
The weather was clear
Xymphora, May 21 2024

The Problem With John Mearsheimer“ (Nixon). To make the case for Mearsheimer, he’s a distinguished emeritus professor at a prestigious university and is considered in the US and worldwide as a preeminent expert on his subject matter. He can claim a seat at the table of the highest level American policy decision discussions, even if other big players don’t agree with what he says. He can sway big decisions. If he gives off the slightest odor of not being a complete hegemonic psychopath, he immediately loses all credibility in the ranks of American policy makers, and loses all his influence. They will say nobody should listen to him as he is a peacenik kook (with a history of ‘anti-Semitism’ in noticing the Lobby, as careful as he is on that subject).

Middle East in Depth With Laith Marouf – Episode 15 – ICC Charges – Admission That War Is Lost“ (Nixon).

Lt-Col Karen Kwiatkowski : Government and Hate.“ (Napolitano). The Khazars have been in an irrational war with Russians (and Ukrainians) since they murdered the Tsar and his family. The number of casualties caused by this insanity is almost incomprehensible. Of course, all you will hear is that the Khazars are always the victims. Keep all of (((them))) away from American foreign affairs and a lot of problems immediately disappear.

ICC Khan angers neocons. Baerbock in Kiev. Medvedev, hints capture & trial. Elensky kept in dark“ (Christoforou).

The Future of Iran After Ebrahim Raisi | Syriana Analysis w/ Ehsan Safarnejad.“

Is the ICC prosector a tool of Western imperialism?“ (Lascaris, and Engler). This could be a complicated trick to absolve the leaders of the Genocide Jews while entrapping Hamas, or it could represent a deep vein of elevated gentile opinion that the Jews have gone too far, endangering the entire world. We’ll have to wait and see. Even the delay can now be explained as backroom attempts to try to end the genocide through negotiations, but the Jew bloodlust proved to be too powerful. I am aware of the vileness and severity of the problem of unconstrained Jewpower, but I’m also aware of the 109 countries (109 is actually a jocular number, as the real number is surely much bigger). History teaches us that the Jews always overreach in the most terrible way imaginable, and are always brutally, but absolutely justifiably crushed (although the biggest victims are usually relatively powerless). This crushing is out of pure self-defense, and it would not surprise me if elite gentiles are discussing the fact that something has to be done. This pattern has reoccurred so many times it would be foolish to assume it won’t happen again.

The Bloom | Klishchiivka And Netailove Secured. Nuclear Drills Have Begun. MilitarySummary 2024.5.21“ (Military Summary).

Any other situation, with any other enemy than Israel with its history of assassinations, and assassinations of Iranians, and assassinations out of spite after being bested, and I would say it was weather, and really bad decisions:

Dog mayor of a trailer park
Xymphora, May 21 2024

(((Blinken))): if a Palestinian state is recognized, (((we))) will defund the UN and will impose world hunger, and the world will have to starve just as (((we))) are starving the Palestinians:

So, like, when are we going to decide to stop living under Jewrule? The stakes keep getting higher – populations are impoverished as more and more wealth goes solely to (((billionaires))), and (((they))) use the wealth violently to remove human rights to speech and assembly, to impose genocide, and now to threaten world hunger. When will it be too much?

State Dept Overcomes Massive Hypocrisy on ICC with Double-Decker Lies“ (Husseini). The State Dept psychos usually try to dodge questions without so much outright lying, but this is a bit of an emergency.

Biden says what’s happening in Gaza isn’t genocide amid ICC warrant request“ (Ravid). This is the Jewspin attempt to muddy the waters, now claiming that Khan jumped the gun and thus lessened the chances of peace (chutzpah). It appears Khan tried to negotiate with the parties to avoid the request for warrants, and only decided to ask for the warrants when it appeared it was hopeless and he was being strung along to buy more Jew Genocide time, but this is now spun as Khan ruining the chances for peace!!! Also note that the outrageous decision to ask for warrants against Hamas leaders, including one guy who, according to Crooke, is a peace negotiator, is being spun as a terrible attempt to ‘equate’ Netanyahu and Gallant with Hamas!!!!

Blood cobalt
Xymphora, May 21 2024

Why are Israel and the West unravelling in tandem?“ (Crooke). The European Jew spin here is that the non-European Jews, what I would call the real Jews, are undermining the future of ‘Israel’, as the anti-scientific, anti-tech, anti-education (except for Torah), messianic view of the world of the real Jews, whose killer weapon is that they breed new voters like fruit flies, leads to no future. Once the Jew Genocide, the heartwarming spectacle of a shared blood-pouring-from-the-fangs hatred and lust to steal bringing all Jews together, comes to an end, the big civil war between the European Jews and the real Jews will recommence. Quite a future! It is not only Netanyahu who needs the war to go on forever.

The West is unravelling as its ‘leaders’ are depraved monsters who operate solely on blackmail and bribery pressures, much of it from the (((billionaires))), and who thus only serve the needs of the (((billionaires))), which are antithetical to the needs of actual human beings. The ‘values’ of European civilization are just a smokescreen for a class war. Right-wing Americans who support the Constitution have much more in common with left-wing student protestors against genocide than either of them have in common with any (((billionaire))). As I have been saying for years, by far the biggest reason for the rapid hegemonic collapse are the financial and moral and political costs of all the Wars For The Jews, the product of the (((billionaires))) and the treasonous Western ‘leadership’ classes.

Biden Open to Easing Sanctions on Billionaire Gertler in Return for Congo Exit“ (Marlow/Flatley/Kavanagh). You can see how this works. Gertler, also infamous for the money he has made from blood diamonds, is getting massive amounts of US government cheese passed through Musk so Musk can make batteries for his cars out of cobalt looted from the DRC by Gertler (that government cheese basically comprises all of Musk’s wealth, and is part of the giant EV scam, which people are only now starting to see through). Trump had griftingly liftedthe sanctions against Gertler at the request of ‘Israel’, but Brandon reimposed them (there are still some subtle differences between the parties where you have to prefer the Democrats). Gertler doesn’t want to give up the billions to be made from looting the DRC. The coup keeps the mines open without local complaints, and all Gertler has to do is wait for the Trump re-reelection, so he can buy another sanctions waiver while staying in the Congo.

This clusterfuck reminds me a lost of the botched American coup attempt against Venezuela:

Deep Saudi Complicity
Xymphora, May 21 2024

Every. Single. Time. the Saudis put up a fight for the Palestinians, in this case insisting on a road to statehood for the Palestinians before ‘normalization’, the (((media))), in this case the organ run by the concentration camp guard, pulls out a ‘Saudis did 9/11’ article!: “New 9/11 Evidence Points to Deep Saudi Complicity“ (Benjamin/Simon). Look, to the extent the Saudis may have been involved, and there was much, much, much more obvious and important ‘Israeli’ involvement, both the Saudis and ‘Israelis’ were working as subcontractors for the real perpetrators, the US Deep State, probably led by Rumsfeld. This article is particularly silly, as it is entirely based in the unproven court filings of some gold diggers looking to use the corrupt US court system to get into the deep pockets of the Saudis. It gets really weird towards the end, with a kind of criticism of the GWOT, and the belief that the US can still be friends with the Saudis as the Saudis have now cleaned up their Wahhabist act. This is how they get around the seemingly impossible problem of using the idea that the Saudis helped with 9/11 as a threat to force ‘normalisation’ on the Saudis, while insisting that ‘normalization’ is still a good idea for the US now. The funniest thing is that the ‘terrorism’ threat fizzled out when the US Deep State stopped using it against Americans, and started employing it only against perceived enemies of ‘Israel.’

We just came to drink wine
Xymphora, May 21 2024

New Russian breakthroughs, Presidency in Ukraine, Swiss conference, Assange, Iran, ICC, Georgia“ (Gudadze).

High Losses In The Sumy Region | Russians Captured Strategic Positions | Military Summary 2024.05.21“ (Military Summary).

INTERVIEW: The intimidation of student protestors is unprecedented“ (Galloway, with Professor As’ad Abukhalil).

Putin & Xi’s Embrace Issues Decimating Warning to US as Iran’s Raisi Leaves the Scene | Pepe Escobar“ (Dialogue Works).

The CIA/State Dept in Tbilisi:

Swimming to Brazzaville

From a thread on the recent failed coup in the DRC:

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