
Washington Attacks Key Element of Russia’s Nuclear Umbrella Threatening Entire Global Nuclear Security Architecture
Mike Whitney, Unz.com, May 26 2024

The Biden administration, using its proxy forces in Ukraine, launched an unprecedented attack on “a key element of Russia’s nuclear umbrella” on Thursday effectively blinding the Russian military from detecting incoming nuclear-armed ballistic missiles. “Satellite imagery confirms” that multiple drones severely damaged “a Russian strategic early warning radar site in the southwestern end of the country” leaving Moscow more vulnerable to enemy attack. The western media has largely blacked-out any coverage of the incident which should have been presented in headlines across the country. According to Russian nuclear doctrine, any attack on Russia’s essential nuclear first-alert system provides a justification for nuclear retaliation. Given the gravity of the situation we must assume that Washington’s frustration with Ukraine’s performance on the battlefield has precipitated a dramatic change in policy that includes high-risk provocations aimed at triggering an overreaction that leads to direct NATO intervention. Clearly, the Biden administration has decided that it cannot prevail in Ukraine absent NATO involvement. To that end the US, via its proxies in Ukraine, will continue to launch increasingly lethal attacks on Russian territory forcing Moscow to respond in kind. This is from an article titled Strike On Russian Strategic Early Warning Radar Site Is A Big Deal at The Warzone:

Satellite imagery confirms a Russian strategic early warning radar site in the southwestern end of the country was substantially damaged in a reported Ukrainian drone attack earlier this week. This looks to be a first-of-its-kind attack on a site linked to Russia’s general strategic defense. As such, it points to a new and worrisome dimension to the conflict, especially when it comes to the potential use of nuclear weapons. (Satellite imagery) shows severe damage to both structures housing the Voronezh-DMs at Armavir. There is also clear evidence of multiple hits on the radar buildings. (The) radar arrays are generally very sensitive and fragile systems, and even relatively limited damage can result in a “mission kill,” rendering them inoperable for an extended period of time. Since receiving a new tranche of ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System) in secret earlier this year, the Ukrainian armed forces have been using those weapons to good effect against Russian air bases, air defense nodes, and other targets. The latest batch of ATACMS are also longer-range versions than had previously been delivered to Ukraine’s military, which have allowed them to hold more targets at risk. The two Voronezh-DMs at the facility are a key part of Russia’s larger strategic early warning network and their loss, even temporarily, could only degrade the country’s ability to detect incoming nuclear threats. There are also concerns about how this could impact the ability of Russia’s overall strategic warning network to evaluate potential threats and eliminate false positives due to possible loss of overlapping coverage in certain areas.

We should assume that the plan to strike the facility was concocted and authorized at the highest level of government, perhaps, President Biden himself. Certainly, no low-ranking officer would risk his own career and possible court martial on a venture so audacious and potentially catastrophic. Also, the fact that the media has largely swept this blockbuster story under the rug suggests that corporate journalists are, once again, colluding with government officials to prevent Washington’s transgressions from being revealed to the public. Aside from slandering any and all opponents of US foreign policy, the media’s primary duty is concealing the crimes of the state.(which are too numerous to count.) Here’s more from The Warzone:

Russia’s early warning network is part of the country’s broader nuclear deterrent posture. “The conditions specifying the possibility of nuclear weapons use by the Russian Federation” include any “attack by [an] adversary against critical governmental or military sites of the Russian Federation, disruption of which would undermine nuclear forces response actions,” according to the Basic Principles of State Policy of the Russian Federation on Nuclear Deterrence the Kremlin put out two years ago. All of this follows the start of tactical nuclear drills by Russian forces in the country’s Southern Military District, which borders Ukraine, on Tuesday.

The attack on a critical Russian nuclear defense facility that could serve as a pretext for a nuclear exchange shows that we have entered a new and more dangerous phase of Washington’s war on Russia. It’s clear that the public debate concerning the use of long-range missiles to strike deep into Russian territory, is largely a hoax intended to convince the American people that the matter will be decided by their elected representatives after an exhaustive debate. But it won’t be. As we can see,  the train has already left the station. The decision to provoke a war with Russia has already been made, and that policy is being implemented as we speak. It’s also worth noting (as one analyst said):

It’s not like Ukraine bought American long-range missiles and the US has restricted their use. The CIA tells Zelensky to demand American missiles provided at no cost, shipped to Ukraine by the USA, prepared and fired by American contractors using intel provided by the CIA to hit targets in Russia that have little involvement in the war.

In short, despite the illusion of Ukrainian “proxies,” these attacks on Russia are 100% American concocted, enabled and implemented. The culpability is Washington’s alone and the Russians know it. This is from an RT article entitled Ukraine attacked key element of Russia’s nuclear umbrella — Russian senator:

The US is directly responsible for a Ukrainian strike on a key element of Russia’s nuclear umbrella, Senator Dmitry Rogozin said, warning that such attacks could lead to the collapse of the entire global nuclear security architecture. Rogozin suggested that it was extremely unlikely that the strike, which Ukrainian media reported involved several drones, was carried out at Kiev’s sole initiative and without US involvement. The US has commissioned a crime by hiring an irresponsible bandit” to attack Russia’s early warning system, the official said, apparently referring to Vladimir Zelensky. Rogozin claimed that Washington’s “deep involvement in the armed conflict and total control over Kiev’s military planning means that the claim that the US does not know about Ukrainian plans to strike Russia’s missile defense system can be discarded.” Thus, we stand not on the precipice, but on the very edge. If such enemy actions are not stopped, an irreversible collapse of the strategic security of nuclear powers will begin.

Putin once described the US as “a madman with a knife.” This latest incident helps to verify that claim.

Brandon Tells West Point Graduates They Have to Go to War Against Moslems, Russians, and the Chinese
Andrew Anglin, Unz.com, May 26 2024

Listen up, maggots. I’ve got a lot of wars on my plate and I’m planning on starting several more. This is a democracy, maggots, and what don’t we tolerate? “Heterosexual sex, sir!” That’s right, maggots. We do it in the ass and we do it with men, and we’re not going to stand by while any damn haji, Ivan, or chink is sticking his penis in a vagina. Per Reuters:

President Joe Biden emphasized the critical role of US support to allies around the world including Israel, Ukraine and the Indo-Pacific in a speech on Saturday at the commencement for the US Military Academy at West Point, New York. The speech before 1,036 graduating US Army cadets is part of a push by Biden to highlight the administration’s efforts to support active and retired military personnel. These include a bipartisan law he signed two years ago to help veterans who have been exposed to burn pits or other poisons obtain easier access to healthcare.

Biden’s son was killed by a burn pit. He also died in Iraq, Vietnam, and the Civil War. Biden described American soldiers as “working around the clock” to support Ukraine in its effort to repel a two-year long Russian invasion, but repeated his commitment to keeping them off the front lines. To a round of applause, Biden told the crowd:

We are standing strong with Ukraine and we will stand with them.

He also highlighted the US role in repelling Iranian missile attacks against Israel and support for allies in the Indo-Pacific against increasing Chinese militarism in the region. He said:

Thanks to the US Armed Forces, we’re doing what only America can do as the indispensable nation, the world’s only superpower.

Holy shit he did the meme. The president is scheduled to participate in Memorial Day services at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia on Monday. A week later, he will travel to Normandy, France, to participate in ceremonies marking the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion. Biden is expected to give a major speech about the heroism of Allied forces in WW2 and the continuing threats to democracy today. Yeah, it’s all about “threats to democracy.” Somehow, the US government did the Indiana Jones thing with “protection of the homeland.”

It used to be that a military’s only purpose was to protect a nation, now it’s to spread an ideology. There is obviously no threat to America from Moslem nations, Russia, or China, but they don’t believe in the American ideology that revolves around anal sex (with men). Donald Trump obviously pushed the idea that the military’s purpose is to protect America, but it doesn’t really seem like that idea ever got through as a complete thought in the minds of most Americans. There are right-wingers against the Ukraine and left-wingers against Israel, but both support anti-China aggression. Effectively, all Americans (beyond the 10% that are either Stormer types or far-left Glenn Greenwald types) are comfortable with the idea that America’s military might should be used to spread ideology.

Israel Intensifies Rafah Massacre After ICJ Ruling Against Their Diabolical Acts
Andrew Anglin, Unz.com, May 26 2024

There is no stopping the Jewish death machine in the Middle East. This train is headed all the way to Tehran. That was always the plan. That is why Bibi allowed Oct 7 to happen in the first place. You will hear all of these different things, hear that Israel is thinking about various different policies and so on, but it all ultimately comes back to a road to war with Iran. per The Guardian:

Israel appears to be forging ahead with its offensive on Rafah, despite a new ruling from the UN’s top court to halt the assault, which it said is worsening an already “disastrous” humanitarian crisis. About 0.9m people have fled Rafah, previously the shelter of last resort for 85% of the Gaza Strip’s 2.3m population, since the Israeli ground operation in the area began on May 6. At the same time, deliveries of humanitarian supplies and fuel to the Palestinian territory have slowed to a trickle, with the two main aid crossings: Rafah, on the border with Egypt, and nearby Kerem Shalom, a goods crossing linking Gaza with Israel, effectively blocked by the fighting. On Friday, the ICJ made its third intervention in the conflict so far, ordering Israel to immediately stop its Rafah operation. The court president Nawaf Salam said when announcing the 13-2 majority ruling, that Israel is obliged under the UN’s genocide convention not to inflict “conditions of life that would bring about a people’s physical destruction in whole or in part.”

But Israeli airstrikes on the south and eastern edges of Rafah appeared to escalate even as the ICJ delivered its decision, residents and medics said, as Israeli ground troops edge closer to the overcrowded city centre. Another 30 Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire in the last 24 hours, Palestinian medics reported on Saturday; battles are also ongoing in northern and central parts of the Strip such as Jabalia and Zeitoun, where Hamas have regrouped. The IOF said on Friday night that it had carried out “operational activity in specific areas of Rafah” including killing Hamas fighters and destroying parts of their tunnel network. Sisi said in a phone call with Biden on Friday night that the country would resume allowing UN trucks to travel to Kerem Shalom, but with Rafah still closed and fighting raging it remains unclear whether relief agencies will be able to access or distribute deliveries. Delivery operations that began from a new US-funded floating pier were halted almost immediately after desperate people seized most of the shipment last week.

In a pretty important media event, the AP recently admitted that Israel is losing the war in Gaza. I’ve been saying this from the beginning: that the war was completely impossible from the start. You cannot defeat Hamas unless you literally kill every single person in Gaza. Maybe they will kill every single person in Gaza.

But the next step at this point is to do Rafah, make a horrible bloody massacre that makes the slaughter of Gaza City look tame, then they are going to attack southern Lebanon, which will cause Iran to be directly involved. They are going to escalate with various things such as bombing Iranian embassies or, you know, assassinating the Iranian president, and then just keep pushing. No one can stop them. The Jews in Washington actually want to stop them, but they have no such ability. Part of what happened here was that Washington Jews wanted Bibi out. Washington was funding those protests against him. October 7th made him invincible, as long as he keeps the war going. And even if Washington could remove him, whoever replaced him would be the same or much worse. People don’t understand: by Israeli standards, Bibi is a moderate. There is no huge group of Israelis calling for an end to this mania. Bibi has overwhelming support from basically everyone in Israel who doesn’t have a family member in Hamas captivity. The ICJ is a fake organization. Its only ability to enforce anything is via the US enforcing it for them. Nothing they say or do means anything. The US is behind the Israeli war machine, and even while the US is against what Bibi is doing now, they have zero ability to stop him, because they have to protect Israel and Bibi is basically holding the country hostage.

Top UK Science Man Claims “New Pandemic” Is “Absolutely Inevitable”
Andrew Anglin, Unz.com, May 26 2024

This is exactly what I keep saying, isn’t it? A new pandemic is inevitable. Of course, when I say it, I am talking about a “pandemic” like the coronavirus, which was a hoax. An actual pandemic disease isn’t even possible in the current year because of cleanliness procedures, hygiene and sterilization and so on. Furthermore, viruses probably don’t even exist, at least not as they are portrayed. But there is a 100% chance that the Western governments are going to do another hoax where they lock everything down and force people to do all sorts of things against their will, including taking some bizarre genetic injection. Per The Guardian:

The former chief scientific adviser to the government ‘Sir’ Patrick Vallance has said another pandemic is “absolutely inevitable” and urged the incoming British government to focus on preparing for it, warning “we are not ready yet.” Speaking at a panel event at the Hay festival in Powys, Vallance said it is “great we are having an election” as there are “clearly issues that need to be sorted out.” One of the things the next government must do is implement “better surveillance to be able to pick these things up,” he said. He also reiterated what he said to G7 leaders in 2021, that “we need to be much faster, much more aligned, and there are ways to do this, at getting rapid diagnostic tests, rapid vaccines, rapid treatments, so that you don’t have to go into the extreme measures that took place” during the Covid-19 pandemic. The measures he recommends are possible to implement, Vallance believes, but “require some coordination.” He mentioned the WHO’s push for the pandemic accord, a proposed agreement for countries to work together to prepare for pandemics, as one of the “steps in the right direction” that are being taken. “But I don’t think there’s enough focus,” he said. If this issue gets pushed off G7 and G20 agendas, “we’ll be in exactly the same position, and I hope that’s an important outcome of the inquiry.”

There is another thing of surrendering total US sovereignty to the UN. Just to be frank with you, I haven’t gone through it. I read a lot of stuff and study a lot of topics, but I’m not an expert on this WHO treaty. I almost don’t need to study it, because as soon as you hear about it it’s very obvious what it is. But I’m not going to lie and claim I’ve put time into figuring out the full implications. I’ve heard a couple of podcasts about it. These people are lunatics, however. Everything the UN does is part of the globalist agenda to destroy national sovereignty and create a centralized world government run by Jews.

The UN is not a real organization. It is an arm of the US government designed to give the appearance of independence. The pandemic accord thing is just like the global warming nonsense: a plan to establish a technocratic global government system. It all comes from the World Economic Forum. I’ve seen some people recently claiming that the whole WEF agenda is some kind of boomer conspiracy theory. This is just pure moronism. The fact that boomers talk about the WEF does not mean that it isn’t important. I can probably agree that various people in the right-wing media sphere talk about the WEF as a way of avoiding talking about the Jews, because there is this problem in the right-wing media where media figures constantly talk about “they” without saying who “they” are. So it’s easy to say that “they” are “the elites at Davos.” But who are the elites at Davos? You can check the people who run the Forum, then you can check the lists of attendees, and you’re going to find Jews are overrepresented in comparison to their population by a factor of probably 100k.

I’ve always intended to go through their “leadership and governance” page and see what percent is Jewish, but if you just peruse it, you’ll see that this is a Jewish group. The most influential person at the organization is Larry Fink (BlackRock), the second most influential is Marc Benioff (Salesforce), then you’ve got Christine Lagarde (IMF, European Central Bank), and on and on. The non-Jews are all from Jew-occupied countries, and most of them have Jewish spouses. It’s supposed to be an organization that represents “the world,” yet the richest country with the biggest population, China, has zero members in any leadership positions. Seriously. Go check. You will see a Chinese name and then search it and find the person is from Taiwan, Singapore, or Hong Kong (and there aren’t even very many of those). And of course, there are no Russians. The Moslems (another massive population) are all from Jew-aligned Arab states.

The WEF is an extremely important organization that is doing the planning for all of these UN agendas related to pandemic hoaxes, weather hoaxes, and various other global government scams. That’s true. It is also true that it is a Jewish organization. Viruses, weather, wars: these are all scams to set up a global Jew government. The WEF website has official statements standing with the Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, as well as condemning Chinese activity in the South China sea (and condemning China for a bunch of other stuff as well). Every center of power in the Western world is ultimately run by Jews from Washington. But the WEF is certainly something worth watching, as it brings together all of these different Jewish agendas, then feeds them into the UN to establish them as global policy.

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