seems like i just can’t leave donbass alone, though i said i would drop it because it all looks like propaganda somehow

Here’s a general introduction, rather too padded for my taste, topped and tailed with studio female

Here’s a slightly gutsier Russian version

Now I said I would avoid propaganda, but then again, propaganda is interesting as what it is – not as ‘truth’ but as an audio visual weapon. Having said which, I still want to know, what is the point of all this? Russia will not intervene, not now, not ever. They know that. So why are they doing all this? They also know they can’t win. Do they perhaps seek a glorious martyrdom? Do they have the right to take x number of civilians to a fiery martyrdom? For what? For the glory of a Russia that is not interested? What is all this? Is it perhaps a plot to facilitate ethnic cleansing – not to prevent it but to provide a pretext for it? Well, we’ll never know. History does not indicate that afterwards people explain what they were really doing. Far from it: lies are etched into the impassive stone face of history and there they remain, as ‘official truths’, forever. So we’ll never know whether Strelkov, Bolotov and the rest are just provocateurs, facilitating the western plan to depopulate the region by providing pretexts. We’ll never know that of Hamas, either, or ISIS, even. No one will ever tell the truth about anything, ever. So here we go with the resistance and its glorious road to nowhere. fasten your seat-belts for a bumpy ride into a pointless but heroic self-declared hell – RB

Bolotov shows off his latest army surplus t-shirt

Fyodor Berezin shoots the breeze: “We will expel the enemy from Mariupol, and from smaller cities especially,” says he.

According to the operative data, in the direction Donetsk recorded great move installations MLRS “Grad” about 50 units. According to reports from local residents on the highway Simferopol-Donetsk noticed the movement of the military junta: MLRS “Grad” – 4 units, Ural trucks cargo and ammunition for “Grad” – 5 units. Let’s talk about “Grad”. The name means “Hail”. How very amusing they all are. MLRS “GRAD” is a Soviet jet system, multiple rocket systems (MLRS) 122-mm is designed to destroy the open or in manpower, soft-skinned vehicles and APCs in concentration, artillery and mortar batteries, command posts and other targets, other tasks in various conditions of combat conditions. The area of damage, 145,000 m2. It doesn’t even need a trailer, it’s so compact that it’s all built right into the truck:


Slavyansk from the air (junta bombers shot this video, i dunno why)

Some guy got hit by a mortar shell in Lugansk as he was just driving along, there are sabotage teams in the city, with various nasty little weapons (further down, a flamethrower)

In Artemovsk early in the morning guerrillas fired on the positions of Nat Guards in the district pedagogical school – battalion “Donbass” is wounded, also shelled the city Council – base punishers. According to reports from the fields of battle: “From infantry rocket flame thrower “bumblebee” was fired by the city Council building Artyomovsk side of the parking lot. The explosion occurred outside the building on the second floor, in the area of Cabinet of the archive with the decisions of the Executive Committee and the sessions of the city Council. There was a fire. Injured punishers of the special battalion group of road “Donetsk”. This Bumblebee or Shmel-M is a nasty weapon that fires a rocket with enormous explosive force up to 1 km, and is light enough to shoulder carry. This is the demonstration video, with for some reason the theme from the zionist movie “Exodus” as intro music, which is kinda typical soviet weapons nerd stuff, but believe me, it’s small and very powerful:

Someone blew up a bridge over the Seversky Donets on the main road into Lugansk, while there was traffic on it. If nobody was killed or seriously injured, that’s sheer luck:

Ukro media reported that at 6:00 a.m., Lugansk airport was attacked by armored forces of Novorossia. So that’s still going on. Meanwhile, all kindsa shit in Kramatorsk, and civilians get the brunt (this one is 12 mins long, by the way)

This guy gets a medal for being a Hero of the Resistance:

Since the militias left Slavyansk, it has been occupied not by Ukrainian army, but by mercenaries from PMC. This was stated by military expert, candidate of political Sciences, former head of intelligence of the Zabaikalsky military, Maj-Gen Sergei Kanokov. In his opinion, the situation in virtually former Ukrainian region is really critical. The Russian Federation cannot be indefinitely remain a spectator, and she has a few options enforce peace mad Kiev, from which the trigger mechanism of their PMC expert believes the most effective. If you look at the pictures, the Ukrainian army, without flak jackets or with vests of last century, without helmets. But here show people, who went to the administration of Slavyansk, they are fully equipped, “fashion”, not from Yudashkin, the truth, and from Usaians. They unloading, flak jackets, helmets, tactical glasses, everything that accompanies private military companies.


The cost of this equipment not less than $4k unarmed individually on each. They use PMC send from Ukraine, so why can’t it be done from the side of Donetsk or Luhansk?” said Sergey Kanokov. He also reminded: “If in Donbass will not stop armed confrontation, it definitely will spread throughout our territory. You have to understand that this is the beginning of the collapse of Russia. Following is Belarus, and then Russia. If we don’t stop this massacre in Ukraine, no one will be able to hold it. The collapse of Russia is inevitable in such a scenario. This is the task, the goal put Usaians.”
Appeal to the inhabitants DND and LNR: The inhabitants of Lugansk and Donetsk national republics, remember! Amerikanska the junta will not retreat – they don’t want to die. In erased from the face of the earth cities continues bloody terror and ruthless massacre. The Nazis leave no one alive. So will it be with everyone who is hoping to wait it out. It will understand and those who are against the resistance, but it will be too late. GET UP GREAT COUNTRY !!! Against the fascist oligarchate. Russian its not quit!

DND. Donetsk. “Ukraine will not give Donbass without genocide,” Jul 7

Lugansk 24. “PrivatBank” ceased its activities in LNR, Jul 7

This is life under the junta occupiers. Stripping in Slavyansk, Donetsk, Lugansk:

Obama in a conversation with Francois Hollande expressed support for the power operation of the Ukrainian occupants in Donbass, because the militia do not wish to agree with the Kyiv authorities.
Militiamen took tank from a Museum in Donetsk:

CAT Dolzhansky Fight Off militia (caution, mats!)

Dog Psaki:

According to Jen Psaki, the government of Ukraine protects your country, causing air strikes on civilians in the East of the country. She stated this today at a meeting with journalists. Psaki justified the actions of Kyiv against the militias. On the question of the correspondent RT’s Gayane Chichakyan on peaceful residents, who suffer from bombings, which leads to the Ukrainian army, not from the actions of militia, Jen Psaki said that Kyiv has the right to do as it protects the integrity of the country. “The Ukrainian authorities protect the country. I think they have the full right, work similarly in the international community,” she said.
From Internet source:

– After Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and Druzhkovka punitive army managed to grab one now former center of resistance – Konstantinovka. The Nazis sought to establish peaceful life”, but it is only in words but in deeds – hard Stripping in cities, which themselves have destroyed by bombing and artobstrel. In residential areas of cities of the South-East still hear shooting in the streets goes armored vehicles, arresting dozens of people. Under control of the Ukrainian guards now and Konstantinovka. This was announced on Monday in the middle of the day. Over the local city Council hung out national flag of Ukraine. To shoot to kill, on the unarmed population of the army continues, whether out of habit, or by order of the command. In addition gunfire in the streets heard explosions: artillery works from residential neighborhoods. Soldiers sneaking through the empty city in search of those who might be implicated in the organization of resistance, but on the streets deserted. The building of the city Council only a duty police patrol. The MVD’s breakaway regions, now enemies of nazvanii number one. Every suspected of having links with the militia. Detain and interrogate punitive and all the men under 35. 02-06, 07.07.14. 23:55. Message from locals: “Today in Artemovsk punitive shot a woman and her two children. All wines women was that her husband was in the militia. About this ukrepi learned denounced svidomij. Now ukry person can shoot only if someone will come and say that he sympathizes with militia or his family is fighting in it. Many now accounts drive, written denunciations of friends and neighbors.”
Another clip of the guy in Lugansk who was just driving along and then blam


One Comment

  1. Cu Chulainn
    Posted July 8, 2014 at 8:26 pm | Permalink

    the people being killed are not propaganda

    I notice the RT reporter said that the Ukrainians are “of course” targeting only military, but Patrick Lancaster says otherwise–

    “It’s kind of strange, because in the last five days of the bombing and shelling, we haven’t seen a single militia compound that has actually been hit. Every building that we’ve seen been hit by the Ukrainian mortars have been civilian buildings. We personally seen at least over 40 different civilian buildings bombed, that includes a school, an orphanage – we were in an orphanage the day before yesterday that was hit – and the very many large apartment buildings, like the very big apartment buildings have been hit

    “…if they are not targeting the civilian buildings, then I can’t see how incompetent someone can be as a military force or battalion. If they are not actually targeting the civilians…They are only hitting the civilians! Then it would be children playing with the mortars. I mean, children could possibly aim better than this, because they are not hitting any military buildings, they are just hitting the civilians.”

    the Putin scam seems to be losing its hold, wish my Russian was good enough to understand Starikov’s recent posts

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