colonel cassad on idlib today

Briefly on Idlib.
Colonel Cassad, Aug 26 2018

The Defense Ministry reported that the provocation with the use of CW can take place in the next 2 days. Location, Kafr Zita (a settlement near Khan Shaykhun, which has repeatedly been bombed by Syrian and Russian aircraft. The scheme has previously been described: spraying CW, fixing, fabrication of necessary victims, expecting an occasion for a strike on Syria, the Western powers have deployed the carriers of cruise missiles. Others can be deployed for attacks on the Syrian theater in 1-2 weeks. From the new info, the Defense Ministry suspects that the provocation may be carried out by a British private military company, whose employees will contribute to the operations under a false flag, under the guise of militia. The National Liberation front has said that Russia and Syria prepare a CW attack in Idlib. Current strong statements from the Russian Defense Ministry and the Syrians were intended to prevent a peaceful development of the preparatory phase of the operation with this provocation. For good, the rest would be in English and Arabic to produce affordable videos with a clear alignment of provocation on the fingers in the form of promotion en masse and flooding them social network. Despite the serious threat such provocations, MO Syria said today that Damascus will not abandon its determination to regain control of Idlib, and this will certainly happen, whether by negotiation or by force. Either will be quite satisfactory in achieving the desired result. Of course, it is preferable to regain the territory by peaceful means if possible, and this option will get preference, but it is believed that the militants are preparing to fight (утюжить). Columns of infantry and units continue to arrive in Latakia and Northern Hama in one of the largest concentrations of Syrian troops over the past couple of years. In the Mediterranean, the ships and submarines of the Russian Navy continue to gather. They should provide additional missile attacks on key strongholds of militants, in order to complement the efforts of the Russian air force and the SAA in support of the offensive the Syrian troops at the tactical level. There’s hard work on the Syrian Express, generating the supply of additional equipment and ammunition for the coming operation.

The militants also engaged in the concentration of their remaining reserves, to the west of Aleppo, but if their commanders are not stupid, they will withhold a couple of dozen units and up to 8,000 personnel as operational reserves for counter-attacks. If allowed into another hopeless attack, it would be a gift for Syria and Russia. So far, HTS/Nusra is trying to negotiate with the largest possible number of groups, some of which it had previously managed to quarrel with on the basis of differences regarding “who’s the king of dungheap.” Along the way, in the rear of arrests of disloyal fighters and conducted sweeps of the local cell of Daesh, which is seriously annoying other groups with its attacks, terrorist attacks and murders. On the threshold of the SAA, the militants are trying to ensure the stability of the rear, which now is of a sufficiently friable substance almost daily showdowns, murders, terrorist attacks and other delights of failed “Syrian democracy.” In fact, these are the customers for the provocation with the CW, trying to keep “bloody tyrant Assad” from coming. The Iranian Defense Minister arrived in Damascus, where he met with Syrian military leaders on the subject of military cooperation and development of bilateral military ties. Quite symptomatic of the visit, which Iran makes clear that it is not going to collapse its military ties with Damascus, it is reasonable on the grounds that Iran is operating in Syria at the invitation of the legitimate Syrian government, as are Russia and Hezbollah). At the meeting with the Iranian delegation, the Syrian military once again confirmed that Idlib was going to be regained for the control of Damascus. We need to understand that Iran have no objection to raising this question and are ready to contribute to this. In general, the approach of hour of X increases the intensity of the information war, which is complementary to the preparatory phase of the military operation, which will obviously be the largest battle of the fall campaign in 2018.

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