raids in Sydney’s working-class western suburbs on serious “terrorism” charges despite the police admitting they had no evidence of a terrorist plot or plan. Another inflammatory article claimed that the 16-year-old boy who allegedly stabbed an Assyrian Christian priest at a suburban Sydney church on Apr 15, “­idolises” former ­Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, because the boy had a photograph of bin Laden on his social media profile, at least according to the police leaks. Noting what “appears to be a major ­security breach,” the newspaper also reported that the names, addresses and other personal ­details of the teenagers arrested on Wednesday as supposed “associates” of the boy were being shared across WhatsApp groups, already triggering an anti-Muslim retaliation attack. The Australian stated:

A page from Wednesday’s police warrants has started circulating, including the colour, make and licence plate of five cars, one of which has since been vandalised.

The newspaper also broadcast “extraordinary” CCTV footage of one of the arrested boys, aged 16, allegedly throwing stones and another object at a liquor bottle shop attendant earlier this week. The publication of such material, violates sub judice laws, and makes impossible any fair trial of the teenagers. This has all the hallmarks of a coordinated campaign, emanating from the highest echelons of the police-intelligence apparatus, and politically backed by the Albanese Labor government, to stir up anti-Islamic sentiment. It is part of an attempt to tarnish and suppress the intense opposition in the working class to the government’s support for the worsening Israeli genocide in Gaza.

Within hours of the stabbing at the church, the police and intelligence chiefs, with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s personal involvement, initiated an official declaration of a “terrorist” incident, before even speaking to the accused boy, who has a documented history of mental health problems. By doing so, they activated police-state powers, including to search and seize, arrest and detain without charge and conduct intensive surveillance. Albanese then quickly convened a meeting of the “National Cabinet” security committee. This body, which consists of key government ministers, the police, intelligence and military chiefs and top officials, set the police raids in motion, spearheaded by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), the domestic political spy agency. More than 400 police and ASIO officers were mobilised to storm into at least 13 homes in southwestern Sydney suburbs that have significant Middle Eastern populations, causing widespread shock and anger. This offensive is still continuing. A 15-year-old boy was arrested last night and charged “with conspiring to prepare a terrorist act.”

The media witch hunt is, in the first instance, a bid to justify the raids and arrests, all conducted on similar vague and flimsy charges. Far from any evidence of specific plans, locations, times or targets for “a terrorist act,” the AFP said investigations had revealed a “network” who shared a “violent extremist ideology.” Clearly, this accusation was directed at identification with Islamic belief. The only cited “evidence” against the boys consisted of belonging to a social media chat group. In the case of the 14-year-old, it soon became known that his “crime” was to passively receive online material. The flimsy nature of such charges points to the political timing of Wednesday’s police raids. They began just before ASIO Director-General Mike Burgess and AFP Chief Commissioner Reece Kershaw made a joint appearance at the National Press Club to declare a heightening danger of “Sunni Islamic violent extremism.” Burgess claimed there was a 50% chance that someone would plan or conduct such an act of terrorism in the next 12 months.

Under the terrorism laws, imposed with Labor’s support by the previous Liberal-National government in 2002, charges such as “conspiracy,” “preparation” and “possession” of material can be laid and prosecuted without any proof of concrete plots. And by defining terrorism in terms that include religious ideology, the laws have been used, in repeated high-profile cases over the past two decades, to essentially imprison people for their beliefs. In many cases, the only evidence of terrorist intent has been based on loose talk provoked by undercover police or ASIO agents. Prominent Islamic leaders called a media conference in Sydney yesterday to denounce the “questionable law enforcement tactics” involved in the teenagers’ arrests, made without any specific terrorist evidence. They said the arrests had caused alarm and outrage in their communities. This clearly reflects widespread anger. The Islamic organisations called for changes to the terrorism laws, saying they “target specific communities” by focussing on religious belief. That call was immediately opposed by police representatives and New South Wales (NSW) Labor Premier Chris Minns. In an earlier statement, the Islamic Council of NSW said:

Many in the Muslim community have expressed their concern that if you are an Australian Muslim, even with a formal mental health diagnosis, you will be subjected to a different application of the law compared to other Australians.

At the same time, another large police operation across western Sydney is targeting 50 men and teenagers accused of participating in clashes with the police outside the church after the April 15 stabbing. During what the police classified as a “riot,” people in the crowd, evidently supporters of the right-wing priest, Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, demanded vigilante-style revenge against the boy. These widespread police operations point to the Labor governments and the police-intelligence apparatus exploiting the Apr 15 events to inflame communal tensions and activate far-reaching police powers, both as a means of sowing toxic divisions in the working class and of intimidating and suppressing unrest. This is happening under conditions of intensifying disaffection among workers and young people with the Albanese government’s support for the US-backed genocide in Gaza and its commitment to the wider war drive of US imperialism against Iran, Russia and China, combined with a deepening cost-of-living and social crisis in working-class areas. Once again, but even more than before, the “war on terror,” declared by the US and its allies in 2001 to justify the barbaric preplanned invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, is being used to blackguard and suppress domestic discontent. Like the Biden administration in the US, the Labor governments have slandered as “antisemitic” the mass opposition to the Gaza genocide, including the student encampments that are now developing in Australia in solidarity with those spreading across the US. Far from being antisemitic, the protests are anti-genocide and anti-Zionist, with many Jewish students taking part, calling for their universities to divest from corporations engaged in the genocide. Labor leaders have previously threatened to outlaw Gaza genocide protests. They are now inciting communal tensions and stoking fears of terrorism to seek to create the conditions for police repression, as in the US.

Students at Australian universities form encampments to protest Gaza genocide
Eric Ludlow, WSWS, Apr 27 2024

Anti-Gaza genocide camp at the University of Melbourne

Students at Australia’s University of Melbourne and University of Sydney have begun campus occupations to protest against Israel’s ongoing genocide against Gaza. The encampments in Australia have been organised in solidarity with similar demonstrations at university campuses in the US. The Australian protests have denounced the police-state crackdown on US students, which is being coordinated nationally by the Biden administration and has as its aim the outlawing of opposition to the genocide, and war more broadly. Such protests at two of Australia’s most prestigious universities, in the two largest cities in the country, underscore the ongoing and deepening opposition of students and youth to the mass murder in Gaza, which is being aided and abbetted by all the imperialist governments, including the Labor administration in Australia.

A central demand of the students is the cessation of the universities’ collaboration with arms manufacturers which have been directly supplying weaponry and other military supplies to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and used in the genocide. About 100 students and others joined the encampment on the University of Melbourne campus which began on Apr 25. That date marks the yearly pro-militarist celebration known as “ANZAC Day” which is used by the political and media establishment to glorify Australia’s involvement in past wars, especially WW1, and promote the military as Australia deepens its involvement in the ongoing assault in the Middle East, the US-NATO war against Russia in Ukraine and US-led provocations against China. Young people protesting against war on ANZAC Day has sparked outrage from right-wing commentators. Spokesperson for veterans’ affairs for the opposition Liberal-National Coalition Barnaby Joyce denounced “anti-ANZAC sentiment” as disrespectful.

Meanwhile, the universities have issued threats against the protests. An email by University of Melbourne Vice Chancellor Duncan Maskell in response to the peaceful protest paid lip service to students’ right to exercise “their right to protest.” But the email quickly warns against any action which is deemed to undermine “safety and wellbeing” of others on campus. Maskell’s email says the university “will not tolerate” behaviours including “vilifying an individual on their own or as part of a group” and denounces “all forms of racism, including antisemitism and Islamophobia.” The university is attempting to set up the conditions where, like in the US, the students engaged in peaceful protests against the Gaza genocide can be accused of antisemitism and of jeopardising campus safety. Maskell’s threats against the protests include the warning:

In order to observe and maintain public order, Victoria Police may themselves choose independently of the University to attend campus at any time.

University of Sydney acting Vice Chancellor Annamarie Jagose issued a similar statement on Wednesday, 24 April. In it, she also states:

We have zero tolerance for any form of racism, threats to safety, hate speech, intimidation, threatening speech, bullying or unlawful harassment, including antisemitic or anti-Muslim language or behaviour.

New South Wales state police conducted an operation at the University of Sydney yesterday according to campus newspaper Honi Soit. It is unclear if the police presence had anything to do with the ongoing encampment. A University of Sydney spokesperson who gave Honi Soit a statement refused to comment on the nature of the supposed threat to which the police were responding. Several buildings were evacuated. As in the US, a nationally-coordinated attack on the demonstrations is being developed.

The Murdoch-owned Australian has published several frothing denunciations of the small encampments, in the few days since they were established. In an article today, the Australian featured a letter from the Australian Academic Alliance Against Antisemitism to university leaderships across the country. The missive, from the rabidly Zionist and pro-Israeli organisation, includes hysterical accusations that the situation is “rapidly spiralling out of control,” with a wave of purported antisemitism on campuses across the country. This is a lie, conflating opposition to Israeli war crimes with anti-Jewish racism. It is a slander against the many Jewish youth in Australia, as internationally who have protested against Israel’s mass murder. It is also antisemitic, falesly identifying the Jewish people en bloc with a widely-despised garrison state of imperialism as it perpetrates atrocities.

The national Chancellors Council has immediately acceded to the letter, pledging to table it and discuss it at a meeting in Queensland this Thursday. This body, which brings together university leaderships across the country, includes senior figures from the military apparatus, such as former Chief of the Defence Force Angus Houston. The frothing response underscores the bankruptcy of the perspective advanced at the encampments by pseudo-left organisations such as Socialist Alternative, Socialist Alliance and Solidarity. All of them are seeking to limit the actions to pressuring the corporatised university leaderships to break ties with Israel. This is part of their broader program of subordinating anti-genocide protests to feckless appeals to the federal Labor government, as it continues to aid Israel’s mass murder. As the International Youth and Students for Social Equality and the Socialist Equality Party have insisted, students and youth must turn to the working class, to fight the genocide and the developing attacks on democratic rights. The aim must be to develop a unified movement of workers around the world, against the mass murder, the broader program of imperialist militarism and their source, the capitalist system itself.


IYSSE campaigners spoke with students at the encampments. In Melbourne, Safiyya, a psychology student, said:

I am here because I believe strongly that Gaza should be free from killing and oppression. We’re here to show that students around the world support the Palestinians and we won’t back down. The Labor Party’s support for genocide is terrible. They are totally ignoring the rights of Palestinians. It’s a really scary thought, the possibility of a world war. I just hope the genocide stops soon.


In Sydney, Siena also spoke with IYSSE members. She studies law at the University of New England, but travelled to the University of Sydney to join the protest. She said:

It’s just horrific. It’s blatant genocide and it’s been going on for over six months now, not to mention the 75 years prior. The government is not only apathetic, they are actively supporting the genocide, sending weapons and doing weapons deals with Israel despite no one supporting it! People straight up see through it, it’s not like you can cover up a genocide, especially nowadays with everyone on social media seeing the horrific events that are happening. We’ve all seen clips of Albo out being pro-Palestine decades ago, and now they’re truly spearheading the deals with Israel. I saw a photo today of Penny Wong putting flowers on the grave of someone that was murdered from the genocide. It is truly ghoulish and completely unconscionable to be putting on this façade of empathy towards the victims of this genocide when you are the ones providing them with the resources to continue it. It’s just completely absurd. Australia has their priorities in all the wrong places. They’re continuing to invest in weapons manufacturing and make people feel like that is a fundamental part of our economy when that’s just so not true. Instead, they should be investing in actual essential services like teaching, nursing and other healthcare professions. It’s unsustainable because people are going to get more angry and they won’t continue to support a government that is actively supporting genocide oversees while violently oppressing minorities and the working class in our own country.

middle east eye

Live Updates
Middle East Eye, Apr 26 2024

Evening recap

Gaza’s health ministry said that 51 people were killed by Israeli attacks on the Palestinian enclave in the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 34,356 since Oct 7. Additionally, 77,368 people have been wounded since the start of the war. In other developments:

  • 37 megatonnes of debris and rubble now litter the Gaza Strip as a result of Israel’s bombardment, according to the UN.
  • Hala Rharrit, the Arabic-language spox of the US State Dept, has designed, citing her opposition to the Biden administration’s Gaza policy.
  • An Israeli air strike on a home near Gaza City’s al-Rimal neighbourhood killed at least three people, including a woman and a child.
  • Pro-Palestine protestors launched a Gaza solidarity encampment in front of the Scottish parliament in Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • Shaimaa, the eldest daughter of killed Palestinian poet Refaat al-Areer, was killed along with her husband and her newborn son in an Israeli strike near al-Rimal neighbourhood in Gaza City.
  • A Palestinian baby rescued from the womb of her mother in Gaza while she lay dying has died, according to her doctor.
  • Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir sustained minor injuries in a car accident and was transported to the hospital on Friday.
  • A group of over 135 imams and religious scholars signed a statement of solidarity with student encampments in support of Palestine.

Over 135 imams and scholars in US stand in solidarity with student encampments for Palestine

on Friday, a group of over 135 imams and religious scholars including Omar Suleiman, Yasir Qadhi, Haifaa Younis, Mohammad Elshinawy and Suhaib Webb released a statement of solidarity with student encampments in support of Palestine saying:

We admire your courageous actions and various sacrifices for Palestine. May your efforts be a beacon of hope and transformation, inspiring further actions towards a just and equitable world. The recent escalatory encampments by students on campuses across the country, calling for divestment and solidarity with Palestine, reflect students’ commitment to holding the American university system accountable for aiding and abetting genocide in Gaza. It is their bravery, sacrifice, and organising that emboldens us to reaffirm our support and dedication to those students, regardless of race or religion. Today, you extend the tradition of resistance that discursively and materially ended Jim Crow and South African apartheid. The continued repression of pro-Palestine organising in this country signals how support for Israel has reached an impasse whereby it cannot sustain itself without draconian measures to silence dissent.

Israel violated US directive regarding aid to Gaza, USAID officials say in report

According to a confidential US document reviewed by Devex, Israeli actions have been deemed non-compliant with a White House directive mandating recipients of American military aid to adhere to international humanitarian law and allow unhindered delivery of US-funded humanitarian assistance. The recent findings, released earlier this month, come after a national security memo was issued by the White House on Feb 8. The memo instructed Blinken to “obtain credible and reliable written assurances” from recipients of US weapons regarding their commitment to abide by international humanitarian law. These findings are to be reported to both the White House and Congress. In the case of Israel, this requirement would pertain only to offensive weapons.

In a submission to Blinken, USAID officials assessed that the “government of Israel does not currently demonstrate necessary compliance” with the memo’s requirement that it facilitate and not impede “the transport of delivery of US humanitarian assistance” as well as US-backed international efforts to provide relief, Devex reported. The USAID document raised significant concerns regarding the death toll of nearly 32k people, with approximately two-thirds assessed by the Government of Israel as civilians. It suggested that these casualties might potentially constitute a violation of international humanitarian law. However, it noted that a definitive conclusion would depend on thorough analysis by US government legal experts.

US urges Iran to question weapons ‘effectiveness’ after Israel attack

On Friday, US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin said that Iran should reevaluate the effectiveness of its weapons systems following the attack on Israel earlier this month. Austin told reporters:

They should be questioning the effectiveness of their weapons systems and their planning. Hopefully they don’t walk away from this over-confident that they can do this at will, because I think Israel has demonstrated that it has a significant ability to defend itself.

Fresh momentum in Gaza war talks for hostage return, White House says

On Friday, White House national security advisor Jake Sullivan said he saw fresh momentum in discussions aimed at ending the war in Gaza and facilitating the return of the remaining Israeli hostages. Sullivan told MSNBC in an interview:

I believe that there is a renewed effort under way involving Qatar and Egypt as well as Israel to try to find a way forward. Do I think that there is new momentum, new life in these hostage talks? I believe there is.

Israel gives ‘last chance’ for hostage negotiations with Hamas

Israeli officials told their Egyptian counterparts on Friday that Israel is prepared to grant hostage negotiations “one last chance” to secure a deal with Hamas before considering an invasion of Rafah, as reported by Axios, citing two Israeli officials. It quoted one of the officials as saying:

Israel told Egypt that it is serious about preparations for the operation in Rafah and that it will not let Hamas drag its feet.

Israeli minister Ben-Gvir injured in car accident

Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir sustained minor injuries in a car accident and was transported to the hospital on Friday, according to police who said they are probing the incident’s details. Footage on Israeli media showed the overturned car in which Ben-Gvir was travelling. Police commissioner Kobi Shabtai told reporters that two additional individuals sustained injuries in the event. Ben-Gvir was departing from a site in the city of Ramle, close to Tel Aviv, where authorities reported a suspected stabbing incident had occurred just moments earlier.

Hamas dismisses ceasefire proposal that puts release of hostages as first step

Hamas has slammed an international proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza which placed the release of Israeli hostages as the first step in the process. The group said they were open to a ceasefire, but said that the new proposal made by the US and 17 other countries failed to address Palestinian demands.

Palestinian baby rescued from dying mother’s womb dies: doctor

A Palestinian baby rescued from the womb of her mother in Gaza while she lay dying has died, according to her doctor. The baby, named Sabreen al-Rouh, had been on a ventilator since being saved from her mother who was mortally wounded by an Israeli strike which also killed her husband and their three-year-old daughter. Doctor Mohammad Salama, head of the emergency neo-natal unit at Emirati Hospital, said the baby died on Thursday. He told Reuters by phone:

I and other doctors tried to save her, but she died. For me personally, it was a very difficult and painful day. She was born while her respiratory system wasn’t mature, and her immune system was very weak and that is what led to her death. She joined her family as a martyr.

Blinken calls Gaza protests a ‘hallmark of democracy’

Blinken has called the Gaza protests taking place across university campuses a “hallmark of democracy” but decried the lack of criticism of Hamas. Speaking at a press conference in China, Blinken said:

In our own country, it’s a hallmark of our democracy that our citizens make known their views, their concerns, their anger, at any given time, and I think that reflects the strength of the country, the strength of democracy. It is also notable that there is silence about Hamas, as if it wasn’t even part of the story. But as I’ve also said repeatedly, the way Israel goes about ensuring that Oct 7 never happens again matters profoundly. And we’re working every day to try to minimize the damage that’s done to innocent people and to make sure that they have the assistance and support that they need.

Gaza death toll rises to 34,356

Gaza’s health ministry said that 51 people were killed by Israeli attacks on the Palestinian enclave in the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 34,356 since Oct 7. Additionally, 77,368 people have been wounded since the start of the war.

Blinken says he understands US protesters for Gaza, questions silence on Hamas

Blinken said he “very much understands” the passion behind ongoing pro-Palestine protests in US campuses and respects their right to protest. Speaking at a news conference in Beijing, he said:

It is notable that there is silence about Hamas. As I’ve said before, this could be over tomorrow, it could have been over yesterday, it could have been over months ago, if Hamas had put down its weapons, stopped hiding behind civilians, released the hostages and surrendered. But of course it has chosen not to do that.

Blinken insists that Israel is “working every day to try to minimise the damage done to people,” but protesters in the US are accusing him and the Biden administration of complicity with Israel’s actions in Gaza.

Smotrich calls for ‘complete destruction’ of Gaza Strip

Israel’s far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich called for the “complete destruction” of the Gaza Strip as he hit out against truce talks between the government and Hamas. Writing on Twitter, Smotrich said negotiating with Hamas was irresponsible and members of the group should be killed instead. He said:

The time has come for the Mossad to return to doing what it was trained to do: to eliminate the heads of Hamas all over the world and not in negotiations that are conducted irresponsibly and harm Israel’s security. With Hamas from now on we should only talk with shells and bombs.

READ MORE: Smotrich calls for ‘complete destruction’ of Gaza Strip.

Family of killed Palestinian poet killed in Israeli strike: report

The chairman of the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said that Shaimaa, the eldest daughter of killed Palestinian poet Refaat al-Areer, was killed along with her husband and her newborn son in an Israeli strike near al-Rimal neighbourhood in Gaza City. Refaat was killed along with several members of his family in an Israeli strike on Gaza City back in December.

Protesters start Gaza solidarity encampment in front of Scottish parliament

Pro-Palestine protesters have launched a Gaza solidarity encampment in front of the Scottish parliament in Edinburgh. The group said in a statement:

We are here creating a liberated zone to stand in solidarity with the people in Palestine. We are here in protest against Scottish and UK’s government complicity in the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

The move follows days of Palestine solidarity protests across university campuses in the US, which have recently extended to France and Australia.

Nasser hospital mass grave: Pain and patience in Gaza as bodies are exhumed

For the past four mornings, Amal al-Baiouk has come to Nasser hospital to watch the dead bodies be brought out. Like the other parents of missing people, who keep returning to this devastated corner of Khan Younis, disappointment is etched across her face. Rescue workers begin exhuming early, with dozens pulled out of the ground as the day goes on. For Palestinian mothers waiting patiently around the burial pits, any news of their sons is good news, even if that means they are dead. Some have been missing for three months. Baiouk tells Middle East Eye:

I look at each body’s face, but I have not been guided to my son.

Read more: Nasser hospital mass grave: Pain and patience in Gaza as bodies are exhumed.

Israeli army says civilian killed in Hezbollah attack

The Israeli army said that an Israeli truck driver has died after being injured by a Hezbollah antitank missile attack from southern Lebanon. The army said the man, Sharif Suad, was carrying out “infrastructure activity” for the military near Israel’s northern border.

Lebanon postpones municipal elections due to ongoing clashes with Israel

Lebanon’s parliament postponed the country’s municipal elections, which were due to be held in May, due to the “complex security, military and political circumstances following the Israeli aggression on Lebanon.” The bill, which passed on Thursday, postponed the elections until a date “no later than May 31 2025.” Municipal elections in Lebanon are supposed to be held every six years. They were postponed for the first time in 2022, purportedly to prioritise parliamentary elections that year, and again in 2023 due to alleged funding constraints. Lebanon’s east and south have been regularly subjected to Israeli attacks due to the ongoing clashes between Hezbollah and Israel. One lawmaker said this would make holding municipal elections very difficult in these regions.

Gaza flotilla delays departure blaming Israeli pressure

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition delayed the departure of their ships to Gaza, which were supposed to set sail today. The organisation accused Israel of pressuring the Republic of Guinea Bissau to withdraw its flag from their lead ship, Akdeniz, triggering “request for an additional inspection, this one by the flag state.” The group’s statement read:

This is another example of Israel obstructing the delivery of life-saving aid to the people in Gaza who face a deliberately created famine. How many more children will die of malnutrition and dehydration because of this delay and an ongoing siege which must be broken? We do not expect this hurdle to cause more than a few days’ delay. Israel will not break our resolve to reach the Palestinians of Gaza.

US State Dept Arabic spokesperson resigns in opposition to Gaza policy

Hala Rharrit, the Arabic language spokesperson of the US State Dept, has resigned, citing her opposition to the Biden administration’s Gaza policy. Rharrit joined the State Dept almost two decades ago. She said on LinkedIn:

I resigned Apr 2024 after 18 years of distinguished service in opposition to the US’ Gaza policy.

This marks at least the third resignation from the State Dept over the Biden administration’s Gaza policy. Additionally, Tariq Habash, senior official at the US Education Department, also resigned in January.

Morning update

Here are the latest updates:

  • An Israeli air strike on western Gaza City killed at least eight people, WAFA reports
  • Rescue workers who recovered bodies from Nasser hospital’s mass grave said some of them may have had their organs stolen
  • Israeli raids on cities and refugee camps across the West Bank led to the arrest of a female teacher and two brothers
  • Egypt’s intelligence chief is reportedly in Tel Aviv today to continue hostage exchange and ceasefire talks
  • At least 550 arrests have been made over the past week across US universities as police crack down on pro-Palestine protests in the country.

south front

Another Wave Of Israeli Strikes Hit Hezbollah Targets In Southern Lebanon
South Front, Apr 26 2024

On Apr 26 afternoon, the IOF announced that it had carried out another wave of strikes against Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon. Israeli fighter jets carried out strikes against buildings where Hezbollah fighters were gathered, in towns of Tayr Harfa and Ayta ash-Shab, the IDF said in a statement, adding that tanks also shelled areas near the towns of Yarine and Dhayra to “remove threats.” There were no reports of civilian casualties in Lebanese media after the strikes. Hezbollah didn’t also announce the death of any of its fighters. The strikes came after Hezbollah fighters ambushed an Israeli military convoy in the occupied Lebanon Kfarchouba hills late on Apr 25. Two vehicles were destroyed by guided missiles as well as rockets and artillery fire. An Israeli Arab man working as a truck driver was killed in the ambush.

Israeli Army Removes Remains Of Iranian Missile Using Helicopter
South Front, Apr 26 2024

The IOF said on Apr 26 that it removed the remains of an intercepted Iranian ballistic missile that was found by hikers near the Ye’elim stream, close to the town of Arad, in southern Israel earlier this week. An Israeli Air Force CH-53 helicopter lifted the intercepted missile out of the area to another location, where the Fire and Rescue Services removed any hazardous materials, the IOF said, adding that the remains were then taken to an army base to be further examined. According to the IOF, the operation, coordinated by the Home Front Command, was “complex” due to the weight of the missile and the difficult terrain. The missile was one of 120 fired at Israel in the Iranian attack on Apr 13-14. Some 170 suicide drones and 30 cruise missiles were also launched during the attack, which was carried out by the IRGC a response to an Israeli strike that targeted the Iranian embassy in the Syrian capital, Damascus, at the start of the month. Several senior members of the guards were killed in the strike.

Israel alleged that 99% of the Iranian projectiles were intercepted by the IOF with help from American, British, French and Jordanian forces, including all the suicide drones and cruise missiles. However, it was revealed later that nine ballistic missiles hit two air bases in the south of the country and another projectile landed in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights. The ballistic missiles used in the attack were reportedly of the Emad, Ghadr-110, Kheibar Shekan and Shahab-3B types. The remains found near the Ye’elim stream likely belong to a Ghadr-110 missile.

It is unclear however if the missile was indeed intercepted as the IOF claimed. Israel responded to the Iranian attack on Apr 13 by attacking the 8th Shekari Air Base near the city of Isfahan using ballistic missiles launched by warplanes from over the Syrian border with Jordan and Iraq as well as small suicide drones that were allegedly launched from within Iranian territory. Overall, the Iranian attack revealed serious problems with the Israeli missile defense network. It also sent a strong message to Israel and its allies.

Israeli Killed Near Lebanon’s Border In Hezbollah Missile Ambush
South Front, Apr 26 2024

An Israeli man was killed after Hezbollah ambushed late on Apr 25 a convoy of the IOF in the occupied Lebanon Kfarchouba hills. The convoy was targeted with guided missiles as well as rockets and artillery fire, Hezbollah said in a statement claiming responsibility for the ambush, adding that at least two vehicles were destroyed and that the IOF deployed a smokescreen to evacuate casualties.

Following the attack, the IDF said it struck Hezbollah sites in the southern Lebanese area of Shebaa, including a weapons depot and a rocket launcher, and additional sites in the towns of Markaba, Kfarchouba and Ain al- Tineh. Hebrew media reported later that an Israeli man had died of wounds he sustained in the attack. The Walla News site said that the man was a truck driver from the Arab village of Ras al-Ein close to the Lebanese border. The slain man was most likely a contractor working for the IOF, as there is a ban on the movement of civilians in Kfarchouba and other high-risk areas on the border.

IDF Withdraws “Nahal” Brigade From Central Gaza To Prepare For Rafah Operation
South Front, Apr 26 2024

The IOF had withdrawn the 933rd “Nahal” Brigade from the Gaza Strip for it to prepare with the rest of the 162nd Division “Haplada” for future operations, including an attack on the city of Rafah, Hebrew media said on Apr 25. For the past three months, Nahal had operated in a 6.8 km corridor that stretches from the Be’eri area in southern Israel to Gaza’s coast, splitting the Strip in half. The brigade will be replaced by the 679th “Yiftach” Armor Brigade and the 2nd “Carmeli” Infantry Brigade, Israeli Army Radio reported. The “Nahal” brigade will be given time for rest, recuperation and training before a planned ground operation in Rafah in southern Gaza. On Apr 23, the Israeli public broadcaster said that the IOF was planning to invade Rafah very soon, in an operation that includes evacuating thousands of people from the city. And on Apr 24, a senior Israeli ‘defense’ official told Reuters that the IOF has completed all necessary preparations to attack Rafah. The IDF could capture Rafah. However, it will take heavy losses. Since the outbreak of the war in Gaza after the Oct 7 Hamas-led surprise attack on Israel, the IOF has lost 606 troops. At least 3,305 others have been wounded. 261 were killed and 1,584 others were wounded during ground operations inside Gaza. And while an Israeli attack on the city will be catastrophic for Palestinian civilians, it will not mean the end of Hamas in any way. So far, the Israeli war has claimed the lives of 34,305 Palestinians and left more than 77,293 others wounded, according to the latest update by the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza.

Hezbollah Knocks Out Israeli Merkava Tank
South Front, Apr 26 2024

Hezbollah’s Military Media released on Apr 24 video footage showing a successful strike against a Merkava Mk 4M main battle tank of the IOF. The tank was targeted with an anti-tank guided missile, most likely a Russian-made 9M133 Kornet or the Iranian copy known as Dehlavieh, while it was moving into a firing position near the Metula military site on the Lebanese-Israeli border on Apr 17 at night. The missile fired by Hezbollah hit the tank, knocking it to the side of the road. The IDF made an attempt to recover the tank under the cover of a smokescreen. However, its efforts were unsuccessful and the damaged tank was abandoned.

The Merkava Mk 4M is one of the IDF’s most advanced pieces of equipment. The tank is equipped with the Trophy active protection system. Still, Hezbollah has managed to destroy or damage several tanks of this type since the outbreak of the clashes on the Lebanese-Israeli border on the backdrop of the IDF attack on the Palestinian Gaza Strip. The group mainly used laser-guided Kornet and Dehlavieh ATGMs as well as the Iranian-made Almas missile system, a copy of Israel’s Spike ATGM with electro-optical guidance and a top-attack capability. It’s worth noting that Hezbollah’s Military Media also released two other videos on Apr 24 and 25 showing recent rocket and missile attacks on the Israeli settlements of Shomera, Margaliot, Avivim and the base of Ein Zeitim.

craig murray

Worse Than You Can Imagine
Craig Murray, Apr 26 2024

Governments cannot take big decisions extremely quickly except in the most extreme of circumstances. There are mechanisms in all states that consider policy decisions, weigh them up, involve the various departments of the state whose activities are affected by that decision, and arrive at a conclusion, though not necessarily a good one.

The decision to stop aid funding to UNRWA was not taken by numerous Western states in a single day. In the UK, several different government ministries had to coordinate. Even within only a single ministry, the FO, views would have to be coordinated through written submissions and interdepartmental meetings between the departments dealing with the Middle East, with the UN, with the US, with EU and then of course between the diplomatic and development wings of the ministry. That process would include seeking the views of British Ambassadors to Tel Aviv, Doha, Cairo, Riyadh, Istanbul and Washington and to the UN in Geneva and in New York.

It is not necessarily a lengthy process, but it is not a day’s work, and nor would it need to be. There was no practical impact to making the announcement of cutting UNRWA funding a day sooner or a day later. Consider that the parallel process had to be completed in the US, in Canada, in Germany, in Australia and in all the other Western powers that contributed to starvation in Gaza by cutting aid to UNRWA. All of these countries had to go through their procedures, and it could only be by prior coordination, weeks in advance, between these states that they announced all on the same day the destruction of the life support system for Palestinians, then in absolute need.

And then consider that we now know for certain that the Israelis had produced no evidence whatsoever of UNRWA complicity in Hamas resistance, on which these decisions in all those states were allegedly based. I have no doubt at all that the Western political elite, paid tools of the zionist machine, are complicit in the genocide of Palestinians and ethnic cleansing of Gaza at a much deeper level than the people have yet understood. The refusal by Starmer and Sunak to contemplate ending arms sales and military support to Israel is not due to inertia or concern for the arms industry. It is that they actively support the destruction of the Palestinians.

The coordinated decision of the Western nations to fast track famine by stopping UNRWA funding was announced within an hour,  following the ICJ ruling that Gazans were at immediate risk of genocide, and drove from the media headlines the adverse ruling against Israel. This sent the clearest signal in response that the Western powers would not be stopped from the genocide by international law or institutions. The Western powers give not a fig for 16k massacred Palestinian infants. No evidence of mass graves in hospitals will move them. They knew genocide was happening and continued actively to arm and abet it. This genocide is the desired goal of the West. No other explanation is remotely plausible.

I have never believed the spin that Biden is trying to restrain Netanyahu, while simultaneously arming and funding Netanyahu and using US forces to fight alongside him. Biden is making no effort to restrain Netanyahu. Biden fully supports the genocide. My reading of this was reinforced when I was looking back at the Israeli murders on the Mavi Mamara in 2010, when they killed ten unarmed aid workers attempting a Freedom Flotilla aid delivery to Gaza. Israel’s actions were clearly both murderous and in breach of international law. Joe Biden as Vice President defended Israel staunchly then.

It is essential to understand that Genocide Joe has always been Genocide Joe. Joe Biden took the lead in defending the raid to the US public. In an interview with PBS, he described the raid as “legitimate” and argued that the flotilla organizers could have disembarked elsewhere before transferring the aid to Gaza. Biden asked about the humanitarian mission:

So what’s the big deal here? What’s the big deal of insisting it go straight to Gaza? Well, it’s legitimate for Israel to say, ‘I don’t know what’s on that ship. These guys are dropping eight — 3,000 rockets on my people.’

Biden is not being outplayed by Netanyahu. He is actively abetting Netanyahu and shares with him the objective of full Israeli occupation of Gaza after the Palestinian people are killed or expelled into Sinai. He also shares with Netanyahu the aim of a wider regional conflict in which the US and Gulf states ally with Israel against Iran, Syria, Yemen and Hezbollah. This is their joint vision of the Middle East: Greater Israel, and US hegemony operating through the Sunni monarchies.

If you believe all the spin from the White House about Biden trying to restrain Netanyahu, I suggest you look instead at the White House and State Department spokesmen refusing to accept any single instance of Israel atrocity and deferring to Israel on every single crime. I am currently in Pakistan, and I must say it has been a great refreshment to be in a country where everybody understands why ISIS, Al Nusra etc. never attacked Israeli interests, and sees precisely what Western governments are doing over Gaza. What is understood by developing nations is thankfully understood by Gen Z in the West as well.

The Arab regimes of the Gulf and Jordan are dependent upon Israeli and US security services and surveillance for protection from their own people. The lack of really massive street protest against their own regimes by Arab peoples is a direct testimony to the effectiveness of that vicious repression, particularly when states like Jordan actually fight alongside Israel against Iranian weapons. The anti-Iranian card is of course the trick both Biden and Netanyahu have left to play. By promoting an escalation with Iran, Western politicians were able to default to a position of claiming the case for arming Israel was proven, and I think were genuinely perplexed to find the public did not buy it.

The political class, across the Western world and the Arab world, is utterly divorced from its people over Gaza. We are seeing worldwide repression, as peaceful conferences are stormed by police in Germany, students are beaten by police on American campuses, and in the UK old white people like me suffer the kind of continual harassment long suffered by young Muslim men. This is not the work of Netanyahu operating as a rogue. It is the result of the machinations of a professional political class across the Western world welded to zionism, with the supremacy of Israel as an article of fundamental belief. Times are not this dark by accident. They were designed to be this dark.

the cradle

Gaza Freedom Flotilla delayed by Israel
The Cradle, Apr 26 2024

The departure from Turkiye of a flotilla delivering humanitarian aid to the besieged Gaza Strip has been delayed by an “administrative roadblock” created by Israel, The National reported on Apr 26. The “Freedom Flotilla” of three ships had planned to leave Istanbul on Friday to deliver more than 5 kilotons of humanitarian aid to Gaza in defiance of the Israeli siege. However, Israeli authorities requested additional measures that will delay its departure by several days, organizers of the flotilla said. Israel asked the Republic of Guinea Bissau to withdraw its flag from the Akdeniz, a passenger ship part of the flotilla. Huwaida Arraf, a Palestinian–American human rights lawyer and lead organizer of the flotilla, told The National:

This triggered a request for an additional inspection, this one by the flag state, that delays our April 26 planned departure.

The Akdeniz surpassed the required standards when inspected six months ago by a ship surveyor, Arraf added. John Hurson, an activist who will sail with the flotilla, tweeted:

Unfortunately the Freedom Flotilla has been delayed for another 48 hours at least. It’s a setback, but not surprising given the nature of our trip.

The three ships plan to deliver aid to Gaza, including food, baby formula, water, blankets, and feminine hygiene products. The flotilla will also carry about 800 people, including crew, activists, and human rights observers. Shortly after the war between Hamas and Israel began on Oct 7, Gallant declared:

I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly.

Rights groups have since accused Israel of using starvation as a weapon of war and warned that the siege would create a famine threatening the 2.3 million Palestinians of Gaza. Arraf said:

We are challenging the blockade and peacefully approaching its waters. If they want to stop us, they will have to do it by force.

The flotilla is at risk of being attacked by the Israeli navy, which controls the Gaza Strip’s land and sea borders as part of its broader blockade and siege of the tiny enclave lasting in varying intensities for over 17 years. A previous flotilla organized in 2010 by pro-Palestinian activists to break the siege saw Israeli commandos invade the ships using helicopters. The commandos killed nine Turkish civilians and injured 30 others of several nationalities. A tenth member of the flotilla died in the hospital after being in a coma for four years.

Biden refuses to sanction Israeli units behind ‘gross’ war crimes
The Cradle, Apr 26 2024

The Biden government has decided against imposing sanctions on Israeli army units responsible for human rights violations against Palestinians, despite initial plans to do so. ABC News reported on Apr 26 that a government assessment determined that three battalions in the Israeli army committed “gross human rights violations” against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank “but will remain eligible for US military aid regardless because of steps Israel says it’s taking to address the problem.” The assessment, which has not been made public, was outlined in a letter written by Blinken to House Speaker Mike Johnson, which the news network obtained.

The rights violations committed by Israeli forces “will not delay the delivery of any US assistance and Israel will be able to receive the full amount appropriated by Congress.” Billions in US aid to Israel was approved by Biden just two days ago after passing in the Senate on Tuesday. The violations in question were committed prior to Oct 7 and took place in the occupied West Bank. They include the execution of Palestinians by Israeli border police, as well as torture and rape during interrogation. None are related to Israel’s ongoing war in Gaza, which has killed tens of thousands of Palestinians, the majority of whom were women and children. Yet the decision is expected to frustrate many critics of the Biden administration who believe Washington has not done enough to hold Israel accountable for war crimes.

Under the US Leahy Law, Washington should withhold military aid to states committing severe human rights abuses. Yet the law allows exceptions if measures are taken to punish those responsible. An informed source told ABC that Israel and the US have a “special agreement” that Washington must consult with Tel Aviv over any decision relating to foreign assistance. The source added that these consultations are ongoing. Blinken’s letter states that four of the Israeli army units have undergone “remediation” steps, meaning that those within the units that are responsible for the crimes have been internally held accountable. Netanyahu said on Apr 21:

If anyone thinks they can impose sanctions on a unit of the IOF, I will fight it with all my strength.

According to Ynet, Israeli pressure on the US helped shape the decision not to impose sanctions on the units. An Israeli official told the outlet:

The reasonable estimate is that we will be able to convince the US not to impose these sanctions.

In addition to Netanyahu, Gantz and Lapid both called on the US not to proceed with the decision. Gallant reportedly promised Blinken that “steps” would be taken. A special State Dept panel proposed months ago to bar certain Israeli police and army units from receiving US funds over human rights abuses. A ProPublica report from last week indicates that Blinken disregarded the panel’s recommendations for action against the units. The Guardian reported in January, citing interviews and State Dept documents:

Special mechanisms have been used over the last few years to shield Israel from US human rights laws.

Over a decade needed to remove rubble, explosives from Israeli bombing in Gaza
The Cradle, Apr 26 2024

The vast amount of rubble, including unexploded ordnance, left by Israel’s bombing of Gaza could take over a decade to remove, a UN official said on Apr 26, highlighting the massive scope of Israel’s targeting of civilian urban areas since the war began in October. Pehr Lodhammar, a senior officer at the UN Mine Action Service, told a briefing in Geneva that the war had left an estimated 37 megatons of debris in the widely urbanized, densely-populated strip. He said that although it was impossible to determine the exact amount of unexploded ordnance found in Gaza, it was projected that it could take 14 years under certain conditions to clear the debris, including rubble from destroyed buildings. He said:

We know that typically there’s a failure rate of at least 10% of land service ammunition that is being fired and fails to function. We’re talking about 14 years of work with 100 trucks.

Reuters notes:

Israel’s bombing and ground campaign has reduced much of the narrow, coastal territory of 2.3 million people to a wasteland with most civilians homeless, hungry and at risk of disease.

In November, the AP reported:

Israel’s bombing campaign has turned much of northern Gaza into an uninhabitable moonscape. Whole neighborhoods have been erased. Homes, schools, and hospitals have been blasted by airstrikes and scorched by tank fire. Some buildings are still standing, but most are battered shells.

Israel’s bombing then left similar destruction in its wake in central and southern Gaza, including in the besieged enclave’s second-largest city, Khan Yunis. Israeli forces are currently bombing Rafah, a city on the Gaza–Egypt border, in preparation for a ground assault there as well. Anne Hery, advocacy director at NGO Humanity & Inclusion, told AFP in March:

An estimated 45k bombs were dropped on the Gaza Strip in the first three months of the conflict. However, based on a failure rate of between 9% and 14%, it is possible that several thousand bombs did not work as planned and did not explode on impact, ending up scattered in the ruins and all over the territory. Explosive remnants of war not only kill many civilians but also cause complex and disabling injuries that are difficult to treat amid war. Some injuries caused by explosive remnants of war require lifelong support, not to mention the psychological trauma that affects victims, sometimes entire communities, for many years. And not just when you’ve been a victim or lost loved ones, but also when you’ve lived for weeks in fear of the bombs.

Israel’s war is increasingly leaving Gaza uninhabitable. Roughly 85% of Gaza’s 2.3 million residents have been internally displaced, including over a million in Rafah. Many are living in makeshift tent cities. Israeli officials have stated their desire for Palestinians to “voluntarily” leave Gaza to make way for permanent Israeli control and the establishment of Jewish settlements in the place of destroyed Palestinian cities.

Third State Dept official resigns over US Gaza policy
The Cradle, Apr 26 2024

Hala Rharrit, the Arabic-language spokeswoman for the US State Dept, has resigned in protest against White House support for Israel’s war on Gaza. Her resignation, effective Wednesday, was confirmed through her State Dept biography page. The State Dept is the US equivalent of other nations’ foreign ministries. In a statement on the social networking site LinkedIn, Rharrit stated:

I resigned in April 2024 after 18 years of distinguished service in opposition to the US’ Gaza policy. Diplomacy, not arms. Be a force for peace and unity.

Rharrit worked for the State Dept for almost two decades, including as the Deputy Director of the Dubai Regional Media Hub. She fulfilled assignments in various countries, including Yemen, Hong Kong, Qatar, and South Africa. Rharrit is the third to submit her resignation to the State Dept in protest of Biden’s and Blinken’s Gaza policy. Annelle Sheline resigned publicly in March, citing her inability to fulfill her role in the human rights department under the current administration’s policies. State Dept official Josh Paul resigned in October in protest of US arms transfers to Israel. He had worked for 11 years as Director of the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs.

In November, more than 1k USAID officials, part of the State Dept, signed an open letter calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Cables criticizing the administration’s policy have also been filed with the State Dept’s internal dissent channel. The resignations come amid heightened criticism of Washington’s unwavering support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza. A bill pushed by Biden to send $26b in aid to Israel amid the ongoing genocide in Gaza passed the US Congress last week and is expected to pass the Senate.

Egypt’s intel chief in Tel Aviv to urge ‘delay’ of Rafah op
The Cradle, Apr 26 2024

The head of Egyptian intelligence, Abbas Kamel, will travel to Tel Aviv on Apr 26 for talks on a Gaza truce and prisoner exchange, coming as Cairo has put forth a new proposal for a deal. Kamel will meet with the head of the Mossad, David Barnea, and the head of Israel’s National Security Council, Tzachi Hanegbi, the IBA reported. It added that the Egyptian intelligence chief will present Cairo’s proposal during the talks.

The Egyptian proposal reportedly calls for a postponement of Israel’s planned attack on Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah, as well as an Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, freedom of movement on the strip’s main roads, and the return of the displaced to their homes. A one-year ceasefire is also included in the proposal. Prisoner exchanges would be spread out across several stages, according to the plan.

Hamas is reportedly demanding 50 Palestinian prisoners for every Israeli soldier released and 30 for every non-combatant Israeli. According to Hebrew reports, Israel may be willing to back down on an original demand for 40 of its prisoners to be released and will accept 20 prisoners instead. Other Hebrew reports cited an official as saying that Israel will not accept 20 prisoners and that the number being considered is actually 33.

Hebrew media reported on Thursday that Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar and the Israeli military’s prisoner envoy to the talks, Nitzan Alon, presented ideas to the war cabinet on how Tel Aviv could potentially make compromises on its position in order to secure a deal with Hamas. Hamas has consistently demanded no less than an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, a permanent ceasefire and end to the war, return of the displaced, and reconstruction of the strip.

Top Israeli and Egyptian officials held a secret meeting in Cairo on Apr 24, aimed at discussing Tel Aviv’s plans for an invasion of Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah, according to Axios. Egypt is reportedly briefed on and involved in plans to evacuate Rafah’s civilians into Khan Yunis, ahead of military operations in the desperately overcrowded city. During the meeting, truce and prisoner exchange efforts were also discussed, Axios said.

Yemen, Iran, Palestine blast Washington for persecuting students opposing genocide
The Cradle, Apr 26 2024

Yemeni, Iranian, and Palestinian authorities have spoken out in support of US university students and faculty members who have been targeted by brutal police repression for the past two weeks during mobilizations calling for an end to the genocide in Gaza. The leader of Yemen’s ruling Ansarallah party, Abd’ul-Malik al-Houthi, said during a speech on Apr 25:

The US government does not respect their laws, their constitution, or any headlines they raise and brag about. There is a concerted effort to silence a movement that has begun to wake up to the horror of what is happening in occupied Palestine. With the demonstrations and sit-ins at prominent US universities, the US support for the Israeli enemy became clear, as authorities dealt with the demonstrations and protests in a bad manner that goes beyond all considerations.

On Friday, Ansarallah’s politburo issued a similar statement, saying:

The unjustified repression against peaceful demonstrations inside universities reveals Washington’s hypocrisy about defending liberties, protecting human rights, and spreading democracy.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian also condemned the crackdown witnessed across several universities. He said via social media:

The suppression and violent treatment of the American police and security forces against professors and students protesting the genocide and war crimes of the Israeli regime in various universities of the US is deeply worrying. This repression is an extension of Washington’s full-fledged support for the Israeli regime and clearly shows the double standard policy and contradictory attitude of the American government towards freedom of expression.

In Palestine, officials from Hamas and the PFLP, as well as student organizations in the Gaza Strip, issued statements supporting the grassroots movement that has taken over about two dozen university campuses in the US. A statement from students’ organizations in Gaza reads:

We, the students of Gaza, salute the students of Columbia University, Yale University, New York University, Rutgers University, the University of Michigan, and dozens of universities across the United States who are rising in solidarity with Gaza and to put an end to the Zionist–US genocide against our people in Gaza. From here in Gaza, we see you and salute you. Your actions and activism matter, especially in the heart of the empire, in the US. It is clear that a new generation is rising that will no longer accept Zionism, racism, and genocide and that stands with Palestine and our liberation from the river to the sea.

The PFLP statement reads:

Palestinian and Arab universities must take the initiative and break the barrier of silence, following the example of American universities which have ignited an intifada within the campus for the victory of the blood of our Palestinian people, and in rejection of the continuing American support for the zionist entity, rise for Gaza following the example of American universities.

In a similar vein, Hamas politburo member Izzat al-Rishq said:

The Biden administration violates individual rights and the right to expression, and arrests university students and faculty members because they reject the genocide that our Palestinian people are subjected to in the Gaza Strip at the hands of the neo-Nazi Zionists, without the slightest feeling of shame about the legal value represented by the students and university professors. The Biden administration, which is a partner in the brutal war on our Palestinian people, does not want to acknowledge that America has discovered the truth about the Nazi entity and is siding with human values and standing on the right side of history. Today’s students are the leaders of the future, and their suppression today means an expensive electoral bill that the Biden administration will pay sooner or later.

A Reuters tally shows nearly 550 arrests at major US universities over the past week.

US troops begin building Gaza port ahead of Israel’s Rafah invasion
The Cradle, Apr 26 2024

US troops have begun construction of a maritime port off the coast of Gaza, the Pentagon said on Apr 26, as hundreds of thousands of Palestinians face further displacement ahead of Israel’s anticipated invasion of Rafah. Pentagon spox Major General Patrick Ryder told reporters:

I can confirm that US military vessels, to include the USNS Benavidez, have begun to construct the initial stages of the temporary pier and causeway at sea.

Biden announced the building of the port on Mar 7, claiming it would allow a large-scale delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza as the threat of famine loomed. However, the plan to build the port was first suggested to Biden by Netanyahu on Oct 22, shortly after the war began, the Jerusalem Post reported. Speaking at a private meeting of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Security Committee on Mar 20, Netanyahu suggested the port could also facilitate the removal of Palestinians from Gaza, IBA News reported. Netanyahu said:

As far as the State of Israel is concerned, there is no obstacle for the Gazans to leave, maybe even the port they are building could be used for this, but there are no countries in the world that are ready to receive them.

Netanyahu’s statement raises fears the port could be used to expel Palestinians who have nowhere to flee ahead of Israel’s long-planned invasion of Rafah on the Gaza–Egypt border. At the time of Biden’s Mar 7 announcement of the pier, Israeli officials were blocking most aid deliveries to Gaza overland by truck. A week before the announcement, the Israeli army fired into a crowd of hungry and starving people seeking to receive sacks of flour at Al-Rashid Street in Gaza City. Israeli fire and the subsequent stampede it caused killed 118. Reuters reports that a senior White House official said:

Humanitarian aid reaching the pier by sea will need to pass through Israeli checkpoints on land. That is despite the aid having already been inspected by Israel in Cyprus prior to being shipped to Gaza.

Israel claims it wants to prevent any aid from getting to Hamas fighters that would allow them to keep fighting occupying Israeli forces. Reuters adds:

The presence of Israeli checkpoints at the pier raises questions about possible delays even after aid reaches shore. The UN has long complained of obstacles to getting aid in and distributing it throughout Gaza.

The pier will initially receive enough aid to load 90 trucks daily, but the number is expected to increase as the pier becomes fully operational. Under heavy international pressure, Israel has allowed additional aid into Gaza in the past month. According to the UN, an average of 200 trucks a day have been allowed into Gaza in April. On Monday, Israel allowed 316 trucks into the besieged strip. Despite this apparent increase, the number of aid trucks allowed in remains insufficient. According to UN aid agencies and other humanitarian groups, at least 500 to 600 trucks are needed daily to sustain Gaza’s population. Despite the recent increase in aid trucks, northern Gaza is still heading toward a famine, the deputy UN food chief warned Thursday. He appealed for Israel to allow direct access from its southern Ashdod port to the Erez crossing.

The White House official cited by Reuters added that about 1k US troops would support the building and operation of the pier, including in coordination cells in Cyprus and Israel. Biden has previously stated no US troops would set foot in Gaza itself. The official added that a third party will drive trucks down the pier onto the beach. The Israeli military said it would provide security and logistics support for the pier, including protecting the US troops constructing and operating it. A UN official speaking anonymously with Ynet said several disagreements remain around how Israel will manage the port’s security. The military is reportedly seeking to install remote-controlled gun positions, which the UN opposes, the official said.

Hezbollah ambushes Israeli army convoy hiding under cover of night
The Cradle, Apr 26 2024

The Israeli army published details on Apr 26 on its truck driver who was killed in a Hezbollah attack the night before. The Israeli army said in a statement:

Terrorists launched anti-tank missiles towards the Mount Dov area during the night. As a result of the launch, an Israeli citizen was injured during infrastructure activity in the area, and a short time later he was pronounced dead.

According to Ynet:

The man who was killed was a military truck driver who was in the area to assist in infrastructure work to erect an obstacle that does not yet exist on Mount Dov. The work is carried out mainly at night, in the dark and usually without lights, so as not to be caught by Hezbollah surveillance.

The army has begun an investigation into how the truck driver and his vehicle were spotted. The Hebrew outlet went on to say that the Israeli rescue operation lasted several minutes, during which forces attempted to avoid Hezbollah fire through smoke shells and airstrikes. Hezbollah said in a statement early on Friday:

In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their valiant and honorable resistance, the Islamic Resistance prepared a combined ambush of guided missiles, artillery, and missile weapons for an armored convoy near the Ruwaisat al-Alam site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills. At 23:10 on the night of Thursday 4/25/2024, it was targeted with guided weapons, artillery, and missiles. The attack led to the destruction of two vehicles. The enemy worked to create a smokescreen to cover the losses.

The Lebanese resistance group carried out several other attacks that night and earlier on Thursday, including a drone attack on the Israeli Ain Margaliot artillery headquarters. Israeli warplanes carried out heavy airstrikes on southern Lebanon following the killing of the army truck driver. It also struck Tumat Niha, for the first time during this war, in the Jabal Mashghara region of eastern Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley at dawn on Friday. On Apr 24, Israel bombarded over a dozen Lebanese villages with heavy strikes. Several attacks on Israeli military sites were carried out by Hezbollah that day. Hezbollah attacked the headquarters of the Israeli army’s Golani Brigade with drones on Apr 23, in its deepest strike into the occupied territories since the start of the war.

jonathan cook

How an ‘antisemitism hoax’ drowned out the discovery of mass graves in Gaza
Jonathan Cook, Apr 26 2024

A gruesome discovery was made in Gaza last weekend. Some 300 Palestinian bodies of men, women and children were unearthed from an unmarked mass grave in the courtyard of the Nasser hospital in Khan Younis. Even given Israel’s record of committing relentless atrocities in Gaza over the past six months, killing tens of thousands of Palestinians, most of them women and children, this one stood out. Some bodies were reported to have been found with their hands and feet bound, and stripped of clothing, strongly suggesting they had been executed during a three-month invasion of the city by Israeli soldiers. Others were said to be decapitated, or their skin and organs removed. Some 10k people had been sheltering at Gaza’s second-largest hospital when it was attacked back in February. At the time there were reports of patients and staff being picked off by sniper fire. The medical facility was left in ruins. Another 400 people are still reported missing in Khan Younis. More mass graves are already being uncovered. Referring to some of the bodies, Yamen Abu Suleiman, a civil defence leader in Khan Younis, told CNN:

We do not know if they were buried alive or executed. Most of the bodies are decomposed.

The revelations from Khan Younis fit a pattern that has been gradually emerging as Israeli troops have pulled back. Last week, the latest of several mass graves were found at Gaza’s largest hospital, al-Shifa. Israel left the area earlier this month after destroying the hospital. Together, the graves are reported to have contained hundreds of bodies. Further unmarked graves have been discovered in Beit Lahiya. The UNHRC chief, Volker Turk, said he was “horrified” by the reports.

Back in the 1990s, the identification of mass graves of thousands of Muslim men from the Bosnian town of Srebrenica led to the setting up of a special war crimes tribunal of the International Criminal Court. It ruled in 2001 that a genocide had occurred in Srebrenica committed by Bosnian Serbs, a judgment later confirmed by the International Court of Justice, sometimes referred to as the World Court. In the circumstances, one might have expected the discovery of mass graves of hundreds of Palestinians to be front-page news, especially since the same World Court ruled three months ago that a “plausible” case had been made that Israel was committing genocidal acts in Gaza. And yet, like so many other Israeli atrocities, this one barely caused a ripple in the news cycle. Months ago, the establishment British media largely lost interest in reporting on the continuing slaughter in Gaza. The contrast with the media’s early coverage of Ukraine has been stark. The discovery of a mass grave containing some 100 bodies in the Kyiv suburb of Bucha, blamed on Russian troops, caused international outrage. Bucha quickly became a byword for Russian savagery, and the discovery sustained months of calls for Russian leaders to be tried for genocide.

The general indifference of British media outlets to the mass graves found in Gaza is hugely convenient for Britain’s two main political parties. The UK has avoided pushing for a ceasefire to end Israel’s bloodletting in Gaza. It refuses to stop selling Israel weapons and components that have helped in the killing of Palestinians, and potentially aid workers too. On Israel’s say-so, Britain has cut funding to UNRWA, the UN aid agency best placed to stop a famine Israel is wilfully inducing in the enclave by blocking aid. And a British abstention helped foil a vote in the UNSC this month to recognise Palestine as a state, something 140 other nations have already done. The Labour party has offered only muted opposition. Bipartisan support in the UK for Israel’s plausible genocide has provoked a groundswell of public anger, including regular protests in London that attract hundreds of thousands of marchers. Once again, however, the British media has seemed far less interested in reporting Israeli atrocities than in imputing malign motivations to large sections of the British public incensed by what is happening in Gaza. It was quite extraordinary that the discovery of mass graves in the enclave was almost completely drowned out by an all-too-obvious hoax pulled by an Israel lobbyist.

Gideon Falter, chief executive of the Campaign Against Antisemitism, has been trying to shut down the peaceful London marches calling for an end to the butchering of men, women and children in Gaza since Israel began its military assault more than six months ago. In Falter’s words, the hundreds of thousands of people who turn out regularly to call for a ceasefire, including a large bloc of Jews, are “lawless mobs” posing a direct threat to Jews like himself. He has found powerful allies in the government. Home Secretary James Cleverly has said the march organisers have “real evil intent,” while his predecessor Suella Braverman labelled the protests calling for a ceasefire as “hate marches.” Both have put pressure on the police to ban the protests for being supposedly antisemitic. There is precisely no evidence for any of these claims. In fact, according to police figures, Glastonbury music festival goers were nearly four times more likely to be arrested than those attending the London marches. Which has left the continuing mass marches a major embarrassment to both the UK government and the opposition Labour party by highlighting their continuing complicity in what has become, with revelations like the discovery of mass graves, ever more clearly a genocide. That is the proper context for understanding Falter’s latest intervention.

As the Metropolitan police are only too aware, Falter’s group, along with other pro-Israel activists, have every incentive to engineer a provocation to add to the already considerable pressure on the police to ban the London marches and further curtail a fundamental civil liberty: the right to protest. A video on social media shows Falter being confronted by police in a previous incident in which he tried to drive a large van with pro-Israel messages down the march route. But his breakthrough came this month when, accompanied by an Israeli-trained security detail and a film crew, he tried repeatedly to break through a police line along the route and walk against the flow of the march. Responsible for maintaining public order at large protests, Met officers stopped him. There are well-known rules imposed by the police surrounding large protests on highly charged ideological issues like this one. The marchers are not allowed to stray from the route determined by the police, and opponents, whether Israel apologists like Falter or Islamophobic white nationalists, are not allowed to approach and antagonise the marchers. The job of the police is to keep the sides apart. Blocked by officers, Falter had his script ready. He simply insisted on his right to “cross the street” as a Jew going about his business.

Given the way the public discourse about Israel and antisemitism has been malevolently manipulated by the British establishment over the past eight years, after the long-time Palestinian solidarity activist Jeremy Corbyn was elected Labour leader, Falter could not lose in this encounter. If the police arrested him, he would have filmed evidence that he was being victimised as a Jew by an antisemitic police force. If they refused to let him “cross the street,” he would have filmed proof that the march was indeed filled with Jew haters posing a threat to his safety. And if the police failed in their duties and let him and his retinue walk against the flow of the packed protest, he would at the very least be jostled, like anyone attempting to do this. Based on the established credulity of the establishment media in covering antisemitism, Falter was presumably confident that this could be spun as a hate crime against him. The police clearly seemed to understand Falter’s game plan. They appeared extremely reluctant to arrest him, even though a former chief superintendent, Dal Babu, observed that, in trying to push past them, Falter could have been charged with “assault on a police officer and breach of the peace.”

Instead, the officers patiently argued for at least a quarter of an hour with Falter, pointing out that he could bypass the march using a different route. But in this lengthy, testy encounter, the Campaign Against Antisemitism boss finally got what he wanted. One officer made a slip-up, suggesting that the problem was that the skullcap-wearing Falter was “openly Jewish.” As noted, lots of Jews attend the march and do so under banners declaring that they are Jews. Despite being “openly Jewish,” all say they are warmly welcomed by other demonstrators.

The officer’s mistake was understandable. Israel apologists and the British establishment spent years manipulating the public discourse to conflate Israel, the political nationalist ideology of Zionism and Jewishness in a blatant ploy to vilify supporters of Corbyn, the anti-racist former Labour leader, as antisemites. The problem wasn’t that Falter is “openly Jewish,” it was that he is a vocal, openly Zionist supporter of Israel, one who makes excuses for its genocide and vilifies those who are opposed to the bloodletting. It is not his ethnicity or religion that are a provocation, it is his ugly politics. But with the officer’s comment in the can, Falter released a heavily edited version of his confrontation with the police to an establishment media only too willing, at least initially, to swallow two completely implausible ideas Falter was peddling. First, that the police officer’s comment was proof that the Met is institutionally racist against Jews and that is why it has allowed the anti-genocide marches to go ahead. Falter called for the head of the Met, Sir Mark Rowley, to be sacked. And second, and more importantly, that the officer’s comment was proof that the marches are indeed “hate marches” consisting of, as he declared to a BBC interviewer, “racists, extremists and terrorist sympathisers.”

It may all have been fake news, but it fitted an agenda the media has been promoting for years: that anything more than the lightest-touch criticism of Israel is evidence of antisemitism. The political and media class have been increasingly struggling to credibly sustain that idea in the face of Israel committing a genocide, but Falter’s video served briefly as a shot in the arm. From one police officer’s brief, verbal slip-up, he was able to fire up a national debate that took as its premise the idea that police were colluding with “antisemitic hate marches.” On the back foot, the Met hurriedly agreed to meet Falter and “Jewish community leaders,” seemingly to get their advice on what needed to be done about the marches. Sunday’s BBC evening news reported that pressure was growing on the Met “to get the balance right between allowing legitimate protest and cracking down on hate speech and intimidation.” Good Morning Britain’s hosts fawned over Falter on Monday morning, accepting uncritically that the march posed a threat to him as a Jew and expressing concern that the police were not getting that balance right.

But quite unlike the years-long  accusations of fake antisemitism whipped up by Falter and others to oust Corbyn, one that was enthusiastically amplified by the state-corporate media, the Met had powerful allies inside the establishment that pushed back. Before Falter’s hoax could properly take hold, Sky released a much longer video of his confrontation with the police. It showed that they had blocked his way after identifying him as a provocateur. Police can be heard accusing him of being “disingenuous” and telling him to stop “running into protesters.” Former police officers, including Babu, were invited on TV to offer a counter-narrative that cast Falter in a far less sympathetic light. By Tuesday, the Met chief Rowley was feeling confident enough to go on the attack, praising the officer at the centre of the row and accusing pro-Israel activists of using “fakery” to undermine the Met. But even wounded, Falter emerged decisively as the victor. No one is talking as they should be about why groups like the Campaign Against Antisemitism, which regularly and so visibly meddle deeply in British politics in the interests of a foreign power, Israel, are treated as charities. Instead, Falter has given the political and media class more ammunition to argue that the marches need to be banned, and has put police decision-making under yet more scrutiny. Whatever bullishness Rowley exhibited in public, his battles behind the scenes against a government keen to silence the marches will have been made far more complicated. But, more importantly, Falter has played an invaluable role in bolstering Israel’s favourite tactic. He has deflected attention in the UK away from its war crimes, including the mass graves in Khan Younis, to squabbles entirely divorced from reality about whether Jews are safe from the anti-war movement.

Precisely the same dynamic is playing out in the US, where the establishment, from Biden down, is painting peaceful protests on college campuses against the genocide as hotbeds of hatred and antisemitism. There, things are even more out of hand, with the police called in to make arrests of students and faculty.  In both cases, the real debate, about why Britain and the US are still actively supporting the bombing and starvation of Gaza’s population after six months of genocide, has once more been muffled by the Israel lobby’s fake news. Establishment media have once again seized on any pretext available to them to focus on a twig rather than the forest. The pattern is hard to miss: the British establishment, including the government and the BBC, are working hand in hand to help Israel and its genocide apologists win the public relations battle. Only briefly, when the honour of the police – the establishment’s fist – got a bloodied nose, was there a degree of pushback. Take, for example, the day in January when the World Court ruled there was a “plausible” case made by South Africa’s lawyers that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. That same day Israel successfully sabotaged the devastating news with a scoop of its own. It alleged that some 12 UNRWA staff members it had seized in Gaza, out of a total of 13k in the enclave on the agency’s payroll, had confessed to taking part in Hamas’ attack on Oct 7, in which some 1,150 Israelis were killed. Israel demanded western states immediately cut all funding to UNRWA. It has been Israel’s long-term goal to eliminate the refugee agency and permanently erase the rights of Palestinians to return to homes their families were expelled from in 1948 in what is now Israel. Most western capitals, including the UK, dutifully complied, even though the decision was certain to plunge Gaza even deeper into a famine Israel has been engineering as part of its genocidal policies.

But the announcement’s timing was important too. Western media focused their coverage on a story about UNRWA that should have been marginal, even were it true. The World Court’s finding that Israel was plausibly committing genocide was far more significant. Nonetheless, reporting on the ruling, especially the fact that the court suspected Israel was carrying out genocidal acts, was entirely overshadowed by the claims against UNRWA. This week, months on, an independent review commissioned by the UN and led by the former French foreign minister, Catherine Colonna, found that Israel has still failed to produce any evidence to support its allegations against UNRWA. But just as with Falter’s hoax, the goal of such accusations by Israel is never to expose the truth. The aim is to distract from the truth. The same can be said of Israel’s still unsubstantiated claims of unprecedented savagery committed by Hamas on Oct 7, from beheading babies to carrying out systematic mass rape. None of these allegations, which have been widely regurgitated by the establishment western media, have ever been backed up with evidence. Whenever testimonies have been scrutinised, they have unravelled. But all these claims have served a purpose. They keep western publics focused on evil humanitarian aid workers and evil anti-war protesters rather than the kind of evil that dares in broad daylight to kill 15,000 children, destroy hospitals, and hide bodies in mass graves.

Students Are Taking the Lead in Denouncing Gaza Atrocities:
Israel and its friends malign them as “antisemites”

Philip Giraldi,, Apr 25 2024

If you were wondering why or how the mainstream media coverage of what is taking place in Gaza is so slanted as to make it look like a real war between two well-armed and competitive adversaries instead of a massacre of civilians, wonder no longer! A leak has exposed a NYT internal document that provides editorial guidance about words that should not be used in any article relating to Gaza or to Palestine. They include “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” “occupied territory,” and even “Palestine” itself. The intent is clearly to eliminate any words with negative connotations what might be applied in some fashion to Israel and to what Israel is doing, even going so far as to not include any suggestion that Palestine itself might be considered a legitimate political entity. At the same time the media is letting be heard arguments that Israelis killing Palestinians is justified as they are all “terrorists,” even the little ones who will grow up to become enemies of Israel and Jews worldwide.

To a large extent, it is the Zionists themselves that created the need to censor the language being used to describe developments between Israel and its neighbors and that is because Israel, which de facto and illegally occupies all of historic Palestine, made itself de jure “the nation state of the Jewish people” back in 2018 in spite of its Christian and Muslim citizens which, at the time, amounted to something like 20% of the population. To put it simply, a Jewish state cannot also be a democracy for all of its citizens any more that the US can be a Christian state, so it is necessary to divert attention away from that paradox. And there are other degrees of unpleasantness that spring from that necessity, including the fact that devout Jewish believers actually do follow the ten commandments, including “Thou shall not kill!” while Israel has been doing nothing but killing since its foundation as well as plenty of violations of “Thou shall not steal” and “Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor!”

So instead of behaving better and trying to live peaceably with its neighbors, the “Jewish state” opted instead to cultivate a partly mythical saga of victimhood referred to as the “Holocaust” and to label all of its lethal overreactions as legitimate “right to defend itself” responses. This in turn has spawned another line of defense, what has become the virtual industry which might be referred as the pursuit of “antisemitism.” And to make it really dangerous for the average American citizens who still believe that it is possible to criticize the behavior of foreign countries, the chant of “antisemitism” has been picked up wholeheartedly by the politicians and it is being turned into laws particularly at state levels to punish people who attempt to criticize Israel. National level politicians in Congress are also submitting draft laws that would apply similar restraints throughout the country so it will inevitably be goodbye the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speech.

The current unrest of pro-Palestinian “encampments” and “liberated zones” at 33 college campuses in the US protesting against what is clearly a genocide taking place in Gaza by calling for a ceasefire and a halt to institutional investment in Israel as well as a suspension of ties to Israeli government educational bodies. The movement is, as a consequence, being assiduously labeled a manifestation of “antisemitism” by Congress, by Biden in the White House and by nearly all of the mainstream media. Netanyahu, responding to the unrest, is saying, inevitably, that “antisemitic mobs have taken over leading universities” similar to Nazi rallies in the 1930s and he called for a major security crackdown on the demonstrators. And it should be observed how the reaction by the universities has been fairly consistent, i.e. to shut down Palestinians groups or speakers on campus while leaving Jewish groups supporting Israel’s actions alone, indicating clearly that this has not been an even-handed response to political unrest. House Speaker Mike Johnson, who has made his pro-Israel sentiments very clear, spoke at Columbia University, where the movement began, on Wednesday and dismissed suggestions that the protests were legally protected free speech. He was addressing what he thought were “Jewish students” but was nevertheless heckled by demonstrators as he said:

The university have failed to protect Jewish students amid concerns about antisemitism on and around campus. This is dangerous. We respect free speech, we respect diversity of ideas, but there is a way to do that in a lawful manner and that’s not what this is. They cannot even guarantee the safety of Jewish students? They’re expected to run for their lives and stay home from class? It’s just, it’s maddening.

If the Speaker had done a little more investigating he would have learned that nearly all alleged instances of “antisemitism” on campus have been greatly exaggerated by organizations like the ADL, whose Director Jonathan Greenblatt has been a prime rabble-rouser in calling for criminal charges against all those he accuses of “hating Jews.” Neither Greenblatt nor Johnson, himself a Christian Zionist, is evidently troubled at all by the fact that Israel has slaughtered likely well upwards of 40k unarmed civilians, including many children. It is a death toll that includes the torture and killing of prisoners execution style, mass graves of victims and the deliberate destruction of hospitals, schools and churches. It even encompasses the removal of organs from captives and cadavers for transplant, for which product Israel has a well-known and highly developed international clientele. But such details are regarded as unproven or even as an irrelevancy to Greenblatt and Johnson, as is the reality that many American Jews possessing consciences are participating in the demonstrations. They presumably will soon be labeled as “self-hating Jews” to make the approved narrative complete.

It is difficult to ignore what a monster Israel has become under Netanyahu and his band of thugs. When Ben-Gvir responded to reports that Israel has run out of jail room for its circa 10k Palestinian prisoners by saying the solution was to take some of them out and kill them to make more room, there was no response from Washington. Perhaps a better solution would be to free the majority of those prisoners, who are being detained without charges, since imprisoning people without due process is considered to be unacceptable in most “rule of law” civilized countries, which Israel and Biden’s US consider themselves to be but manifestly are not. So, I welcome the student rebellion against Israeli atrocities even though they have already been confronting a massive wave of oppression from the school authorities and even from alumni who are withholding donations and also forming groups that will advise prospective employers of the names of students who are regarded as anti-Israel, presumably denying them employment after graduation.

The universities themselves are engaging in suspension or expulsion of the protesters, including an email sent by Princeton University to all students on Wednesday threatening that students participating in Pro-Palestinian protests like those at Columbia, Yale and other universities would be subject to “arrest and being immediately barred” from campus followed by expulsion. Meanwhile the civil authorities will be called upon to continue to arrest protesters, when necessary, using both police and the National Guard resources. It all recalls the shooting of nonviolent student demonstrators at Kent State University 54 years ago! Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, a major recipient of Israel Lobby money, is advocating that demonstrators, whom he describes as “pro-Hamas criminals,” be confronted by angry citizens who ought to “take matters into your own hands” and directly punish the offenders.

And meanwhile the government of this fair country, which has become the full-time defender of Israel, will be bleating in unison that the demonstrators are “antisemites” and even Hamas-aligned “terrorists,” demeaning them to such an extent that anything done to them will be considered okay by the media and opinion makers. There will not be a critical word uttered about what Israel is doing apart from vague Biden-esque appeals to take some “humanitarian” steps to kill less, which are routinely ignored by Netanyahu. On the contrary, Congress and Biden are rewarding Israel for its behavior with their recent foreign aid grant of $26b to rearm the Jewish state, which an in-debt Washington can no longer afford even though Biden claims that the gift will “make the world safer” and be remembered as a “good day for world peace.”

Ironically, part of the money is intended for “humanitarian aid” which might suggest something for the Palestinians, but as the US refuses to deal with UNRWA and most certainly will not work with what remains of existing formerly Hamas government in Gaza, Israel will no doubt limit and control the aid, just as it is doing now, before pocketing all of the leftover cash. How Israel treats the US as a chattel, a source of money, weapons and unlimited political cover without providing anything at all in return apart from constant unrest and complicity in crimes against humanity is what the real tale should be all about. One can only hope that the courage of the students who have begun some pushback with their encampment at Columbia will produce some understanding among the American public of how uncritical deference to Israeli “needs” and interests has seriously corrupted the United States and might well lead to the brink of ruin for both countries.


Israel escalates war with Lebanon, plans Rafah invasion, as Nasser hospital atrocities details emerge
Thomas Scripps, WSWS, Apr 25 2024

Funeral of a 10-year-old girl killed Tuesday by an Israeli strike
on a house in the town of Hanin, Apr 25 2024.

Israel’s conflict with Lebanon is entering a “different phase” of “higher-intensity conflict,” in the assessment of Al Jazeera’s Zeina Khodr, reporting from Marjayoun in southern Lebanon. She writes:

On Wednesday, Israel carried out the largest number of strikes in a single day, hitting 40 separate targets with fighter jets and artillery. The assault continued into the early hours of Thursday morning, targeting not just southern Lebanon but also the east of the country.

Israeli ‘Defense’ Minister Yoav Gallant told reporters:

Half of the Hezbollah commanders in south Lebanon have been eliminated, and the other half hide and abandon south Lebanon to IOF operations.

An official IOF statement explained that the strikes were not carried out in response to any specific attack but as “part of the effort to destroy the organization’s infrastructure in the border area.” Roughly 250 Hezbollah fighters have been killed since the latest round of fighting began after Oct 7, and more than 70 Lebanese civilians. Over 90k have been displaced, forced to leave around 100 southern towns and villages under threat of bombardment, and hundreds of acres of farmland damaged. Jan Egeland, secretary general of the Norwegian Refugee Council, warned Thursday after visiting the country:

Communities are suffering throughout. Tensions in Lebanon are on the brink of exploding. It simply cannot continue like this. People fleeing southern villages in search of a safe place end up in overcrowded shelters. Their livelihoods have been destroyed, but we have insufficient funding to help them. There is a feeling of desperation. People must be able to go back to their homes and jobs, farmers to their lands, and children to their schools. Families and children are being caught at the centre of a regional crisis here.

These are the consequences of initial skirmishes heralding a major and far more destructive war. Haaretz’s Ravit Hecht wrote Thursday:

The Israeli government is signalling that after the Rafah operation, whose duration nobody knows, the army will deploy for a more substantial campaign up north to push Hezbollah away from the border. One government minister said: “First Rafah, then Hezbollah, then Iran.”

The Jerusalem Post’s Avi Abelow wrote enthusiastically Wednesday:

Israel is already at war in the North, escalation with Lebanon is inevitable. Israel must put an end to the Iranian regime’s threat to Israeli lives on Israel’s borders, and that can only be done by Israel finally destroying the Iranian capabilities in Lebanon. Just as the war in Gaza is a just war, so too is the inevitable war in Lebanon. It is actually the same war, just on different fronts.

A lengthy piece by Maha Yahya, published Wednesday in, cautioned that such a war would light the fuse on the region’s conflicts. She wrote:

Israel has now deployed 100k troops to its north to confront Hezbollah. Moreover, on Apr 21, Benny Gantz, a member of Israel’s emergency war cabinet, declared that Israel’s border with Lebanon now constitutes its ‘operative front’ and its ‘greatest and most urgent challenge. Earlier this month, the Israeli military released a statement titled ‘Readiness for the Transition From Defense to Offense,’ outlining its preparations for a conflict with Lebanon. Since then, its targeted attacks in Lebanon have intensified. It may no longer be a matter of whether Israel attacks Lebanon, but when. A fuller regional escalation would also almost certainly prompt more attacks by Iran’s allies against US forces stationed in Iraq, Jordan, and Syria. Such attacks, in turn, would likely solicit more lethal responses by the US. The symbolism of rockets falling into Israel from a variety of countries in the region could galvanize the United States and other Western powers to get more involved militarily, not only by defending Israeli airspace but by directly attacking Israel’s enemies.

War in Lebanon and beyond is bound up with intensified war, repression and ethnic cleansing in Gaza and the West Bank. According to Haaretz:

The Israeli army has informed the government that its forces have completed their preparations for an upcoming operation in Rafah, and that the date for such an operation is to be decided by the cabinet.

Israel’s war and security cabinets both met in Tel Aviv Thursday to discuss the plans. The Times of Israel reports that Israel’s Nahal Infantry Brigade has been withdrawn from Gaza to train for the offensive, allowing with the rest of the 162nd Division. Nine new military bases have been established near Gaza as staging posts. Airstrikes continue to be carried out against the city of more than 1.5 million refugees in preparation. Al Jazeera journalist Hani Mahmoud, reporting from the city, described a “surge in attack drones” flying over the city. Among casualties were a Belgian aid worker, Abdallah Nabhan, and his seven-year-old son Jamal. They and five others were killed in an Israeli strike on a building housing 25 people, including displaced refugees. Two more children were among the day’s victims, adding to the 2% of Gaza’s children killed or maimed in the Israeli genocide to this point. Another child, 16-year-old Khaled Raed Arouq, originally from Jenin, was shot in the chest and killed by Israeli security forces in Ramallah, in the West Bank. According to eyewitnesses, Israeli forces used stun grenades and live fire against several young people who they claimed were “terrorists” who had “thrown stones.” Arouq’s cousin, Majed Arqawi, told AFP:

He was hit by a bullet in his back, which exited through his chest. They assassinated him in cold blood.

In the town of Beit Furik, east of Nablus, another Palestinian boy was shot and hospitalised in an Israeli house raid. More details have meanwhile emerged of the atrocities carried out by the Israeli occupiers at Khan Younis’s Nasser hospital, where close to 400 Palestinian dead have been discovered in three mass graves. Corpses have been uncovered for six consecutive days. According to the Palestinian Civil Defence organisation, only a minority have been identified because the others are too badly decomposed or mutilated. Head of the department Yamen Abu Sulaiman said Thursday that there was evidence of torture and field executions, including the killing of patients. Ten bodies had their hands tied, and others still had medical tubes attached. Children are among the dead. Palestinian Civil Defence member Mohammed Mughier commented:

We need forensic examination for approximately 20 bodies for people who we think were buried alive.

An official statement from the Israeli Foreign Ministry declared:

Any attempt to blame Israel for burying civilians in mass graves is categorically false and a mere disinformation campaign aimed at delegitimizing Israel. The grave was dug by Gazans a few months ago.

A Civil Defense statement released Thursday appealed “to the secretary-general of the UN and international institutions to form an independent international investigation committee to investigate crimes of genocide.” The UN has backed this call, as has a EU embarrassed by the revelations and safe in the knowledge that Israel is opposed, backed unabashedly by the US. Instead, the US has led the publication of a revoltingly cynical open letter, signed by eighteen of the imperialist powers and their allies, placing all responsibility for the war at Hamas’s feet by calling for its release of Israeli hostages. A senior US official commented, “if they would do that, this crisis will wind down.”

Hundreds arrested and assaulted by US police as protests against Gaza genocide expand on college campuses
WSWS, Apr 25 2024

In spite of police assault and threats of expulsion, student-led encampments demanding an end to the genocide in Gaza have continued to spread on university campuses in the United States and internationally over the last 24 hours. As of this writing, over 40 college campuses across 22 states in the US have encampments or protests ongoing.

Around 200 students protested at Georgetown University, Apr 25 2024.

In response to the peaceful demonstrations, local and state police have been summoned by university administrators, at the behest Republican and Democratic politicians, to conduct mass arrests and assaults. As of this writing, over 400 arrests have been reported. Those incarcerated by US police for sitting on grass or camping on pavement to voice their opposition to the genocide include many Jewish students, and even faculty. One of the largest police actions occurred Thursday morning, at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. At least 108 people were arrested after erecting an encampment in the morning. Even though the encampment was entirely peaceful, city and state riot police viciously assaulted protesters less than four hours into the demonstration. In one video, Georgia State Police and cops with the Atlanta Police Department are seen tackling and choking students, while another cop is heard firing dozens of pepperballs into the crowd.

In another disturbing video, a cop is shown using a taser on an already handcuffed person. As the person is being tased, two other cops pushed down on the person with their body weight.

While it appears many of those arrested at Emory were students, faculty who stood alongside their students were also not spared police repression. In one video, an Emory student documented the arrest of Noelle McAfee, chair of the Philosophy Department at Emory. In the video, the student is heard attempting to gather information to assist Professor McAfee as she’s being led away in handcuffs by a thuggish trooper wearing a black balaclava. As McAffee gives her name to the student, the cop is seen squeezing and twisting her arm.

Another video documented Emory University Economics professor Caroline Fohlin thrown to the ground and arrested by police. Prior to assaulting the professor, one of the cops is heard yelling at her to “Get on the fucking ground!” The cop is shown grabbing the professor by the arm and throwing her to the concrete, causing her glasses to fall off. Another cop grabs and twists her other arm as they put in her handcuffs. A voice is heard off camera yelling at the cops, “You people are fascist!”

An Emory student told a local CBS reporter:

They got my friend, they tackled him to the ground …It makes me feel sad, but not just for Emory University, but for the state of America. What the hell is this? It’s freedom of speech. We didn’t even do anything wrong, now people are tied up, heads down … it’s atrocious.

Following the police assault on the encampment, Emory University President Gregory Fenves stated in a campus-wide email that the protest was “completely unacceptable.” The scale of the attacks against the protesters reflects the heightened nervousness of the corporate and financial backers of Emory University. This fear of the ruling capitalist class to opposition against its economic and political prerogatives is replicated throughout the entire education system in the US. While the university advances superficial claims about “advancing racial and social justice,” Emory’s board of trustees consists of representatives from Blackrock, Goldman Sachs, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Coca-Cola, among others. These are the real interests the university administration is beholden to and seeks to advance against the popular opposition to state-sponsored genocide. In Boston, Massachusetts, near Emerson University, 108 anti-genocide protesters were arrested early Thursday morning after putting up an encampment in Boylston Place alley, a walkway near the college. The number of students arrested at Emerson is the same number of students who were arrested at Columbia University last week. Video of the arrests early Tuesday morning shows police grabbing students and throwing them to the ground. While on the ground, police are observed choking and smashing students faces into the pavement. In the morning, a student at the university recorded city workers cleaning up the blood from students following the police assault.

In Evanston, Illinois, police attempted to break up an encampment erected by students at Northwestern University. The Daily Northwestern reported that police are “getting physically violent with faculty.” One faculty member was heard yelling at the police, “You will not touch our students.”

As of this writing, it appears police have temporarily retreated from the campus. In an interview with the Daily Northwestern, a student organizer with the encampment said they planned to continue their demonstration until university officials agreed to demands advanced by local chapters of Educators for Justice in Palestine, Students for Justice in Palestine, and Jewish Voice for Peace. In two other major police actions, cops at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, confirmed they made 93 arrests Wednesday evening. In Austin, Texas, the Travis County Sheriff’s Office confirmed police arrested 57 people on Wednesday at the University of Austin.

Student encampments continued at Columbia and other New York City-area universities on Thursday.

The anti-genocide encampment at Columbia University, April 25, 2024.

Sitting on the steps of the library, a student majoring in English told the WSWS:

The right to protest is at stake. It is only an anti-war protest. It has not become something more. It is not really new. Students protested Vietnam, South African apartheid. But it is growing fast and the possibilities are greater. Our voices are much stronger. But I think it is a cyclical thing, that these struggles happen in election years. Biden’s $95b bill with the arms it is sending out is making young people angrier.

Another student at Columbia commented on the massive police-state response to the peaceful protests:

If it was something they weren’t so scared of, they wouldn’t send in the National Guard, the police and all of these things. The idea of people truly being liberated scares folks in positions of power.

In addition to Columbia, protests are ongoing at City College of New York (CCNY), less than a mile north. CCNY is part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system. CUNY security attempted to remove the encampment but was repelled by a large crowd of supporters. Winter, a graduate of the CUNY system who came out in support of CCNY students, told the WSWS:

I expected CCNY to be among the first to protest the genocide because it is more working class than Columbia or NYU. Everyone knows that CCNY students are tied to the working class. There is a need to get support from the unions but they are hierarchical and there needs to be a shift of the union workers from the Democrats. The Democrats are trying to contain the protests, trying to give us a larger cage, to pretend we have our freedom, to keep us to little protests. We need to have all of the money and time and energy divested from Israel and other imperialism. There is no reform to this system. This system is not sustainable.

In Midtown Manhattan, protesters stormed the State University of New York’s Fashion Institute of Technology building and set up an encampment. As of late Thursday, several dozen students remained in the lobby while others protested outside.

Protests also continued at New York University outside the boarded up Gould Plaza, the site of the student occupation Tuesday raided by the NYPD, which resulted in 120 arrests. Hundreds of students gathered at tent encampments throughout the Washington region this week as a part of the Gaza solidarity movement to oppose the US-backed Israeli genocide.

The student-led encampment at George Washington University, Apr 25 2024.

On Monday, students occupied the lawn at University of Maryland (UMD), in the suburbs of the nation’s capital. On Thursday, students at George Washington University (GWU) built an encampment as hundreds gathered from throughout the region. Earlier in the day, hundreds of students marched at Georgetown University to protest the genocide. WSWS reporters interviewed students at the protests. A philosophy student at GWU told a WSWS reporter:

If the working class mobilizes against the genocide, together we will be a lot stronger. It’s all an interconnected system. We need to work together to overthrow the system.

Student and faculty protest at George Washington University, Apr 25 2024.

Despite the peaceful character of the encampment, authorities at GWU, as they have at other universities, have moved to crack down on the protest. Previously, the school’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine was suspended for projecting images at buildings with slogans calling for the liberation of Palestine and for GWU to divest itself from Israeli apartheid. On Thursday, protesters were beset by Zionist student provocateurs and faculty who were attempting to photograph and doxx participants at the school. Ahlam, a public health student at the UMD, said:

The claim the protests are antisemitic is completely false. The claim conflates things which are not equivalent. Anti-Zionism is a very strong political movement to stop the apartheid state of Israel and Zionism is a racist, fascist ideology. Anti-Zionism is trying to stop that.

In an effort to limit the outpouring of solidarity and decrease the visibility of the protest, GWU administrators sought to run media reporters and supporters off the premises. GWU president Ellen Granberg stated in emails to campus faculty reported by the Washington Post:

We will not allow students from other local colleges or unaffiliated individuals to trespass on our campus.

The WaPo reported:

Granberg requested the assistance of DC police officers after ‘multiple instructions made by GWPD to relocate to an alternative demonstration site on campus went unheeded by encampment participants.’

GWU has imposed a curfew on the students which went into effect at 7:30 pm local time Thursday. As of this writing the encampment has only increased in size after the curfew. Boston police in riot gear moved in on a peaceful encampment at Emerson College in the early morning hours Thursday, arresting 108 pro-Palestinian protesters at the “Popular University Encampment.” Videos posted on social media show police in helmets and reflective jackets forcibly dismantling the tent camp at Boylston Place Alley. Students in nearby buildings could be heard pounding on their windows as the arrests were made.

Boston Emergency Medical Services reported four people were taken to area hospitals. Boston police reported four officers injured and said no arrested protesters suffered injuries, although those on the scene said two students were injured in the assault. According to the Berkeley Beacon, the Emerson student newspaper, shortly before 2 am Thursday seven police vans arrived in front of the walkway at the Boylston Street side of the encampment, and arrests of protests soon ensued. Photos and video taken at the scene showed officers wearing helmets and visors, with some appearing to be wearing tactical gear.

A Massachusetts State Police spokesman said several troopers were also sent to the area to “maintain security” and to “assist any demonstrators not willing to be arrested.” State police reportedly did not make any arrests. Students had occupied the walkway for several days. On Wednesday, police and fire department officials warned the protesters that the tents were in violation of city ordinances banning camping on public property and that police action was imminent. Students had described the camp as “porous” and that they had been allowing people to pass through. Emerson officials were on scene at the time of the arrests. They said in a statement:

Of additional concern, Emerson has received credible reports that some protesters are engaging in targeted harassment and intimidation of Jewish supporters of Israel and students, staff, faculty, and neighbors seeking to pass through the alley. This type of behavior is unacceptable on our campus.

All Emerson classes were canceled Thursday. Emerson student Adam Nuñez, who was held overnight at a police station and booked Thursday morning, described the scene to the Boston Globe as “chaos.” He added:

I was pulled by my collar, pinned to a table, thrown to the floor, then dragged into the state transportation building. It’s stressful. But we know what we did, and we know that we’re on the right side of history.

One supporter of the Emerson camp said:

They wanted us the hell out. The police officers had helmets, shields, clubs, and they were hitting people. People were on the ground and in chokeholds.

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, a Democrat, commented that “Boston is a city where upholding the right to protest is very important to us,” but defended the assault on protesters saying, “Public access to this right of way was not accessible.” It appears that ordinances originally intended to target homeless people pitching tents are now being utilized against students’ democratic right to protest. In response to a large demonstration at the University of Texas, Austin, far-right Governor Greg Abbott mobilized state troopers on horseback to crush the protest. In a Twitter/X post from his official social media account, Abbott declared:

Arrests being made right now & will continue until the crowd disperse. These protesters belong in jail. Students joining in hate-filled, antisemitic protests at any public college or university in Texas should be expelled.

Student demonstrators refused to be intimidated by Abbott and his police thugs, chanting, “You will not scare us” at the heavily armed police.

University officials later confirmed to ABC News that at least 20 people had been arrested. Jerry White, the vice presidential candidate of the Socialist Equality Party, provided live coverage and commentary on the student protests and issued a call for workers to come to the defense of the students.

White said:

The police attacks ordered by Abbott are part of the effort to criminalize all anti-genocide protests. These attacks are being fully backed by the Biden administration, working with the most right-wing Republicans. The right to protest is a fundamental right, and the working class must defend the rights of students at the University of Texas and elsewhere.

After the police rampage, faculty at University of Texas at Austin released a statement condemning the state assault on protesters and pledging to strike on Thursday.

After Columbia University threatened to deploy the National Guard against student protesters yesterday, the university administration “extended” an ultimatum to the protesters by another 48 hours. In an openly fascist provocation on Wednesday, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson visited the Columbia University campus. Johnson, a prominent supporter of Trump, has echoed Biden’s smear of the student protesters as “antisemites.” Johnson was met with overwhelming hostility by the students.

The Gaza solidarity encampment on the campus of Columbia University, Apr 23 2024.

On the same day, fascist Gavin McInnes was allowed access to Columbia’s campus. McInnes is the founder of the far-right “Proud Boys” organization, which was centrally involved in the Jan 6 2021 attempted coup d’etat in Washington. According to student organizations involved in the Columbia encampment, while on campus, McInnes harassed pro-Palestinian students, hurling derogatory slurs at the protesting youth. This is not the first time the Proud Boys and other fascist dregs have been deployed to harass and attack left-wing student and youth protesters.

WSWS reporters spoke with a faculty member at Columbia University in front of the student protest encampment on campus on Wednesday. The faculty member said:

Much of the faculty is inspired by the students and organizers here who are leading this effort. I think it’s very brave of them, especially knowing the history of student protest in this country. Genocide is happening in Palestine. I think that the real antisemitism is conflating the Israeli state with Jews. And I think that everyone inside this encampment will tell you that. There are plenty of Jewish comrades inside the encampment who would say the same thing and that are leading these efforts and are publishing press about this that are absolutely wonderful. This is not an antisemitism issue, this is a genocide issue and it’s not a hard thing to be on the right side of generally speaking, philosophically, but to take this risk, I think, is very important.

Asked by a WSWS reporter if students should be reaching out to the working class for support, the faculty member replied:

I agree. I think that this is a labor issue, this is a class issue. And I think that anyone in the United States who is not part of the ruling class needs to be concerned about this. And the ruling class frankly should be concerned too, and they are. And that’s why you see the reaction that you see. Of course, we’re all worried about an overreaction such as we saw at Kent State. There’s a history of violent reactions and surveillance and suppression and criminalization of people who engage in organizing. So, we know that that’s a risk here, but the reason that that is, is because this poses the threat to the ruling class’s stranglehold on the way that everybody has to live. So, this is absolutely is an issue that transcends all those matters that we care about.

Asked to comment on the Democratic Party joining with the far right to crack down on students, they replied:

The great unifier between the two parties is class and socioeconomic status and power. People in the ruling class find their niche, wherever they can fit it, wherever they can get elected, whatever they have to say to maintain power, but really the great unifier is holding onto that power. So, something like this, that threatens it, I think really does, in a very stark way, unify both Democrats and Republicans around those issues even though we are told that that shouldn’t happen.

At The New School in Lower Manhattan, protests were also ongoing Wednesday.

United Parcel Service (UPS) workers in New York expressed their opposition to the attacks on student protesters and the genocide in Gaza. One “inside” shift worker at the UPS 43rd Street facility in Manhattan said:

The attacks on these students is not right. Why should you be arrested for demonstrating on your own campus? What is going on is wrong. Students shouldn’t be arrested for protesting at all.

Another worker at the facility declared:

They are protesting! You should be able to say what you want, whatever it is. I know this is controversial, but it is over killing more than 30k people. They have a right to protest. What are things coming to?

At New York University, the Stern Business School’s Gould Plaza has been walled off, with NYPD stationed across the street. The library entrance is now also guarded by NYPD and campus security.

A couple of hundred students, along with some faculty, protested in front of NYU President Linda Mill’s multimillion-dollar residence. An NYU faculty member told the WSWS:

The most important reason we’re out here is to protest against the genocide that is taking place in Gaza. But it’s also because they called in the riot police on a totally peaceful protest and arrested over 120 students and faculty members. They always use the language of safety. Then they say it’s because it’s “antisemitic” and it’s “protection” for the Jewish students. That is really problematic for a range of reasons. First of all, there is nothing antisemitic about criticizing the state of Israel. It is a country. Even Zionism is a political ideology that has been around for less than 200 years. The Jewish religion is a couple thousand years old. What is, in fact, antisemitic is to lump all Jews together and assume that they all believe the same thing.

There are a lot of anti-Zionist Jews who are criticizing Israel and would like to see social justice and a free Palestine, but they always hide behind the rhetoric of antisemitism. They conflate the two, antisemitism and anti-Zionism. And they are completely separate things. There were a lot of Jewish students at the protest Monday. There was a Passover Seder. The language of safety is completely false. If you want to keep your students safe, you don’t call the riot police. There’s no need for the National Guard to come to stop students from shouting for Palestinian liberation. And of course, some of us who are old enough or have seen it, the last time the National Guard was called in to stop student protests, we saw what happened at Kent State. I don’t know that they’ve been called in since, but it’s really obscene.

Asked about the bipartisan support for war and genocide and the attacks on students, she responded:

Well, I mean, the Democrats aren’t that different from the Republicans, for one thing. I think a lot of people know that. Mayor Adams… the NYPD has trained with the Israel Occupation Forces, and the political machine is in bed with war manufacturers, the manufacturers of surveillance equipment. I’m not an expert on surveillance systems, but from what I’ve read, Israel is one of the world’s biggest suppliers of surveillance systems, practiced on Palestinians, and they sometimes actually advertise it that way.

Student protests are beginning to spread to Europe. After initial protests in Italy yesterday, students at the SciencesPo Paris took to the streets to demonstrate against the genocide and the police crackdown on students in the United States. In France, the Macron government, much like the Biden administration, has moved to implement a police state crackdown on protesters against the Gaza genocide.

At the University of Southern California (USC), where the speech of the valedictorian was censored last week for her pro-Palestinian views, the LAPD has launched a violent crackdown on a solidarity encampment. Protests by students are continuing despite the attack.

After surrounding Alumni Park in the early evening, campus police issued a dispersal order, followed by a warning that the LAPD would begin carrying out mass arrests. As of this writing, at least 50 arrests have been made.

Polish government steps up military indoctrination in schools
Martin Nowak, WSWS, Apr 25 2024

In future, Polish schoolchildren are to be indoctrinated in militarism beginning in primary school. Polish Education Minister Barbara Nowacka and Defence Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz presented a program to this effect titled “Edukacja z wojskiem” (”Education with the army”) last Wednesday. The governing coalition in Poland led by former European Union Council President Donald Tusk, which has been in office since last autumn, is thereby increasing the militarisation of Polish schools. During the pilot programme, Polish soldiers will conduct a three-hour training course in primary and secondary schools. the ministry’s statement reads:

The main objective of the programme is to raise the awareness of children and young people in the field of security and defence and develop basic habits and skills in the field of defence and civil protection as well as behaviour in crisis situations.

All grades from the first year of primary school to secondary school are eligible to participate. Only the eighth year of primary school and the first year of secondary school are excluded. The PiS (Law and Justice Party)-led government, which was voted out of office in 2022, had already introduced “security training,” meaning military training including shooting practice, into the curriculum for these grades. Registration takes place via the local authorities. The program will run from May 6 to Jun 20 and cover around 3.5k schools. If the program proves successful, it will be permanently established in the curriculum, the two ministers announced. At the press conference, the ministers made it abundantly clear that the programme is not about imparting neutral knowledge about first aid and disaster control, but instead is aimed at creating a militaristic culture, ”showing the army at school.” Education minister Kosiniak-Kamysz emphasised:

We are increasing the resilience of our society. We live in times in which all measures that can improve security must be taken. From pre-school children to senior citizens, everyone must be prepared for challenges. Patriotism is the willingness to act for the fatherland, but above all to acquire the skills necessary to serve one’s country and one’s neighbour. And that is exactly what our programme is for.

The praise for “patriotism” is reminiscent of speeches made by the former PiS education minister Przemysław Czarnek, who introduced military training and a new civics lesson, “History and the Present” (”Historia i teraźniejszość,” HiT), in 2022. According to Nowacka, HiT is to be replaced in 2025 by the subject “political education.” The controversy surrounding HiT shows just how small are the differences between the old and new governments. While in opposition, the current governing parties criticised HiT’s textbook as a right-wing construct because it demonised feminism, communism and even parts of pop culture as anti-Polish ideologies. Now, however, Barbara Nowacka, leader of the feminist party Inicjatywa Polska (iPL), is praising the promotion of “patriotic” attitudes among seven-year-olds.

Pseudo-left organisations and parties play a key role, not only in Poland but worldwide, in accompanying the return of militarism and war with phraseology embracing feminist and identity politics. The Tusk government is seamlessly continuing and intensifying the PiS’s war policy, not only in education but also in all other areas. A few weeks ago, Tusk publicly declared that the world had entered a “pre-war era” and had to prepare accordingly. Poland has long played a key role in the NATO war offensive against the nuclear power, Russia. Foreign Minister Sikorski recently refused to rule out the deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine. Certain disagreements between Tusk’s PO (Citizens Platform) and the PiS are primarily of a tactical nature. For example, President Andrzej Duda, who belongs to the PiS camp, recently confirmed in an interview his willingness to station US nuclear weapons in Poland as part of “nuclear sharing.” Tusk reacted coolly and called on Duda to hold consultations on this issue.

According to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, the military alliance currently has no plans to station nuclear weapons in other member states. Stoltenberg stated this while visiting British troops stationed in Poland alongside British PM Sunak. This does not mean Stoltenberg and Tusk advocate a less aggressive nuclear policy towards Moscow. According to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), around 150 US nuclear weapons are currently stored in Europe as part of “nuclear sharing,” in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Turkey. The differences of opinion between Duda and Tusk over the stationing of US nuclear weapons in Poland are primarily about foreign policy orientation. While Tusk favours close cooperation with the major European powers, especially Germany, the PiS is seeking to strengthen its close military alliance with the US, also as a counterweight to Germany’s dominance in the EU. Both camps are prepared to risk and wage a third world war and militarise all of society right down to the schools.

Higher for longer interest rates hit the global economy
Nick Beams, WSWS, Apr 26 2024

If one had gone by so-called “market expectations” at the start of the year, then it was going to be relatively plain sailing for the world economy. Inflation was coming down, there were going to be as many as six interest rate cuts by the US Federal Reserve this year, and at least three, the stock market boom would continue on the bank of the potential of artificial intelligence and there would be a “soft landing” for the global economy. Four months on, this happy scenario is in tatters. The latest data from the US, reflected in other countries as well, indicates that inflation after falling from its previous high levels has reach a sticking point above the target of 2%, meaning interest rate cuts markets have been clamouring for are being pushed further down the track. Fed chair Jerome Powell indicated as much in remarks earlier this month saying that the central bank would need to have “confidence” inflation was moving sustainably down to the target before it would be appropriate to ease monetary policy. Powell said:

The recent data have clearly not given us greater confidence, and instead indicate that it’s likely to take longer than expected to achieve that confidence.

The change in the interest landscape saw options markets suggesting a roughly 20% chance of a rise in rates over the next 12 months with the yield on 10-year Treasury bonds spiking to more than 5%. Wall Street experienced its longest losing streak in 18 months before rebounding somewhat at the start of this week. In the longer term, the growing problems for the US and world economy were outlined in reports prepared for the annual spring meeting of the IMF held last week. While it put forward what has been described as a relatively “sunny” outlook for the near term (estimates of global growth were revised upwards) the IMF forecast for the long term presented a different picture. It noted that since the global financial crisis, amid fluctuations, the general trend for growth was down which would continue with global growth at the end of the decade falling to more than a percentage point below the pre-pandemic average. The IMF said this was a result of weak productivity, a fall back in globalisation as countries pursue increasingly nationalist economic policies, the misallocation of capital resources and increasing geopolitical turmoil.

In her remarks to the gathering, IMF managing director Kristalina Georgieva warned the global economy was at risk of falling into what she called “the tepid Twenties.” The class struggle does not usually get much of a mention in IMF reports, although it is always present in the thinking of the guardians of the interests of global capital. But on this occasion it was referred to directly by the IMF chief as she warned that the fall in global growth could lead to “popular discontent” with the political establishment. The downward trend and how to address it is “what I think when I wake up in the middle of the night,” Georgieva said. Another issue of concern was the stability of the financial system due to the rise of US public debt. At around the equivalent of US GDP and set to rise even further in coming years, it has reached what is universally acknowledged as an “unsustainable” level. The IMF Fiscal Monitor report was replete with calls for the US and other governments to tackle this issue with the restoration of “fiscal buffers” to be achieved by targeting spending on health and pensions and social service entitlement programs.

The toxic combination of higher for longer interest rates and slower growth are beginning to become ever more apparent. This week Bloomberg reported that South Korea is “emerging as a closely watched weak link in the $63t world of shadow banking,” the growing role of hedge funds, equity funds and other non-bank institutions in the global financial system. The cause of concern is the rise in delinquency rates under conditions where because of higher interest rates Citigroup economists estimate that around $80b worth of project-finance debt is “troubled.” Shadow banking finance to the real estate sector is now more than four times the level it was a decade ago. According to the Bloomberg report, the role of South Korea’s shadow banking sector in areas that may risk financial stability is “second only to the US in relative size.” Quentin Fitzsimmons, a financial manager at the T Rowe Price Group, told the news agency:

What is happening in Korea is probably a microcosm of what could be happening elsewhere. It has made me concerned.

The growing financial problems in South Korea, one of the world’s major industrial centres, come amidst mounting concerns that its economic growth model, heavy industry and computer chip production backed by the state, is running out of steam. This week, the Financial Times published an article headlined “Is South Korea’s economic miracle over?” The answer it gave is almost certainly yes. The FT reported that the government is seeking to boost the development of new computer chip technologies and their manufacture “amid growing anxiety that the country’s leading export industry will be usurped by rivals across Asia and the west.” According to a Bank of Korea report last year, cited in the article, having risen at an average of 6.4% between 1970 and 2022, annual growth was set to slow to an average of 2.1% in the 2020s, 0.6% in the 2030s and then start to shrink by 0.1% a year in the 2040s.

For China, the world’s largest manufacturing centre, whose growth has been pivotal to the expansion of the world economy for more than a quarter of a century, the situation is no better. The crisis in the Chinese real estate and property development sector which has seen the collapse of at least 50 companies, of which Evergrande is the most well-known, has not been resolved as the problems of the economy are compounded by a global economic slowdown and escalating warfare measures by the US and increasingly the European powers. On Wednesday, the NYT reported on the growing crisis in the car industry resulting from the slowing of demand and the switch to electric vehicles, leading off a with a description of the fate of a major complex in Chongqing, China’s largest western city. The complex, which was a joint venture of a Chinese company and Hyundai, the South Korean industrial giant, was opened in 2017 with high levels of robots and other equipment to produce petrol-driven cars. It was sold late last year for fraction of the $1.1b it cost to build, and “unmown grass at the site has already grown knee-high.” According to the article:

Dozens of gasoline-powered vehicle factories are barely running or have already been mothballed.

The slowdown goes beyond petrol-driven cars and extends to the electric vehicle market not only in China but globally with major car firms, including Tesla, announcing price cuts. The developing car industry crisis is symptomatic of the marked slowdown in the global economy which will be exacerbated by the continuation of elevated interest rates. The US is the only major economy experiencing growth, but it does so under conditions where the boost provided by the Biden administration (handouts to corporations under the Inflation Reduction Act and increased military spending) is raising the mountain of unsustainable debt. The European economy, led down by the world’s third largest economy, Germany, is barely growing. The UK economy is at or near recession and growth in Japan, the world’s fourth largest is barely above zero. The target for Chinese growth is 5%. But this is the lowest level in more than three decades and the government will be struggling to meet it.

middle east eye

Live Updates
Middle East Eye, Apr 25 2024

Evening recap

Gaza’s health ministry said that 43 people were killed in Israeli attacks on the enclave in the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 34,305 Palestinians killed since Oct 7. An additional 77,293 people have been wounded since the start of the war. Between 80k and 100k Palestinians have entered Egypt from Gaza since Oct 7 when the war broke out, the Palestinian ambassador to Cairo said. In other developments:

  • The Gaza government’s media office said that a Falastin Al An reporter, Mohammad Bassam al-Jamal, was killed in an Israeli air strike on his home in Rafah.
  • Gaza’s Civil Defense said that they believe at least 20 people have been buried alive by Israeli forces in the mass grave at Nasser hospital, Khan Younis.
  • The Islamic Waqf said that over 900 Israeli settlers and extremists have stormed the Al Aqsa Mosque compound with heavy police protection.
  • Belgium is summoning the Israeli ambassador over the killing of a worker at a Belgian aid agency in Gaza.
  • Eighteen countries have written a joint statement calling on Hamas to release all captives still being held in Gaza.
  • The Pentagon announced on Thursday that the US military has started the construction of a maritime pier aimed at facilitating the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza.

University of Southern California cancels graduation ceremony due to ‘safety measures’

The University of Southern California announced on Thursday that its graduation ceremony slated to take place on 10 May has been cancelled due to “safety measures.” The decision comes after Pro-Palestine protests on campus saw the arrests of at least 90 protesters this week, and controversy earlier in the month surrounding the cancelling of a graduation speech by Asna Tabassum, this year’s Muslim valedictorian, after pressure from pro-Israel groups.

US military begins pier construction off Gaza

The Pentagon announced on Thursday that the US military has started the construction of a maritime pier aimed at facilitating the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza. The completion of the jetty is anticipated by early May. The construction is part of an initiative to prevent famine in the Palestinian enclave, occurring amidst Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. Pentagon spox Maj-Gen Patrick Ryder told reporters:

I can confirm that US military vessels, to include the USNS Benavidez, have begun to construct the initial stages of the temporary pier and causeway at sea.

Ryder said that the Pentagon was monitoring a mortar attack in Gaza, resulting in minimal damage to the marshalling area for the pier. However, he added that US forces had not yet initiated any movement to that location, and there were no US forces present on the ground.

UK warship intercepts Houthi missile targeting merchant vessel

On Thursday, Britain announced that the Royal Navy warship HMS Diamond successfully intercepted and destroyed a missile launched by the Houthis from Yemen, which was aimed at a merchant vessel. British Defence Secretary Grant Shapps said in a statement:

The UK continues to be at the forefront of the international response to the Iranian-backed Houthis’ dangerous attacks on commercial vessels, which have claimed the lives of international mariners.

Gaza pier site under fire during UN visit

On Wednesday, a UN team in the Gaza Strip, inspecting the site designated for a pier and maritime aid operations staging area, had to take refuge in a bunker “for some time” due to incoming fire, a UN spokesperson said on Thursday. Two rounds landed approximately 100 m away, causing no injuries. Eventually, the team managed to resume their tour, as reported by UN spox Stephane Dujarric.

Over 80k Palestinians have fled to Egypt, ambassador says

Between 80k and 100k Palestinians have entered Egypt from Gaza since the onset of the war ignited by Hamas on Oct 7, the Palestinian ambassador to Cairo said. Ambassador Diab Allouh told AFP that the Palestinians had crossed the border, without elaborating on how they made the crossing. The Rafah border crossing stands as the only gateway in and out of Gaza not directly supervised by IOF.

Eighteen countries with citizens held in Gaza call for release of captives

Eighteen countries have written a joint statement calling on Hamas to release all captives still being held in Gaza. The 18 countries all have citizens held by Palestinian groups in Gaza. Around 129 captives out of the 253 taken on Oct 7 are believed to still be held in the enclave. The signatories were the leaders of the US, Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Thailand and Britain. A statement by the countries said:

We call for the immediate release of all hostages held by Hamas in Gaza now for over 200 days. We emphasise that the deal on the table to release the hostages would bring an immediate and prolonged ceasefire in Gaza, that would facilitate a surge of additional necessary humanitarian assistance to be delivered throughout Gaza, and lead to the credible end of hostilities. Gazans would be able to return to their homes and their lands with preparations beforehand to ensure shelter and humanitarian provisions.

Aid groups targeted even after sending location to IOF, finds report

An investigation by the NYT has found that six aid groups based in western countries were hit by Israeli strikes in Gaza even after they shared their location with Israel’s military. The six groups were MSF (France), MAP (UK), IRC (US), ICRC (Switzerland), ANERA (US) and WCK (US). The probe, published on Thursday, examined visual evidence and internal communications obtained by the NYT. In one example, a staff member of ANERA was killed by IOF in what appeared to be a precision strike, despite the aid group repeatedly sending the coordinates of his residence to IOF via email.

Belgium to summon Israeli ambassador over killing of aid worker in Gaza

Belgium is summoning the Israeli ambassador over the killing of a worker at a Belgian aid agency in Gaza. Brussels announced that Abdallah Nabhan, 33 and his seven-year-old son Jamal were killed during Israeli bombardment of eastern Rafah on Wednesday night. Belgian Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib in a tweet:

I will summon the Israeli ambassador to condemn this unacceptable act & demand an explanation.

Nabhan worked for Belgium’s Enabel agency helping small businesses.

French university calls in police to break up pro-Palestinian protest

France’s Sciences Po, one of the country’s top universities, called in police to break up an unauthorised pro-Palestinian encampment on Wednesday, as Israel’s siege and bombardment of Gaza sparks a wave of anger across campuses in the US and western Europe. Around 60 students started an encampment at one of the institution’s Paris campuses earlier in the day, but within four hours, university administrators called in police to break up the sit-in after some students refused to leave. University officials said in a statement that it was “decided that the police would evacuate the site” after the protest was accused of causing “tensions.” The protesters had been demanding that Sciences Po stop funnelling endowment money to Israeli companies and other businesses, like weapons manufacturers, that profit from the war on Gaza. Read more: French university calls in police to break up pro-Palestinian protest.

Posters condemning German complicity in Gaza war appear around Berlin

Hundreds of posters condemning Germany’s complicity in the war on Gaza have appeared overnight around galleries in Berlin. They were put up to coincide with Gallery Weekend 2024, which takes place in the capital between 26 and 28 April. The posters accuse artists in Germany of being “silent” on Palestine, and criticise Berlin for supplying arms to Israel.

Belgian agency aid worker killed by Israeli air strike in Rafah

An aid worker who was part of Belgium’s development efforts in Gaza has been killed in an Israeli strike on Rafah. Caroline Gennez, Belgium’s development minister, said in a statement on Thursday:

It is with deep sadness and horror that we learn of the death of our colleague Abdallah Nabhan (33) and his seven-year-old son Jamal, last night, following a bombardment by the Israeli army in the eastern part of the city of Rafah.

Nabhan, whose nationality has not been disclosed, worked for Belgium’s Enabel agency, helping small businesses. At least seven people were killed by the Israeli strike on a building that housed about 25 people, according to the statement. Gennez said:

Abdallah was a father, a husband, a son, a human being. His story and that of his family is just one of tens of thousands. The fact remains that the indiscriminate bombing of civilian infrastructure and innocent civilians goes against every international, humanitarian (principle). The Israeli government bears a crushing responsibility here.

Over 900 Israeli settlers and extremists stormed the Al Aqsa Mosque compound: Waqf

The Islamic Waqf said that over 900 Israeli settlers and extremists have stormed the Al Aqsa Mosque compound with heavy Israeli police protection. The storming of the compound coincides with the Jewish holiday of Passover.

At least 20 people may have been buried alive in Nasser hospital mass grave: Civil defence

Gaza Civil Defense:

  • We believe that the Israeli occupation buried at least 20 people alive in the Nasser Medical Complex.
  • The Israeli occupation buried a number of bodies in the Nasser Complex in plastic bags at a depth of 3 meters, which quickly decomposed them.
  • The occupation committed field executions at Nasser Medical Complex, and we demand the opening of an international investigation into these crimes.
  • We discovered traces of torture on the bodies of some martyrs in Nasser Medical Hospital.

Israeli finance minister calls for cutting ties with Palestinian Authority

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said Israel should subvert the Palestinian Authority and withhold its funding should the UN formally recognise Palestinian statehood, or if the International Criminal Court issues any arrest warrants against senior Israeli officials. In his letter to Netanyahu, he said that the ideal way to deal with these potential moves would be to cut ties with the PA to “bring about its immediate fall.”

Ben Gvir asks police to ‘protect Jewish communities outside of Israel’

Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir has asked police to draw up plans to create emergency security response teams to protect Jewish communities and institutions around the world. Ben Gvir said, according to a report on Arutz 7 on Wednesday:

Diaspora Jews are currently suffering from a harsh wave of antisemitism in communities and on campuses in the US, Europe, and around the world. I asked the police commissioner to draft a plan to aid in the creation of local response teams that will protect Jewish communities and institutions overseas, through professional tutelage, including a training program and technological solutions for security, in cooperation with the local police and relevant authorities.

Read more: Ben Gvir asks police to protect Jewish communities outside of Israel.

Senior US Democrat accuses pro-Palestine protesters of ‘left-wing totalitarianism’

Senior US Democratic Representative Adam Smith said that students and others protesting in support of Palestine are engaged in “left-wing totalitarianism” and are trying to silence decision-makers. Smith, who serves on the US House Committee on Armed Services, condemned the form of protest employed throughout this war as “completely wrong and enormously dangerous.” Speaking to One Decision Podcast, he accused protesters of not wanting to meet with representatives and called for the arrests of those “shutting down a freeway, shutting down an airport.”

Jordanian doctor risked her life to help deliver Palestinian babies in Gaza

Weeks after the start of the Israeli onslaught against Gaza, Jordanian obstetrician Asil Al-Jallad, 40, decided she could not remain helpless in the face of the critical humanitarian situation unfolding in the besieged enclave. She decided to travel to Gaza and volunteer her services, aiding hundreds of women in delivering their babies and providing monthly medical check-ups. Asil, originally from Tulkarm in the West Bank, recounts calling the Jordanian Syndicate of Doctors multiple times to enquire about her ability to go to Gaza. She was initially informed that while other doctors could go, obstetricians were not considered in demand for war zones. Asil recalls:

I fought for it. I argued that thousands of women in Gaza needed medical care and that we were indeed in demand.

Read more: Jordanian doctor risked her life to help deliver Palestinian babies in Gaza.

Egyptian authorities release feminist activists detained in Gaza and Sudan protest

Egypt’s State Security Prosecution released all the feminist activists who were arrested last Tuesday for protesting in solidarity with women in Gaza and Sudan. The protesters were gathered outside the headquarters of UN Women in Cairo and read a letter decrying the agency’s “failure” to protect women in Gaza and Sudan, accusing it of racism. The arrests came as part of a wider crackdown on pro-Palestine protests in Egypt.

Gaza death toll rises to 34,305

Gaza’s health ministry said that 43 people were killed in Israeli attacks on the enclave in the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 34,305 Palestinians killed since Oct 7. An additional 77,293 people have been wounded since the start of the war.

Israeli air strike kills journalist in Rafah: media office

The Gaza government’s media office said that a Falastin Al An reporter Mohammad Bassam al-Jamal was killed in an Israeli air strike on his home in Rafah. The media office says that a total of 141 journalists have been killed in Gaza since the start of the war.

Israeli air strike reported near Baalbek, northeastern Lebanon

Lebanese media reports that an Israeli drone strike in Douris near Baalbek, northeastern Lebanon, injured a fuel transport truck driver. The strike reportedly hit a berm near the road the man was driving on.

AP: Hamas willing to accept five year truce, lay down weapons if Palestinian state is formed

Khalil al-Hayya, a top Hamas political official, told the AP that the group would be willing to agree to a five-year truce with Israel, lay down its arms and become a political party if a Palestinian state is formed based on the pre-1967 borders. Al-Hayya, who has represented Hamas in ceasefire and hostage exchange negotiations, expressed the group’s willingness in joining the PLO, headed by rival party Fatah, to form a unified government in the West Bank and Gaza. Expressing a surprising support for the two-state solution, al-Hayya said Hamas would accept “a fully sovereign Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and the return of Palestinian refugees in accordance with the international resolutions.”

LAPD arrest 93 people at pro-Palestine student protest

The LAPD said they arrested 93 people at the student-led pro-Palestine protest in the University of Southern California.

Morning update

Here are the latest updates:

  • Israeli strikes on Gaza City, Khan Younis and Rafah killed at least 12 people, including a mother and her child in Gaza City, the Wafa news agency reports
  • A Palestinian boy was killed by Israeli forces during their raid on Ramallah, West Bank this morning
  • A spokesperson for the Palestinian presidency said that his government hold the US accountable for any Israeli incursions into Rafah
  • The number of recovered bodies from the mass grave in Nasser Hospital, Khan Younis, has risen to 324
  • US police forces arrested at least 34 people, including journalists, at a pro-Palestine protest in the University of Texas
  • US House Speaker Mike Johnson threatened to use the National Guard against pro-Palestine student protesters in Columbia University.