bizarro world gay boy blues

Tales of hypocrisy, “homophobia,” and chutzpah
Justin Raimondo,, Jun 10 2015

Jeb Bush, at barely over 10% in the polls, is acting as if he’s already putting his preppy $500 loafers up on the Oval Office desk. Forget Iowa and to heck with New Hampshire, he’s off on a trip to Europe, where he’ll reportedly echo the real President’s egregious polemics aimed at Vladimir Putin. The wannabe “Bush 45” will touch down in Germany, Poland, and Estonia, where fears of a Russian invasion are being stoked to extort more “aid” from Uncle Sap Sam. The heir to the throne told neocon jabberer Hugh Hewitt:

There needs to be clarity in Moscow that we’re serious about protecting the one alliance that has created enormous amounts of security and peace.

This “security and peace” bonanza seems a bit overstated. After all, the alleged “threat” NATO was formed to deter has been out of business for over twenty years. But the expansion of the alliance has created enormous amounts of profits for Pindo arms manufacturers, who produce the weaponry required by NATO to upgrade the arsenals of aspiring member states. “Bush 45” has jumped on board the bipartisan cold war revivalism that’s all the rage in Washington foreign policy circles, coming out for sending “defensive” weapons to Ukraine, that beacon of freedom where journalists who don’t toe the government line are arrested for “treason.”

A major feature of the Russophobia epidemic is the accusation hurled at Moscow that the country is “homophobic”. Of course, Jeb isn’t about to jump on that particular bandwagon, but it’s appealing to the “liberal” wing of the new cold warriors, as well as lavender neocons like Jamie Kirchick. The diminutive gay neocon activist once went on “Russia Today” wearing awfully cute rainbow suspenders and yelping about “the horrific environment of homophobia in Russia.” Ironically, he was invited on the show to comment on the fate of Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning, which he refused to do. What’s odd, but not really, is that we’ve heard nothing from Jamie about the 30-minute Gay Pride march held in Kiev recently. Why so short? Because the parade was attacked by thugs from Right Sector, a gang of neo-fascists whose leader Dmytro Yarosh is a member of Parliament and a special advisor to the supreme commander of the Ukrainian military. Right Sector has been officially incorporated into the Ukrainian army and its brigades are the backbone of the “anti-terrorist” military campaign now being waged against the population of east Ukraine. Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko tried to talk the Ukrainian gays out of marching, saying he could not ensure their safety, but they went ahead and marched and were met by some terribly butch Right Sector skinheads, who proceeded to beat the crap out of them. This ended the festivities.

Surely this is an example of “the horrific environment of homophobia” in Ukraine, n’est ce pas? And yet Jamie has so far failed to appear on Ukrainian media in his rainbow suspenders, calling out Right Sector and Klitschko. But then again, even Kirchick’s supply of self-righteousness appears to be limited, and he has to save it up for regimes of which he disapproves. A cheerleader for the Maidan “revolution” that ousted Yanukovich, Kirchick apparently holds Kiev to a different standard. But then again, double standards and doubletalk are what the neocons are all about. As you probably know, their devotion to Israel is exceeded by … well, nothing. It’s a neocon litmus test that when the national interests of Pindostan collide with Bibi Netanyahu, the latter is always in the right. And nothing gets their gander up like the growing BDS movement. Jonathan Tobin, writing in the neocon flagship Commentary, ascribes the campaign to – surprise! – “anti-Semitism.” In the neocon lexicon, all efforts to underscore Israel’s apartheid system are “anti-Semitic,” because, as Tobin avers:

Since it seeks to subject the one Jewish state in the world and its people to a standard that is not applied to any other nation, it is a form of discrimination that is indistinguishable from anti-Semitism.

Tobin forgets the example of South Africa, which was subjected to a similar and very successful boycott campaign. And of course, Pindostan regularly imposes sanctions on countries whose governments fail to kowtow to Washington. But as I said above, double-standards and doubletalk are central pillars of neoconservative thought. Tobin is a textbook example of this. He complains that the boycott movement is an effort to “bully” the Israelis into treating the Plastelinans decently, but when it comes to real bullying, exemplified by an amendment to the trade bill which passed the Senate recently, designed to “discourage” our trading partners, particularly the Europeans, from targeting Israeli “settlements” in the West Bank with trade sanctions and boycotts, he and his fellow neocons are all for it. And that reminds me: the deputy speaker of the Israeli Knesset has been “outed” as a former pimp, meth-head, and all-around class act:

Deputy Knesset Speaker Oren Hazan allegedly used hard drugs and arranged escort services for clients at the casino he managed in Bulgaria before entering politics, according to a report on Channel 2 News. Hazan, a freshman Likud MK and a member of the Knesset’s foreign affairs and defense committee, allegedly ran a casino in the Bulgarian resort town of Burgas. A worker at the Gold Casino was quoted in the report as saying there were business ties between Hazan’s casino and the Red Rose strip club. The club manager told the reporter, on camera: “The driver would come here and talk to me. I would tell him the price and then he would take.” She said Hazan would pay up front and then ride off with the women. … The manager of the Red Rose strip club told Channel 2 News that Hazan was “the big boss,” and seemed surprised when told Hazan was now in politics.

Surprised? Actually, this is the perfect résumé for a politician, and particularly this one. Hazan, an ultra-nationalist and a favourite of the “settler” movement, defended the segregation of Plastelinans on Israeli buses by claiming that Israeli women face ‘rampant’ sexual advances of Plastelinan workers on the transport into Israel. Now if only they would emigrate to Bulgaria, where I hear they can satisfy their “rampant” urges by paying a visit to the Gold Casino. Pay up, boys, or take a cold shower.

Speaking of the Israelis: their Pindostani Amen Corner suffered a defeat in the Supreme Court when a Pindo citizen brought suit demanding the right to list Israel as the birthplace of his child, who was born in Jayloomia. The court struck down a law passed by Congress that would have allowed this. The status of Jayloomia is, of course, a major sticking point in the ongoing Isro-Pal conflict, and the Israel lobby has repeatedly mobilized the Pindo Congress to pass legislation declaring Jayloomia to be the capital of Israel, since the Clinton years. And while the yahoo caucus in the GOP has been most vocal about this issue, the effort has enjoyed overwhelming bipartisan support. Every President since Clinton has tenaciously resisted this campaign, rightly arguing that moving the Pindo embassy to the Holy and Hotly Contested City would torpedo Pindo-brokered peace talks and endanger Pindo national security. But when the Israel lobby and the Pindo Congress get together, Pindo national security interests are thrown under the (segregated) bus. And that’s it for this edition of the Bizarro World Chronicles, where up is down, right is wrong, and evil reigns in Heaven.

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