gotta stop smoking that stuff

Hezbollah clashes with gunmen, four killed
Lebanon Daily Star, Sep 28 2013

HERMEL, Lebanon – Four people were killed Saturday and at least four others were wounded in a gun battle between Hezbollah members and gunmen in Baalbek, east Lebanon, security sources said. Security sources told The Daily Star that two Hezbollah members died in the fighting that occurred at a party checkpoint near Baalbek’s main market area. Gunmen and members of the Shiyyah family were believed to be involved in the fighting, the sources said. A source identified the Hezbollah members as Emad Ballouq and Hesham Wehbe. A statement from the Army earlier said light weapons were used in the battles. The Army said a military unit deployed at the battle scene after the clash and began looking for the suspects in the incident. Despite the Army presence there were reports of intermittent gunfire throughout the day. Military police launched an investigation into the incident under the supervision of the competent court, the Army said. The sources said that prior disputes have erupted between Hezbollah members and some of the members of the Shiyyah family who own a shop inside the souks. The incident sparked tension in Baalbek and led some shops to shut down, the sources said.


  1. lafayettesennacherib
    Posted September 29, 2013 at 7:52 pm | Permalink

    What stuff?

  2. niqnaq
    Posted September 30, 2013 at 2:59 am | Permalink

    this stuff

    By the way, the book about Russia that you recommended has arrived, from the USA. It’s enormous, but as you predicted I got it very cheap. And eventually I shall read it, and doubtless find it very gripping, ince I start. But currently I am dealing with post-modernists and their complicated intellectual fads.

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